Shazza401 Member


  • nutella from a spoon as Im passing the food cupboard, and granola by the handfull!! easy to add 300 calories without thinking! i have just thown to tins of sweet on top of the kitchen cupboard so i can reach them, Im not going to get a chair, im just not quite that bad :-) YET!!!!!!
  • I started running 10 months ago to complete a leg of a marathon, i went to the docs about an unrelated shoulder injury about a month into my running I was up to 1k at that stage ( ok I hadnt run before and Im 50) anyway I mentioned to him about a niggle in my knee that hurt when I ran,, he said and I quote " you could try…
  • whao just loggd into this and yours was first one popped up on the list, and whadda ya know mine is Jan 29th!! :-)
  • yep deafened by motorbikes and the worst is I cant get away from them as I live on the circuit, and Im locked in while the roads are closed, but the bonus is I have to cycle to get up the road to work, 260 calrories burnt, so thats an upside, nope not adverse to southern friends, i think mwe share the same sense of humour!
  • Very North coast of NI, by the sea, no objection to friends from USA at all, for support but its when you start talking recipes with measures of cups!! I get all confused, and as of a Zuchini(spelling?)etc well im gone ??? lol
  • Hi Im new to groups but have been using MFP since feb, im 48 and have been trying to lose weight my whole life(sometimes succeding sometimes not) !! have 2 young kids and decided its time to get more active and finally keep weight off!, would love to hear from people with similar goals etc, it blooming hard to remain…