kilverstone Member


  • I posted a sticky topic for the guidelines for the group. It resets every Monday so if you can't make it this week, we begin again Monday. In the meantime welcome everyone! :)
  • You made the decision and you're here, that's half the battle. One day at a time, one workout at a time, one pound at a time. :) Feel free to friend me if you'd like support.
  • The MAY-hem Challenge begins TODAY!! I have added all those who have posted in the discussion thread. If you would still like to join, please let me know! Please start checking in today in the Challenge Group discussion area. I've posted a few threads to get everyone started. :) I'm very excited to have fitness buddies to…
  • I've added everyone to the group. :) I'm very excited!!
  • @AstorMiles and @4Pick I've added you both to the group. Feel free to jump on in with your introductions and check ins with the group. :)
  • Anyone else want to get their fit on in MAY-hem?
  • Well done! I'm just starting back to Insanity. :)
  • I don't post much on boards, mostly a lurker but I message and update fairly often. :)
  • There are some great tips and ideas in this thread. It sounds like there are a number of things going on here, not just physical changes for you but changes in your relationship with yourself and others. I want to congratulate you on taking steps towards a healthy and fit life. The suggestion having progress photos taken…
  • MFP unfortunately sets the average calorie intake MUCH too low for someone who is trying to lose weight in a healthy manner. You do want to create a calorie deficit for the week, consider this there are 3,500 calories in 1lb. So if you're looking to lose a pound per week, at 1200 calories you are going to be starving your…
  • You have taken the first and often hardest step, you've recognized and given voice to the problem, emotional eating. I too have struggled with this and up until a few years ago had an unhealthy relationship with food. Stress and depression lead to overeating, emotional eating and unfortunate eating and lifestyle habits in…
  • Hi there, first of all welcome! I think you will find a great community of support and other people on here trying to reach their fitness goals and stay motivated in their new and healthier lifestyles. Feel free to add or message me for support. :) I love helping others reach their fitness and nutrition goals.
  • Well first of all, it's great that you are coming back and wanting to continue working toward a healthier lifestyle. :) That is huge! Don't be discouraged, you will find lots of support and friends here to help you along in your journey. Feel free to add me, I love helping others work toward their fitness and nutrition…
  • Feel free to add me, I am always happy to help support and motivate others. :)
  • Have you changed your workout routine recently? Your body adapts very quickly to any workout/fitness regime, so it's important to change it up every 4-6 weeks and alter how you're working out. Maybe a new video or a new sport you can try? Are you strength training?
  • I was thinking the same thing about the grilled cheese. However previous posters are correct, it is a lifestyle change and change is by its very nature not easy. We are creatures of habit, so make a new habit. It takes 21 days to form a new habit, that's such a small commitment. You can do anything for 21 days, make your…
  • I'm thinking a new handbag when I reach my first major milestone, and new clothes when I reach my goal weight. For every 5 pounds I like to get myself a new book, download new music to my Ipod. :)
  • The weight loss fairy finally visited me a tiny bit. :) I am grateful and will take the gift and toddle off to bed. And yes I always look better before food. LOL
  • Several years ago I successfully lost about 20lbs and my mother told me that I was shrinking away (I was 142lbs at the time). I doubt she'd think that now given the creep of those 20lbs and then some back on my 5'3" frame. At this point I'm rocking 168lb with a ways to go toward my goal but honestly my size 12 pants tell a…
  • It's really good that you went and spoke with your doctor and your dietician, especially with a workout like 30DS, it's not easy! If your doctor suggested you take a day or two off than I would heed the advice. The most important thing is to listen to your body, you don't want to end up injuring yourself or tweaking a…
  • That is amazing!! Congrats!
  • Someone once told me that I couldn't ever run a marathon and that motivated to not only sign up for one but start training and go for it! I have never looked back and running is as essential to breathing now. I love my runs, morning, noon, night all you need is a pair of shoes and you can run anywhere. I found a friend to…
  • Yes, you can loose weight from taking pole dancing classes. I did pole dancing classes for almost two years and I loved it! It's so much harder than it looks an incredible full body workout. The thing that the studio I went to emphasized was well rounded diet and fitness. Eating healthy but also incorporating conditioning,…
  • I have had the same problem myself. I joined several years ago and am now on Day 2 of reshaping my life.
  • Feel free to add me. I am always looking to support others and to offer it where needed. It's tough doing it alone!
  • I have tried the diet and it did work for me, for awhile. I was bad about sticking to it unfortunately. As with any "diet" I was looking for something quick and while it did work for awhile, it's more about changing your lifestyle, not just your diet but your patterns and relationship with food. I am not against following…
  • I've used both Jillian Michaels Whey Protein Powder in Vanilla and Chocolate and EAS, which I like.
  • I just restarted my TurboFire workouts yesterday, so today will be Day 2. I love these workouts and last time I did it (fell off wagon) I lost inches in a couple of weeks. The important thing to remember is to be tracking your food, water intake and exercising at your level. You can build up to the moves and the…
  • I just started this yesterday, so today will be day 2. :) Definitely need to take the before/after photos once it is completed. I am sore after just one day! Happy to be doing this with others though!
  • I would NEVER give up my coffee. Instead I've eliminated mixed coffee beverages (read: Starbucks) and treat myself once and awhile to a Skinny Latte. I drink 2 cups in the morning black, although sometimes I'll add Stevia or Truvia and measure out soy/almond milk for a change up. Too much of a coffee addict to give it up.…
    in Coffee? Comment by kilverstone July 2013