cybershaz Member


  • Thanks all! 30km race on Sat ... and temps around 22C for the run so that's good news. I'm hoping for sub 3:00 which isn't speedy, but it's steady and good for me. :)
  • Great thread! I've just been running for 2.5 years so I'm pretty new (and still kind of slow). Losing 50 lbs made it possible! 2012 -Do do 30km races (first one complete so far - next one is Saturday, aiming for sub 3:00) -Do first marathon sub 4:15 2013 -Get half marathon time below 1:55 at Cardiff half mar (current PR is…
  • As others have said, I don't do too much differently. I am generally hydrating well everyday. My long runs are usually Sundays and Saturday are often busy running-around days so no time for specific exercise but I'm moving all day. Bad habit is often going out Sat night and drinking too much wine. That does not help with…
  • Thanks all for your thoughts! I'm definitely mixing up my speeds. I do a mix of long slow, easy and tempo or speedwork every week (generally 3 runs/week). Then on another day I'll do TRX/kettlebells + core yoga. A few days I'll be cycling (mainly commuting - about 20km on those days). I do take a full rest day every week.…
  • As others have said, for shorter runs (under 90 min / under 16km) I don't take anything major unless is really, really hot out. All I would have is my ipod shuffle, GPS watch and my transit pass in case I hurt myself (so I can get home). Over that distance, in the past I used an amphipod fuel belt, but I really don't like…
  • I have tried (what feels like) every gu, gel, gummy under the sun and they just don't play well with my stomach. For HM I don't take anything - as a previous poster said, my body is just used to it. For my 30km this year I did bring some trail mix - the mix of dried fruit and nuts was a good energy mix. I also take…
  • I really like the Compress Sport sleeves. They're super light and have a nice fit. Lots of cool colours too. I use them for runs over about 15km.
  • I highly recommend it. I have read the book and taken a class and it's made running so much easier for me. I've been able to notice a difference in time / effort on runs when I'm focusing on form vs. when I'm not. My husband was a heel striker with really bad shins. After he came to the session with me he never had pain…
  • I'm a huge chi running advocate (thinking of getting certified to coach chi running next year). I love the focus on form/posture and considering I've only been running 2 years, I have had great success and no injuries. I'm also transitioning to minimalist shoes (up to 10km in them so far) and love it. It's such a great…
  • Mine varies, but generally: Mon - 1 hour TRX / kettlebells & 1 hour Core Yoga + 6km bike commute or run to/from session Tue - Easy or hill run ~5-8km Wed - Cycling or some other sport (~ 60 minutes) Thu - Tempo or Speedwork run ~8-14km Fri - Usually 17km bike commute to/from work Sat - Rest Sun - Long run ~15-25km (varies)
  • Hey meagalayne! Great to hear from you. I haven't done the Hamilton half before, but I hear it's a great race. About 8km of it is downhill (down Red Hill Parkway) and it's supposed to be super fun. I did the Scotiabank Waterfront half last fall so I thought it would be fun to try something new. I'm actually thinking of…
  • So far here's my 2012 schedule and completes: *March 10 - Slainte Hamilton 5km - 24:00 *March 25 - Around the Bay Hamilton 30km - 3:07:35 *April 22 - Yonge St Toronto 10km - 51:19 *April 28 - MEC Lakeside Loop Toronto 5km *June 16 - Guelph Lake Sprint Duathlon *June 23 - Toronto Pearson Runway 5km *June 30 - Pride &…
  • I don't use any gels, gummies, sports drinks, etc. and solely rely on electrolyte tabs for longer runs (30km is my max race length so far). I use Salt Stick pills every 45 min or so, and so far they've been good.
  • Hi all! I'm Shazia from Toronto, Canada. New to MFP, coming from WW (lost 50 lbs). I've been running ~2 years. I have done 2 halfs (one in Iceland) and a bunch of 5 & 10 kms. Did my first 30km race this March and loved it. Plans this year are more 10 & 5s for speed, some duathlons (a sprint and an olympic), another 30km in…