hawaiianmegan Member


  • Thanks for all the tips! I switch back and forth nights to days all the time (two part time jobs) so I can correct myself on my "normal" days if needed. I like the idea of starting my daily cals when I wake up, so it doesn't matter if my "day" goes from 1pm to 4am the next day. I'll have to start being smarter about…
  • From what MFP calculated for my and my goals, I was at 165g of carbs as well based on my 1200 cal/day diet. I think you need to figure out for yourself what types of percentages you are aiming for, then you can adjust accordingly. I did some research (took a nutrition class at school) and found the following numbers:…
  • Is it Jillian Michael's 30 day shred? I have her DVD too =) I would take one more day off but maybe still do some cardio. By tomorrow you should be feeling much better. After getting through 3 or 4 of the level 1 workout with her I was already feeling stronger and had more endurance, so it was less than two weeks. I also…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/hawaiianmegan/view/getting-started-at-a-new-gym-94719
  • I know how you feel! I'm a tiny girl but I can put away probably 6+ beers in a night if I'm out in the right setting. Obviously you know this is well over 600 calories (I drink light beer about 110 cals each). Depending on what kind of beer you drink, consider something lighter. I've tried Bud 55 Select and MGD 64 and like…
  • Go for it, girl! I am a lot like you - 23 years old, pretty fit and active, and I don't need to lose a ton of weight but I feel gross with that extra 5-10 lbs on my (already) small body. Don't let people tell you that you "don't need to lose weight" or you "already look ok." At 5' 3'' and 128 starting weight, I know I look…
  • What a horrible loss, I am so sorry. Try to remember the great progress you made in that first week! Seven lbs is incredible! You know you have the power to have another great week of weight loss if you stick with the program. Try to enlist some friends to join the site, that way you can all motivate each other. I have a…