2nd Weight Loss Journey?

Is anyone else on their 2nd weight loss journey? I'm having a hard time with not only accepting that I can't work out now at the beginning of this journey like I could towards the end of my 1st journey, but also feeling guilty about it. It's like I feel like I'm not doing enough and it's really hard this time around because I know the results I saw last time. Whereas the first time, I was just winging it day by day. It's like this time I have so much more pressure on myself. Any good advice?


  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Take the pressure off....just one day at a time. Don't think of it as a diet. Just start doing things more healthy. Eat better foods, smaller portions get a little exercise in there. Take little steps each day and it will get better and better.
  • puja25
    puja25 Posts: 31 Member
    yes this is my second weight loss journey. I felt guilty in the beginning about letting myself get to this point where I have to lose all this weight again. I had worked so hard and at my thinnest . but That was my mistake I focused on losing weight than being healthy . this time I don't want to get thin . I want to be healthy and make food choices that includes all food groups including 'junk'.

    I would suggest, focus on 'now'. strength and stamina will build slowly. Its like falling down but getting back up each time. Only makes us stronger.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    The pressure is self exerted. No need for it.
    The first one cant have been that great anyway otherwise you wouldnt be doing a second. Learn from it.
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    This is my third
  • mrsmelissajewell
    mrsmelissajewell Posts: 15 Member
    It's like you read my mind!! I feel like now that I know how much work I have to do and how consistent I have to be it's harder to get started. Plus I keep comparing my current self to my past self. But if I do nothing that's not going to help, so... One day at a time, every damn day (again) and it'll happen!
  • riss526
    riss526 Posts: 36 Member
    edited June 2015
    999tigger wrote: »
    The pressure is self exerted. No need for it.
    The first one cant have been that great anyway otherwise you wouldnt be doing a second. Learn from it.

    I actually had a great 1st journey and I maintained my weightloss for over 2 years. I started to gain weight when I was pregnant with my son and continued to gain after. Tnis second journey has nothing to do with my first. I let myself go after giving birth to my son and that's my fault. But I worked my butt off and kept my weight off for quite a while the first time and I'm happy that I did that and it gives me hope to know I can do it again. I know the pressure is self exerted. I was just simply asking if anyone else was on their 2nd journey and having similar feelings.
  • happygolucky721
    happygolucky721 Posts: 26 Member
    Think of it this way: now you know what to do and that the tried/true methods of mfp works! Also, 2 years of maintenance is something should be very proud of.

    I've done this rodeo a couple times. While this is the most health-focused approach out of all the other attempts, it's also the most time I've ever devoted to weight loss. I'm really not focused on much else now, and it makes me worry about losing/maintaining when I'm busier...
  • cmcdonald525
    cmcdonald525 Posts: 140 Member
    This is my second time as well. My first round I went about it the wrong way. I ate too few calories, demonized certain foods, and restricted myself way too much. It gave me a very unhealthy mindset and I burnt out quickly and gained it all back. This time around I have gone in with a better understanding of what works for me and what sets me up for failure. This way may take longer to get to my goal weight, but it is much more sustainable and I don't feel deprived at all. Instead of beating myself up for my failed first attempt, I will take it as a learning experience.

    I did feel unbelievably frustrated that I could not do my workouts nearly as well as I did at the end of my first attempt, but that passed. I kept at it and now I am so much stronger than I have ever been. Keep going, one day at a time! You've got this!
  • riss526
    riss526 Posts: 36 Member
    It's like you read my mind!! I feel like now that I know how much work I have to do and how consistent I have to be it's harder to get started. Plus I keep comparing my current self to my past self. But if I do nothing that's not going to help, so... One day at a time, every damn day (again) and it'll happen!

    I feel the exact same way. Its like during the last few months before I reached my goal during my first journey I could easily do 2-4 miles on the treadmill, 100 crunches, push ups, jumping jacks, lunges, etc. Now I'm pushing to get 15 push ups, 30 crunches, etc. I just keep trying to force my mind back to where my head was at and what I did when I first started my first journey, but even then, it's like I'm constantly disappointing myself. It's like I've got this inner demon telling me I'm not going to reach my goals if I can't get the stamina I had before. It's just a process of getting through it and coming out stronger on the other side and while I know that, there are days like today where I'm only human and I let my thoughts get the best of me.
  • riss526
    riss526 Posts: 36 Member
    This is my second time as well. My first round I went about it the wrong way. I ate too few calories, demonized certain foods, and restricted myself way too much. It gave me a very unhealthy mindset and I burnt out quickly and gained it all back. This time around I have gone in with a better understanding of what works for me and what sets me up for failure. This way may take longer to get to my goal weight, but it is much more sustainable and I don't feel deprived at all. Instead of beating myself up for my failed first attempt, I will take it as a learning experience.

    I did feel unbelievably frustrated that I could not do my workouts nearly as well as I did at the end of my first attempt, but that passed. I kept at it and now I am so much stronger than I have ever been. Keep going, one day at a time! You've got this!

    It's so great to hear things like this. It really helps when you're having a frustrating day. I'm hoping the frustration fizzles out as I keep pushing forward. Thank you! ☺
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    riss526 wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    The pressure is self exerted. No need for it.
    The first one cant have been that great anyway otherwise you wouldnt be doing a second. Learn from it.

    I actually had a great 1st journey and I maintained my weightloss for over 2 years. I started to gain weight when I was pregnant with my son and continued to gain after. Tnis second journey has nothing to do with my first. I let myself go after giving birth to my son and that's my fault. But I worked my butt off and kept my weight off for quite a while the first time and I'm happy that I did that and it gives me hope to know I can do it again. I know the pressure is self exerted. I was just simply asking if anyone else was on their 2nd journey and having similar feelings.

    Pregnancy is different and that wasnt mentioned, but you are mistaken when you say your first has nothing to do with your second becayse you are using i to compare and exert pressure in a way thats unhelpful.

    Guilt, frustration, fault are no going to help you. Its much better if you take the positive from it and change your mindset, it worked before, you can do it, you are capable etc. I just get the impression you are making it harder for yourself than it needs be. If you were relaxed, accepted you just are where you are and focus on just being consistent for that day and making some minor improvement, then you would worry less.

    One of the things I do is record/ write down my results, be it loss or more interestingly peformance. How long, how fast, how heavy. It helps with knowing im making progress and over time its soemthing I can fall back on and remind myself where my present journey is. I think that would help you not to worry about your first journey and realise you are steadily improving on this one moving forward. You also get the nice feeling of knowing what you are doing and when youve finished the days work , then you can relax and go home. Its an excellent way of pacing. You just have to be patient and fitness comes.
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    I maintained my goal weight for 3 years, ill health and having to quit exercise for 18 months mean half my original loss has been regained.

    Initially I felt massively guilty about undoing all my hard work, but I realise now that's futile. So I'm just taking it one day at a time. I used to run 5k 3 times a week and last night I went running for the first time in almost 2 years. It wasn't anywhere near 5k, but I took it for what it was - a step in the right direction - and was super pleased with myself.

    You'll be fine. Just keep going! :)
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    Cor blimey I don't even know what "Attempt" I'm on this time. But I know one thing... I'm going to make damn sure it's my last. At almost 32 I cannot keep allowing my weight to fluctuate like I have for the past 15 years. It's done me no favours and my back was a right mess, constantly in pain. Losing the weight has stopped it.