DuChene2012 Member


  • You are so brave to be so honest with us strangers as well as with yourself! I am a chocolate junkie and so I understand your dilemma. It can be very difficult to find healthful foods when you're trying to learn and understand what to look for, what to avoid. In my profession I teach my patients how to read labels, I…
  • No, I am not contradicting myself, and no. Harris-Benedict does not - in ANY way - include TEF in its formula. TEF is a completely separate equation from Harris-Benedict or any other equation! The (kg)(20) is, I'll say it again, NOT a BMR calculation. If you are using M-SJ then you are using a formula for an obese person.…
  • No, no. You are not understanding me. I said that her (3dogsrunning) calories would get her through the day. I then said that the calculation did not factor in exercise. If she were to exercise WHILE ON THAT CALORIC LEVEL she would lose weight. You forget that weight loss must be a combination of reduced calories AND…
  • BMR calculators are not supposed to account for activity levels. BMR is your basal metabolic rate, the basic amount of calories your body burns to survive, with no activity included. A TDEE, total daily energy expenditure calculator accounts for your daily activity. Precisely.
  • Right. As I said, BMR can over-estimate or under-estimate caloric needs. It is not the best measuring tool available. Having VO2max is really the best tool to use, but it is quite pricey. We never use BMR alone or BMI alone or any calculation alone as it is not a true measurement in and of itself. The notion of "less than…
  • Right, because as I said it does not figure exercise into the equation.
  • The BMR calculation is not as accurate as one would hope. It can easily over-estimate or under-estimate caloric needs because it does not take a person's lifestyle, metabolic rate, or medical condition(s), if any, into consideration! The BMR typically WAY over-estimates my caloric needs and I therefore never use it.…
  • You like clams? Log onto www.eatingwell.com and type in "curry" to see all the scrumptious recipes they have! Red Curry Clams http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/red_curry_clams.html From EatingWell: May/June 2011 This simple recipe of clams cooked in a spicy Thai red curry sauce takes advantage of prepared Thai curry paste,…
  • Not a bad recommendation. If you like saunas, your sweat will eventually taste less salty and more like water while you sit there and release the water underlying the skin. However you will also lose other nutrients while in the sauna, so be sure to bring in a vitamin water and go sweat it out!
  • The good thing about water retention is that it can resolve itself...just can be a little uncomfortable while it's visiting. Drinking too much water while cutting back on sodium can damage the body's ability to balance fluids. We need both sodium and potassium, along with protein, to help balance our fluids. If any of…
  • OK, so it isn't the sodium. Let's look at other possibilities: 1. Look on your nutrient report and see if you are under your goal for potassium. 2. Check to see if you are not eating enough protein. 3. Do you get enough vitamin B1 (thiamine)? 4. Check your menstrual cycle to see if it's getting close. Generally, water…
  • Depending on what you ate the night before you may gain water weight, and yes it can SEEM to add inches! Foods that cause water retention are generally foods high in sodium. Water will follow the sodium OUT OF the bloodstream and INTO tissues, causing the "bloated" feeling. Try eating some foods that are natural diuretics,…
  • First of all, CONGRATS on your success! That is no small task, so hats off to you! :happy: Secondly, if you've reached your goal weight you can opt for one (or a combination of) several solutions: 1. Reduce your workouts by time spent per day OR by number of days. 2. Good calories to add that do not promote much fat regain…
  • Unjury is a unique product that we recommend to a lot of our patients. I have never tried the soups but I've tasted the protein powdered beverages. Not too bad. Let me know hos it tastes!
  • I like Jillian Michaels, even have a few of her DVDs. She can be extreme and hard-core, but hard-core is what suits me. The 30-Day Shred is an EXCELLENT DVD. I also have Chris Freytag's "Kickstart Your Metabolism" DVD. I kickbox for a few of my weekly routines, and I have to say that this is a better DVD than some of…
  • Read the following: http://www.democracyinstitute.org/announcements/patrick-basham-and-john-luik-on-the-food-addiction-myth Since all "food addiction" theories are based SOLELY on rat studies, I hope this finally puts the entire myth to bed. In all the years as a clinical professional I've worked in hospitals and treatment…
  • "In much the same way as a smoker is PHYSICALLY addicted to cigarettes " Cigarettes and food are not the same thing. You can quit smoking and enhance your health. Quit eating and you die. For the very last time, FOOD IS NOT ADDICTIVE. Not in any way, shape, or form. I am by no means a "know it all." I was offering the OP…
  • "And I agree with all of this. Well, minus the bit about you being an authority. " I can see I've ruffled a few feathers. This is a good thing. I realize you don't know me, Cherylpj, and I'm OK with your sarcastic dubious remarks. I don't need to prove anything to you or anyone. But I will tell you this: I work with…
  • "Whatever. As long as the OP has had our opinions to look over you're not really worth debating this with. " There's opinion and there's fact. There's really no debate when the answer is obvious and clear-cut...My point is to keep the OP's focus on what to change - not her desire for food, but her search to identify what…
  • "There certainly IS such thing as a food addiction. Yes, it's psychological. When food is in your thoughts almost constantly and you can't control your approach to it, it's an addiction. Addiction is described as: The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. 'Activities' aren't…
  • "Um, no. There is such a thing as food addiction AND there are patterns that push us to raid the fridge. It helps to deal with both." Uh, sorry but you are not correct. Food is NOT an addictive property. Food is NOT a drug. It's just the easiest element to turn to when things turn south! The term "food addiction" is linked…
  • First of all, if today's weight determines your mood for the rest of the day, for God's sake woman, either avoid the scale or learn to see it as today's challenge of "What can I do today that will help me look FORWARD to tomorrow?" Your predicament may be founded by 1 or more issues: depression (are you an emotional…