riss526 Member


  • It's correct now, thanks for all the feedback! I'm not really sure what the issue was because I went into "edit previous entries" under the scale/weight icon and my starting weight was correct and all of the previous entries that I had input were all there and correct also. They may have just been having lag with updating…
  • While that was ever so witty, I don't think the comment was necessary. That's why in the title of my post I put those words in quotes because that's what they have been sort of nicknamed over the years and from various different fitness websites and videos I've viewed. But thanks so much for your hilarity on this matter.…
  • For me I kept letting myself go and I would feel guilty about eating crappy foods for a little while and then distract myself with something else. I had that "I will start tomorrow" mentality all the time, as I was eating a 10 piece chicken nugget with large fries and washing it down with a dr. Pepper at 10 o'clock at…
  • You can do it if you put your mind to it and decide that this is the time! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help keep each other motivated and encouraged! :smile:
  • From Kansas, and I run a hotel.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I think it really is just the change in my diet and the exercise. As the above poster mentioned, a lot of it is probably clogged pores from the sweating during my new regimen of working out regularly. It's funny though the left is side of my face broke out around my chin and cheeks…
  • Hi Violet, my initial goal was to lose between 110-120 lbs, and I've lost 23 lbs so far. I started at 280, and am now at 257. When I was 19, I was around 260 lbs, and over a course of a year lost 110 lbs, and maintained that weight loss for over 2 years. However, after gaining quite a bit of weight during pregnancy and…
  • I know that but the timing directly correlates with when I changed my diet. I don't think it's just random mid-20's acne. I think it has to do with my change in diet.
  • Nope, I'm not taking any kind of supplement. I just completely changed my diet from eating extremely unhealthy food (a lot of fast food & restaurant food) to eating much healthier foods and smaller portions, and I've been exercising about 5-6 times a week. I've been really lucky and now at 25, have never had any issues…
  • Thank you! I was wondering if it had something to do with my changed diet because I probably have about 7 or 8 blemishes right now which is usually what I get a year! I will make sure to keep washing my face twice a day and try that soap you mentioned.
  • Hello! I'm Marissa. I have a 2 year old little boy and I'm just at the beginning of my 2nd weight loss journey. (Roughly 3 weeks in) Always happy to make new friends for encouragement and motivation!
  • I've always had my time of the month like clock work, but I started an exercise and dieting regimen about 3 weeks ago and my June period that should have started on 1st of the month is still MIA. I've taken 2 tests and both are negative, and the likelihood I could be pregnant, negative test aside, is slim to none. I'm…
  • I honestly just feel like I shouldn't have posted anything. I'm sorry that I'm not keen on the different factors of calorie burning and that I was unaware that elliptical machines are notorious for overestimating calories. I borderline feel attacked for asking a question and expressing my original opinion all because I was…
  • From what I've been noticing, my elliptical is telling me I'm burning about 100 calories every 11-12 minutes. So in approx. 35 minutes it says I burn (roughly) 300 calories. I don't know all the statistics behind calorie burning or what factors my height and weight play into it. But every website I go to for info says…
  • It's so great to hear things like this. It really helps when you're having a frustrating day. I'm hoping the frustration fizzles out as I keep pushing forward. Thank you! ☺
  • I feel the exact same way. Its like during the last few months before I reached my goal during my first journey I could easily do 2-4 miles on the treadmill, 100 crunches, push ups, jumping jacks, lunges, etc. Now I'm pushing to get 15 push ups, 30 crunches, etc. I just keep trying to force my mind back to where my head…
  • I actually had a great 1st journey and I maintained my weightloss for over 2 years. I started to gain weight when I was pregnant with my son and continued to gain after. Tnis second journey has nothing to do with my first. I let myself go after giving birth to my son and that's my fault. But I worked my butt off and kept…
  • I always work out at the end of the day when I know I'm not going to eat anymore food so I never eat back any calories. So, whatever I burn whether it's more, less, or roughly the same as what the elliptical says, I don't eat any calories back. It would just be nice to have a fairly accurate idea of what I'm actually…
  • I'm 5'8" roughly 260lbs.
  • I'm really new to using an elliptical. I wasn't aware that they were infamous for overestimating calorie burns. Like I said, I guess I just felt like with how hard I've been pushing myself that maybe I was burning more with the extra weight that I have right now. I guess I was wrong. I'll just make sure that I input about…
  • I lost 110 lbs before and I know what my body requires to lose weight. I obviously went back to bad eating habits and not exercising and gained back all the weight I lost. I guess what I meant by "eating clean" was just eating healthier foods and smaller portions. I spent a lot of time over the last 3 years eating fast…
  • I figured it out. Thank you.
    in 0 lbs lost? Comment by riss526 June 2015
  • I may have done that... I'm not sure. How can I check?
    in 0 lbs lost? Comment by riss526 June 2015
  • I work a desk job as well and most of my time is spent sitting down. I get up of course to use the restroom and to get a glass of water here and there but am not very active at work. I have a 2 year old son, so as soon as I get off work and get him picked up from the babysitter, I am running around my house for the latter…
  • I try not to weigh myself too often. I feel like a lot of times the number on the scale can be counter productive to your confidence and self esteem. While it's good to know that you are in fact making progress with your weight loss journey, in my opinion it is so much more about how you feel about yourself, what you're…
  • This is also my 2nd time around. I'm 25 now, but 6 years ago when I was 19 I started a weight loss journey and lost 110 lbs, kept it off for over 2 years, got into a serious long term relationship, got pregnant, got way to comfortable in before mentioned relationship, ate terribly and didn't exercise and gained all the 110…
  • What I've been doing is taking my laptop out to the garage where my treadmill and elliptical are and putting on an episode of something on Netflix and working out the entire 45 minutes (give or take 2 or 3 min) usually on one of my machines and with weights. It gives you a time frame and you can catch up on your TV shows…
  • This might be a little lengthly, but I feel like in forums like this it's nice to be able to share your stories and read others that have gone through similar situations. Feel free to scroll through, I just thought I'd share. I've been overweight almost my entire life, I think I was normal sized until about the 3rd or 4th…