

  • I used to think this way. then I started listening to Dr Oz and realizing that it's not about the appearance. It's about what's going on in the inside. we don't even know what healthy looks like anymore. We eat so many calories, and many not beneficial ones, and don't move at all any more. Our bodies can take a lot of…
  • Try water first, then is you have to have a little something. But if you don't exercise you aren't going to burn as many calories during and with afterburn. After the age of 30 we start to lose muscle mass as women and muscle burns calories. You really can't lose weight and maintain it without learning to move each day...
  • I think some are forgetting something. Those calories should be healthy calorie, NOT empty calories! We can have a treat once in a while, but I see people talking about skipping breakfast and such?? BAD idea people. You should be dedicating a decent amount of calories at breakfast with HEALTHY foods. Milk, fruit, eggs,…
  • Make sure you get your dairy, healthy oils and fiber rich foods. If I'm under, I'll eat a couple of nuts that are calorie dense but good for you! I agree with the above regarding under 1200 calories. That agrees with everything I've read and heard.....
  • totally agree with all the other posts! Lots of wise advise. The way you spend your calories is really important. and eating enough which is what they all have said. You can't work your body to death and starve it and expect to lose weight. You've got to trick it in to thinking it isn't starving and that things are ok.…
  • NICE! WTG!! You look great and I bet you feel great too!
  • Hi Jen! Good for you for taking charge of your health! I am also new and trying this site. It seems very user friendly and the people seem friendly too! Best wishes on your journey!
  • Me too. Best wishes on your journey. Best thing you can do is have a community to talk to and celebrate your successes along the way!