"Treating Everyday like the next day is Monday"

riss526 Posts: 36 Member
edited June 2015 in Getting Started
I used to treat everyday like the next way was Monday. Meaning, like it was a fresh week or a fresh start TOMORROW. It was always "tomorrow" for me. As I was shoving the 2nd burrito from Taco Bell down my throat at lunch time knowing I was just going to sit at my desk for the rest of the afternoon and let all of those calories just add to my uphill weigh gain, I would think "tomorrow." For the better part of a year and a half that was all it was for me. "Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow." My best friend that lives in a different state and I would always talk about going on weight loss journeys together. Keeping each other posted on a day-to-day basis on our diets and work outs... but she was the only one doing anything. Even after she told me she lost 30 lbs, I was still in the "tomorrow" mind set. Always making excuses for myself.

"I work full time and have a toddler, I can't go work out when I'm watching my toddler."
"By the time my son goes to bed I'm so exasperated from the day I can hardly go take a shower let alone go work out."

It was always an excuse. I always tried to justify to myself why it was okay that I wasn't going to exercise all the while still eating terribly. And this was coming from someone who had been overweight her whole life and at 19 years old went on their 1st weight loss journey and lost 110 lbs in 1 year. This was coming from someone who had lost it all and gained it all back and I STILL couldn't motivate myself enough to change. Even almost 6 months after being proposed to and knowing that I'm getting married next May, I still wasn't getting off my butt to change anything. "I don't want to be a fat bride." I would always think to myself. But, was I doing anything to change it? Nope.

Until one day it just clicked. I was laying on the couch after dinner with my fiance, we weren't doing anything but watching TV, and for some reason I just decided to get up, go put on my tennis shoes and exercise clothes, and go out the garage where my treadmill was, and walk a mile. After I walked the mile I did some jumping jacks, then some sit ups (not very successfully, lol) and push ups. I felt so good doing something with my evening other than just sitting around with my fiance after a huge meal and letting all that food from dinner add to my mass. So, I did again the next night, and then the next night... and I've been going strong since May 15th. I've already lost a little weight, and I'm back into the same mode that I was 6 years ago when I lost 110 lbs.

I don't know what it is that has to click inside of us, but it's got to be something. Now that I've re-started, I'm not stopping. Even after I reach my goal, I will continue to eat clean and exercise to maintain. I should have NEVER let myself get to this point again. At the start of my 2nd journey I was almost 10-15 lbs heavier than I was when I started my first journey. So not only did I gain all of the weight I lost back, but I gained more on top of it.

I know now that I CAN do this. There are no more excuses. The excuses have run dry. Life isn't about being skinny. It's about being healthy and comfortable in your own skin. I'm trying to change that. One day at a time.

I'd be happy to be friends with anyone on their journey and keep each other motivated!


  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    You can do it!!!

    And I feel you on life is for living!

    I wish you the best on your journey. It sounds like you found the desire inside yourself to do it, not some external reason.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you know you don't have to "eat clean" whatever that means...so many definitions...

    Just eat the foods you love, want in moderation to lose weight...if you are concerned with body composition take a look at macros and nutrition and learn about those but remember...

    You don't have to eliminate foods to do this...
  • riss526
    riss526 Posts: 36 Member
    edited June 2015
    I lost 110 lbs before and I know what my body requires to lose weight. I obviously went back to bad eating habits and not exercising and gained back all the weight I lost. I guess what I meant by "eating clean" was just eating healthier foods and smaller portions. I spent a lot of time over the last 3 years eating fast food and restaurant food in huge quantities. While you shouldn't totally give up everything for a diet, I wouldn't say eating "what you want" in moderation always works when you're talking foods that are full of high levels of sodium, fat, cholesterol, etc. You can still have the foods you want, but it's important to understand that you're better off finding a recipe to make your own pizza or burritos at home instead of trying to just be full or satisfied off of 1 slice of pizza from Domino's, which is usually a minimum of 300 calories per slice.

    Also, to each their own. What works for you may not work for me, and vice versa. Everyone's body is different and the way that one person has success losing weight doesn't work for everyone else. What I do know does work is trying to keep my calorie intake around 1500 per day and trying to do about 30-45 min. of exercise at least 5-6 days per week. It's better than what I was doing before which was nothing.
  • MinmoInk
    MinmoInk Posts: 345 Member
    :) good luck!