That even after you've lost 90 pounds, you'll still think you look fat :/
I ate nothing but beans, all fruits, and vegetables with a tiny bit of nuts and seeds and lost 90 pounds.
Agreed, but celebrities promote(d) milk consumption, but not fruits and veggies. The money for the ads are coming from somewhere...
Yes! And, interestingly enough, most of that corn gets turned into high fructose corn syrup...
My point with this wasn't that you must have broccoli, but that if the government cared so much about our health, how come they don't subsidize fruit and vegetable growers? How come LeBron James isn't in an ad promoting apples?
Then why not a "Got strawberries?" or "Got beans?" campaign?
Let's also remember that the US government subsidizes dairy products and promotes them with it's "Got Milk?" campaign. I've never seen a "Got broccoli?" campaign. No one would argue that broccoli is unhealthy. Why the bias?
Eh. We could argue that flying airplanes and driving cars is not" natural," but we take the dog in the car so it can be done. But the thing we are talking about here is the biological needs of our species.
No, it says it was a "systematic literature review."
Regardless of any studies, humans are the ONLY species in the world that continues to consume milk past infancy and the ONLY species to consume the milk of ANOTHER species. We stop producing an enzyme called lactase when we are young. This enzyme helped us break down our mother's milk. One could hypothesize that our bodies…
Awesome! Keep it up!
Awesome! I am the same height and I started out at about 215. I am down to 130 now. Keep going!
Do what you are comfortable with. Don't be afraid to ask any available trainers for help. Get in some cardio in any form you like. Try to get your heart pumping for at least 30 minutes. Don't be afraid of the weight machines. Good luck!
WOW! Fantastic!
I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early 20s. I have lost over 80 pounds effortlessly by adopting a low-fat, plant-based diet. Would be happy to be your friend.
WOW! What a story! Keep up the good work! Do it for YOU!
Thank you!
Don't doubt yourself!! I am 5'3" and started off at 214 pounds. I am down to 131! YOU CAN DO IT!
I'm 5'3". I lost over 80 pounds. Here's my story:
I was a member twice and each time I just had to go in and fill out a paper and my membership was up at the next billing cycle. it was SUPER easy.
A banana.
Don't give up! 80 percent of people who lose weight, gain weight again. The fact that you are willing to admit this and start over shows your strength.
Take a B12 supplement.
Awesome! Way to go!
Actually, the FDA is extremely corrupt. Meat, dairy, corn and soy are subsidized by the government. Fruits and vegetables are not.
Since I changed my diet to a low-fat, whole food, plant-based diet, I have lost over 80 pounds. I was highly motivated to eliminate animal products from my diet, and since doing so I have felt so much better. I won't go back.
Can't eat too much fruit, but don't forget your greens!
About 3 pounds which I am confident I will lose fairly quickly once I'm strict again. Plus, might be some water weight.