Sugar addiction


I am trying to loose some weight to improve my sport ability. My biggest concern is addiction to sugar/sweets. I consume about 500 - 1000 calories per day only from sweets. I know it is really bad and I am trying to change my habit. Unfortunately I cannot do it so it leads me to so question.

If any of you knows any good way of cut down on sweets/sugar ???

Big thanks in advance.


  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    Why cannot you change your habit?
    I would say I am a sugar addict too. In the past, going cold turkey (no sweets, no fruit, etc.) for about three days really helped. It made the physical craving go away.
  • viktorijandz
    viktorijandz Posts: 72 Member
    I think that REAL sugar addiction is a very serious problem and none of advices here couldn't help you to solve the problem. The quite another thing is that if you eat sugar/sweets just because you don't have any activities to do. If yes, I would say go for a walk and throw all that rubbish food away, and don't buy any until you are sugar-sensitive. If you still think it is an addiction, I would recommend you to visit :)
  • di1428
    di1428 Posts: 165 Member
    GO 2 weeks without any sweets/sugar including fruits...
    you will see how your body and mind dont crave them like before

    i too would have way too much sugar/sweets ..
    had started following the south beach (which is based on a low sugar program)
    and when the book said get thru the 2 weeks only, your cravings will change , i didnt believe it.
    but i was wrong....

    not sure if this is true or not but feel the more sweets you have, the more you crave.

    just tell yourself its only 2 weeks...
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Plan your meals, and fit in a moderate amount of foods you enjoy.
  • mommyrocks5
    mommyrocks5 Posts: 49 Member
    Google 30 sugar free days-Dr.Scott
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    I had a hard time with sweets, especially when I was pregnant since I felt guilt free. Now, I consume maybe 15gm of sugar a day (except Sat when I allow it).

    1. Get rid of it. If it's not at home/office, it's not as easy to eat without thinking about it. Donate it, toss it, or give yourself a final week of eating it and say goodbye.
    2. Eliminate sugar cold turkey. It'll be hard, but after 3-4 days, you wont crave it.
    3. Slowly introduce sugar back into you diet, via fruit (berries are best)
    4. Allow yourself a sugary treat but only outside of the home. Go to get a dish of ice cream, or one donut, or one cupcake. Dont keep leftovers.

    It's hard and sugar feeds on sugar, so if you eat it, you will want more. But it's do-able. 4 people in my family have done it for long periods of time.

    Good Luck!