shanander Member


  • I LOVE it. I got the ultra in April 2012. Since then I had two new chargers sent to me free and then the device cracked and they just sent me a fitbit one for free - which was a month outside the warranty! I cannot go anywhere without it. Clips right on my bra and really pushes me to be more active and helps track my sleep…
    in Fitbit? Comment by shanander May 2013
  • Get the junk food out of the house. Go to bed earlier (more sleep helps you lose weight). Drink More water. Brush your teeth. Eat more protein at dinner. If you must eat, eat healthy. I get those boxes of Green Giant Green Beans with Almonds. One box will fill you up!
  • My mom has done these types in the past and is about to start again. I'm sure you realize that she gained the weight back since she's doing it again. If you see results, I'm sure you will do your best to get motivated to stay healthy. Since you are on a very low caloric intake, I assume you are seeing a doctor,…
  • Have you tried using unsweetened almond milk? it's only like 40 calories for 8oz and no sugar and gives it a nice creamy taste. I use Isopure Natural Unflavored and add Stevia and unsweetened cocoa and ON Chocolate Casein Protein Powder
  • IMO, If you are feeling physical problems like you describe, you may not be eating enough. I started on the slow carb diet which included beans and legumes and I was super full from protein and fat than I never had a single symptom that you described. After a few weeks I moved to more of a low carb diet. If you are feeling…
  • Agave is no better than actual sugar. It was falsely "promoted". Obviously, natural sugar is better than added sugar. Most of my sugar comes from fruit. I used to LOVE baking with a passion but now I only do it on my cheat day. Have you tried Stevia? I use that and there is a bit of a different taste, but it isn't sugar,…
  • I rarely record my cheat day since it's usually hard to calculate some of the things I eat. Last weekend, I did and was shocked to consume about 3000 calories, twice the amount I usually take in and it was all from garbage! The funny thing is that I was shocked it was only 3000 calories. I totally ate 1.5 boxes of girl…
  • I started with the Slow Carb but after the first few weeks made some changes to make it work. I am now more low-carb, but I do eat beans and cheese. However, the slow carb diet got me going and I know many that follow it (or their version of it). My husband does it with me and he's down about 30 pounds, the lightest he's…
    in Welcome Comment by shanander March 2013
  • I aim to get 1200 since I am breastfeeding and if I dip below that, my milk supply suffers. Plus they say under 1200 calories means your body is in starvation mode and your body can suffer in other ways (slow your metabolism, lose muscle instead of fat, etc) It was hard at first since I ate so many veggies and those are so…
  • Here's a good calculator
  • I have transitioned to low carb so I may not be much help. Based on how I eat, I'm 50% fat, 35% Protein and 15% carbs. I know the high fat consumption sounds scary, but I'm pretty low on carbs lately so the high fat is what makes my body work, plus you should eat fat to lose fat :)
  • I never thought of it as rude. IMO, losing weight is not usually easy so you should get to brag a bit. It will usually lead into a conversation on what you are doing to lose and hopefully motivate someone else that they can make changes to lose as well. I know it is encouraging to me to hear how much people lose and love…
  • I started slow carb in August and to date have lost exactly 19 pounds. The first two weeks I lost the most, maybe 5 or so pounds and then it's been a steady .5-1 a week. I gained a little around the holidays as we were on the road and visiting family so we were not home for a couple weeks which made it hard since they had…
    in You? Comment by shanander February 2013
  • After the cheat day, I gain anywhere from 1-3 pounds. Usually by Wednesday it's gone and then I'm at the point now where I lose .5-1 pound a week. After 6ish months, I sometimes lose nothing one week and then a pound the next. It's also winter so harder to be as active, plus, your body is naturally going to want to eat and…
  • I know that cube world all too well. I used to force myself to get up and walk every hour, but then work would happen and I wouldn't make it walking as often. At least you get steps walking to and from work/parking lots/to bathroom/etc. I'm at home with kids so I'm not walking as much, but the fitbit makes me more aware of…
  • My husband found that he can't do a cheat day. He does a cheat meal/evening. I lost 5 pounds in the first couple weeks on slow/low carb. Are you tracking your sugar intake on here? I found that to be the most eye opening part of this is how sugar is in everything and very sneaky. Now my sugar intake is less than 15gm most…
  • I started on the Slow Carb diet back in August and made modifications over time. Now I am mainly doing low-carb Sun-Fri and cheat day on Saturday as in the 4HB. I had a hard time cutting out cheese from my diet and I knew without it, I wouldn't stick to the plan. However, now it's second nature to eliminate the food groups…
  • I put cardio since it's mainly cardio unless you are lifting LOTS. I'd suggest checking your HR maybe 2 times during the workout so you have an idea where it is and you can use this site to determine your calories burned.
  • I had a hard time with sweets, especially when I was pregnant since I felt guilt free. Now, I consume maybe 15gm of sugar a day (except Sat when I allow it). 1. Get rid of it. If it's not at home/office, it's not as easy to eat without thinking about it. Donate it, toss it, or give yourself a final week of eating it and…
  • I drink unsweetened almond milk because the sugar content in milk. However, before I went to a low carb/low sugar lifestyle, I drank skim milk like it was going out of style, I went through 1-2 gallons a week myself.
  • Emerald Cocoa Almonds. Delicious snack and helps with any chocolate cravings!
  • Do you know anyone that has a costco/sams club membership? You can get a 20lb bag of chicken breasts for ~$20-25 and large quantities (4lbs+) of frozen organic broccoli and green beans. Grab a few staples from a store and get creative! Lentils are CHEAP and very filling.
  • They should if they are logging everything they eat. It's harder since it's not something with a nutrition label or exact measurement. However, my logging veggies, I learned that Celery has sugar in it! Not a large amount per serving, but if you eat enough, it adds up. Something I would have never known about if I didn't…
  • A simple answer that probably isn't very debatable is that carbs are not necessarily an evil monster. Sugar, however, is. I don't know anyone that can defend having sugar as a part of your diet.
  • Which is why the following paragraph mentioned eating good carbs.
  • If carbs are not present your body just uses fats and proteins. So as long as you intake appropriate amounts of fat and protein, you are not losing muscle mass. On a low/lower carb diet, you are consuming more protein which is keeping you fuller longer and therefore are consuming fewer calories. As long as your calories…
  • Congrats! That's is a great accomplishment and 40 pounds in a year is awesome!!
  • Carbs are usually full of sugar and sugar causes your body to crave more sugar, which is why you can't stop eating them. I eat low carb 6 days a week and fulfill my cravings on the 7th day (mainly pizza and beer) and will see a weight gain for 2-3 days after since carbs cause you to retain water. Look into 4-hour body if…
  • I'm doing The Skogg System at home along with getting back into running on the treadmill. I have two kids and can no way plan a time to get out of the house, but I can always squeeze in a little something while the kids nap or play. I am a huge fan of beachbody workouts. Love Turbofire and Chalean Extreme, but giving…