Sarasari Member


  • You can edit weight as well as edit previous entries. But as said above if you have gained somewhere along the way it won't count from gain.
  • I used to do that too. Try eating more throughout the day. For me I need to eat a little something every couple of hours. Made a huge difference for me, on weight loss and not wanting to binge eat.
  • Not wearing shoes ,or wearing only heals and slippers will only aggravate. Please look into good shoes. If you do learn to swim be careful with the push off of the wall as that can aggravate too. I did boot camp with mine, but had to take out all jumping exercises and just be careful. There are some great stretches you can…
  • Also if you like hummus you can make it and freeze it by scoopful on cookie sheet. Once frozen just pop them into a bag. doesn't take long to dethaw . Then you have a quick spread for sandwiches or dip for veggies.
  • Egg McMuffins at home Spray a muffin tin with non-stick spray Break 1 egg in each Salt & Pepper Bake 15-20 minutes on 350 Refrigerate. To make sandwiches use deli flats, pre-cooked turkey sausage or bacon and 2% cheese if you want cheese added . I use low calorie English muffin , low fat cheese, spinach and green chile.…
  • Brussels Sprouts with Bacon + Pomegranate (Adapted from Barefoot Contessa) •1 pound Brussels Sprouts, trimmed and cut in half through core •2 slices thick cut bacon, cut into 1/2” pieces •1/4 cup olive oil •Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper •1/3 cup pomegranate seeds Preheat oven to 375°. In large bowl combine the…
  • Fantastic! Thanks for the inspiration. I have a closetful like that myself.
  • You can do squats, lunges, push ups,plank, tricep dips just about anywhere and don't need equipment. If you have stairs, run those. When I was working I would take walks, or jump rope on breaks.
  • My husband wasn't supportive of me using mfp when I tried a while ago, this time he really is. I think the difference is I don't talk about what I am doing nearly as much, I just do it. I plan my meals when he isn't home so he isn't seeing it. The last time I did this when we would eat out I would meal plan in the car on…
  • I figured out when I have to eat and stayed above getting hungry, so the need doesn't strike. I eat a cheese stick at 5 am before working out, breakfast between 7&8, a small snack at 10:00, lunch between 12-12:30, small snack at 3, dinner at 6:30. I plan my meal the night before, if I need to switch something during the…
  • You can add weight to sit ups that helps. I like reverse crunches, clock crunches when you come up you move your abs in circular motion even amount each side, tick tocks with straight legs ,side crunches bringing legs in, plank.
  • I seldom use store bought, if I do it's usually light ranch or Costco carries Olive Garden dressing. The farmers market down the street offers flavored balsamic vinegars such as garlic, basil,or peach strawberry, watermelon and even sour apple. I have a collection to use on salads or I make homemade. My favorite homemade…
  • I'm the cook and the shopper, so I try to fill the house with the healthier stuff. My husband is the continuous snacker. I used to really let it draw me in. I found now that if I make sure if I eat a small, healthy something every couple of hours I am fine, not hungry and not tempted. If I do buy something less healthy…
  • I don't take the pills before I go, I take them with my breakfast. I need to eat them with a meal or it makes me sick.
  • I do a boot camp at 5:30 in the morning. I eat a low fat cheese stick ( 80 cal) a half hour before I go. It gives be a little energy, but isn't so heavy in my stomach that it makes me sick if we do a lot of running or crunches,burpees, etc. I also start drinking water to make sure I'm hydrated. I take a multivitamin,…
  • I eat out a couple of times a week. I try to eat at places that I know the nutritional info. If I know it has the info on the menu, I will decide when I get there. If it doesn't, I will look it up ahead of time and decide before I get there. I will always have a back up plan in mind because sometime the store runs out,…
  • ''The moment you're ready to quit is usually the moment right before the miracle happens. Don't give up''
  • I failed big time about a year ago when I tried because none of the recipes had calorie counts on it and I was having to manually enter everything in. I am having a much easier time this go round using a cookbook that has the calorie counts built in. I need to plan my whole day the night before, but can adjust as needed…
  • Iced cinnamon dolce latte skinny 12 oz, 60 calories
  • utube and pinterest have a ton of videos for things you can do in a chair. I tore my Achilles tendon and had to go that way my self. You can do bicep curls, most arm exercises with weights, if you don't own weights use soup cans, or water just filled with appropriate weight, you can twist in chair or do crunches in chair.…
  • Barnes and noble had an offer a few months ago on a Good Housekeeping Cookbook. The cookbook was normally $19.95, with any purchase it was $9.95. It is filled with healthy, filling, delicious recipes. Some of the servings are huge.
  • I get my Moving Comfort Bras from Fleet Feet. They are pricey, but easily adjustable in the straps as you lose weight. I get my shoes there too, pricey again, but I have had foot injuries from bad shoes, so it is worth it. Fleet Feet keeps your info on file, so if you don't remember what size/brand you wore they can look…
  • Just checking in to see how it's going? I find having a dinner plan is huge for me. I need to know what I am eating for success otherwise I panic and eat crap. I actually plan my meals the night before so I know what I am eating the next day.
  • I make couscous, brown rice, or quinoa ahead of time several days worth. I season them with a Table spoon of green chile on my plate Then in the morning I measure out a serving of that with some 2 cups spinach, a couple of over easy eggs. Made with Pam. I buy the hard boiled eggs from Costco, so If I don't have time to…
  • Both. I like to have a routine prepared for me, so I go to boot camps at the gym. They change up the routines which I really like. I also have gotten to know the people I work out with which makes it fun and makes me accountable to show up. I have some equipment at home and also enjoy the alone time too. I find I need the…
  • This exactly. Do you like strawberry cheesecake? There is a recipe for cheesecake stuffed strawberries that is awesome. You take 4 oz lowfat cream cheese mix with 2 Tlbs powdered sugar,1/2 tsp vanilla. Wash 23 large strawberries, cut tops off. You may need to hollow out some of strawberry. Stuff with cream cheese mixture,…
  • I used to be really bad about binge eating, but found since I started up again here and am eating before I am starving, I now longer feel the need to do that. I also really haven't craved anything. I'm not giving up anything, all things in moderation. I would make sure you are drinking enough water and eating before you…
  • 1 cup cilantro 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt 1Tlbs olive oil 1 TLBS Lime Juice 2 tsp garlic 2 TLBS vinegar salt if needed to taste Process all in food processor. Makes 16 servings 1 TLBS serving size is 12 calories
  • Tell your Mom before she makes breakfast so there isn't anything to feel guilty about. No thanks, or the eggs and turkey bacon are great but I'm having fruit with it this morning. I'm all about honest with Mom and husband , if you don't tell them they will never know. Just remember there is a way to do it where it can…
  • Are you on any new meds? If so check the side effects, metallic taste and thirst can be a side effect. I'm on a new med that they suggest taking before bed, so if that happens you are sleeping when it occurs. Good luck.