Just started..again

I just started the weight loss journey again after a long break. Needing some friends to help keep me motivated, share stories, tips, recipes.


  • SeamusandRorysMom
    SeamusandRorysMom Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2015
    I am in the same boat. I started last summer and lost 18 lbs. Then this past holiday season hit and I got off track. I have gained all the weight back and feel horrible about it. I am however determined to try again and make it "stick" this time. Feel free to "Friend Request" me if you like as I am looking for fitness friends as well for all the same reasons. Either way, good luck, good health and much happiness to you!
  • riss526
    riss526 Posts: 36 Member
    This is also my 2nd time around. I'm 25 now, but 6 years ago when I was 19 I started a weight loss journey and lost 110 lbs, kept it off for over 2 years, got into a serious long term relationship, got pregnant, got way to comfortable in before mentioned relationship, ate terribly and didn't exercise and gained all the 110 lbs plus some back in about 3 and a half years. I've already lost about 20 lbs since restarting. I need to keep the motivation! Always happy to be friends and help keep each other encouraged!
  • miyukiasakura
    miyukiasakura Posts: 18 Member
    Iam too xD My 1st journey when i was 19 and i lost 60 lbs. I tried to keep it but... :disappointed: .I gained 13 lbs again and now I want to restart my journey xD. Hopefully to make friend with everyone. Have a nice and healthy day to you all!!!