

  • My fridge is not worth sharing =P I move in a few days so I haven't bought anything. I have cauliflower, strawberries, tofu, light vanilla soy milk, veggie bouillon, and roasted red pepper hummus. I have a sad fridge!
  • My mom and I always make quiche but we are on the go a lot so we've starting mixing together all the ingredients then filling up a pan full of metal muffin cups. Then after you bake them you can freeze them and microwave them later for a quick healthy breakfast! =]
  • I quit cold turkey as well. I mostly drink unsweetened tea now or just lots of water. If I get bored with water I like adding in Mio. Christmas made 2 years now that I haven't had soda. =]
    in Soda Comment by JessAryn February 2012
  • what store did you buy that oatmeal from? that sounds so yummy >.<
  • I had never heard that eating carbs after a certain time I just looked it up. It said: Can I still eat carbohydrates after 6pm? The simple answer is, "Yes you can - just make sure you don't overeat." It's over consumption of food late in the day, or "back-loading" calories as Ellen Coleman, leading US dietitian…
  • Thats strange that the nutrition facts werent on the label. I've never seen a vitamin water without them before =/
  • It all depends on how much time you have to eat. Personally when Im at school I dont have much time for lunch so I pack healthy low calorie snacks like soy yogurt, pretzels, fiber one bars, apples, carrots, or other fruits and veggies. I also drink alot of water to stay full longer. Otherwise you can't really go wrong with…
  • I also have had issues with being vitamin d deficient for a long time. My doctor only noticed it though when my sister and I seemed depressed. He said we had season depression and has had us taking supplements ever since. *To make it a more pleasant experience, when my mom goes to special health food stores she buys me the…
  • I do in the AM. Im a morning person so it just works for me. Plus then I feel energized all day. I tend to put my teapot on a lower heat on the burner right before I start my yoga so then I know I can have a good relaxing cup of tea afterwards. =]