

  • Wraps - they seem so good for you but the tortilla wrap itself is laden in calories! Better off with a sandwich.
  • This. Anything artificially fat free is just laden with chemical additives.
  • I thik it's something made from scratch - like our grandparents ate.
  • Sliced tomato on toast with some balsamic vinegar and some chopped basil leaves if you have them (I grow some in a pot) Smoked salmon on toast (maybe spread some horseradish on the toast like you would butter) Boiled eggs with a heaped spoon of onion & chive cottage cheese to add some flavour Natural museli with yoghurt…
  • Mango and avocado salad. Chop both, add some sliced red onion and lime juice. Yummo!
  • I think it's because we can't imagine being that low.I speak in kg (and my son has disappeared with the calculator to convert) but I can't imagine below 80 which is still overweight for my height (166cm) so I'm only aiming for that. If or when I get there, then I will readjust my goals.
  • Went to get the slim pasta today and the shelf was empty, bugger it. I think it's catching on.
  • bump. That chicken with tomato and feta sounds delish
  • You have worked so hard for your success here Clare. Your dedication to your diet and exercise, even when on holidays, is inspirational. I don't know what your voice sounds like but I often hear your words in my head. I am so excited for you and your success. If you can't make this work, none of us can. Can't wait for the…
  • I count the lot - even herbs. If I eat it, it's counted.
  • I would say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but you've lost 72kg so keep doing what you're doing. It's obviously working for you.
  • Now that I know you're in Australia, my sister spoke to her local MP when she wasn't happy with the school's response (their bullying policy was a crock of ****e). That's another avenue if all goes nowhere. The bloody problem these days is that these kids communicate all day and night. In our day, a bully might go at you…
  • Firstly, well done on taking it seriously. My niece (who is now 18) was suicidal several years ago due to school bullying. It is a serious matter and must be stopped before it goes too far. My sister wound up getting an intervention order against them but eventually she dropped out of school at 15 as a result of it all. My…
  • Just had a look. They sell their oatmeal varieties but not the rice cakes. Maybe send them an email and see if they'll bring some in (
  • There's a shop in Melbourne called USA Foods. They ship. Might be worth checking their website.
  • With my first, it was about 2 months before his 3rd birthday and we planned a weekend where we wouldn't be leaving the house. We taught him to go sitting - the standing thing same later - and we started straight on the big toilet with a smaller seat on top. Then every 30 minutes we put him on it, rewarded him with lollies…
  • My instinct says throw it in the bin but I actually made an Easter/birthday cake for my son on the weekend that used nutella as the icing then had mini easter eggs stuck in it for decoration.
    in Nutella Comment by TotalTiger April 2012
  • They have battered and deep fried Mars bars here in Australia. I've never been able to get my head around them enough to try one but my sister loves them. urggghhh.
  • I think it depends on how much you have to lose. For me so far, it's 99% diet. That's not saying that I'm not exercising, I am, but the habit I need to change is the food one. As I get further down this path, I'm hoping that the way I'm eating now becomes the new habit and then I will focus more on the exercise side of…
  • Ask for your sauce seperate. Don't go the garlic prawns (butter butter butter). Maybe go some fish. Or just have a lovely night and fit an extra exercise session in next week - you don't get to do fancy all the time (that's what I'd do)
  • Just steam them but make sure you don't overcook them. There still needs to be a little resistence in the stem. They are tasty enough not to add anything to them.
  • Good luck. Success on this website relies on honesty - to yourself. You have to want to do it properly and own what you eat and how you exercise. If you can master that, and it can be difficult, it can be an awesome place to be. I'm 20 pounds down in 2 months. It does work. Good luck (Invest in a set of digital kitchen…
  • Hi. You can add me too. I am 41 from the outskirts of Melbourne. I've logged in every day since I started here on 6th February. I must admit I haven't done a profile pic yet but probably will as soon as I find the time to find one I'm happy with (I've avoided cameras for years so I don't have many to choose from).
  • Hi from across the ditch. Holy crap! You are incredible. If I go so far as a "normal" BMI, I have to halve myself. I can't even imagine that so have not set my goal weight that low. Maybe it is possible. I'd love to know more about what you have done to get there. I will put in a friend request but I imagine you will be…
  • Some fresh mint, a bit of garlic and a squeeze of lemon. Then dip veges in it. I always have some in the fridge. Could also add some grated cucumber (I don't eat it)
  • What's the difference between that and riding a bike or running at the park or even doing one of the dance wii games? She's happy and she's moving. Sounds perfect.
  • I'll throw my hat in the ring for my first challenge too. Do I have to join a group for this or just post my weigh-ins?
  • It is by far the most important tool I have to help me lose weight. I was staggered at how large my portion sizes were and 6 weeks into this, I am surprised at how full I am getting with reduced portion sizes. Invest in a digital scale - you won't regret it.