Fast's are never the answer. Maybe you could give us an idea of your exercise routine and eating plan and maybe we'll have some recommendations
I had a hard time deciding because I have an exam today and then straight to work so I really had to make it in advance since I hate buying fast food or something like it. My dinner is: 1 maple lodge farm teriyaki chicken breast 1 package of green giant garden medley vegetables 1 package of green giant steamed broccoli and…
cottage cheese is amazing....I love it after a workout
I'm not going to go on it.....I was more of a curiosity question because I eat a ton of vegetables and my carbs go quite high due to that. I know on atkins you can pretty much eat protein and some vegetables so I was just curious as to the typical amount. Thanks for the replies
how many grams of carbs do you consumer per day?
Hey Everyone! I noticed that a bunch of people add cottage cheese to their does this taste? I like both but it makes me nervous putting them both together.
atkins milk chocolate shake 1 piece of whole wheat bread 1 light string cheese
I have never liked pop but randomly had a diet coke last night with tons of ice and half way through I was extremely bloated and felt terrible.
I pretty much work out 7 days a week except for when my gym closes for holidays and such.
how many grams of carbs does everyone generally eat in a day?
I have tried them,....all kinds are very good, and they satisfy the muffin craving!
where can you buy these noodles?
carbs are essential for a well rounded healthy diet. It is okay to decrease them, but I don't think eliminating them completely is smart. The minute you eliminate them and lose a ton of weight and start eating them again, you will gain the weight back. I would find it hard to live the rest of my life without carbs.
I have a pack a day gum habit....once it loses it's flavour, I tend to pop another one
Would selecting a small wendy's chili for dinner be considered a good choice?
Good sources are: >Egg beaters >Cottage cheese >Low fat cheese >Lean Meat >Nuts
I like to snack at night as well....but if I space my calories throughout the day, I find that I don't need the night time snacks as much.
I space my calories out throughout the day. Typically I would eat 300 calories for breakfast 300 calories for lunch 200 calorie snack 500 Calorie dinner
How many calories do you guys eat when you ride that much?
I definitely agree with the "real" thing. My mom uses these products as another way to get some fruits in and I just wondered what everyone thought of it
Does anyone buy/eat the pureed fruits from the baby food aisle?
You could always eat: >Eggs >Fruit (apple, banana) >Cheese >Cottage Cheese >Yogurt >Lean meats (lean turkey bacon, mini sausages) - could mix it in with the eggs to be more filling... >Salads with veggies and chicken >Stirfry
Has anyone tried the five factor diet? thoughts?
I small mcintosh apple 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1 slice of cheese bread
It's good to bring portable snacks like nuts, cut up vegetables, yogurt, fruit and cheese. Anything that doesn't require a lot of prep while you are working.
My boyfriend and I tend to eat separate things. I have stomach issues so I always make something different for myself. I found when I was eating the same foods as him, it was always terrible and I gained about 10 pounds
I usually have one piece in the morning, and one at night
Since I'm at school all day here's my menu Breakfast: 1/2 cup of cottage cheese I slice of flax bread with 1 tbsp grape jelly Lunch: Garden salad with calorie wise italian dressing 14 Carrots Dinner: 2 cups of spaghetti squash 1/2 cup of ragu 1 tbsp light parmesan cheese Snack: Individual bag of crackers
Breakfast: 1 cup of cottage cheese and 1 piece of whole wheat bread with 1 tsp grape jelly Lunch: Bag of mixed vegetables (carrots, cucumber, pepper), unsweetened apple sauce, and a individual portion of sunchips Dinner: Garden Salad with chicken
This is what a typical day would be like for school; such as taking foods since I'm there all day almost everyday Breakfast: 1/2 cup cottage cheese 1% 1 piece of whole wheat bread with 1 tsp of jam Snack: 1/2 cup of blueberries Lunch: 2 cups of spaghetti squash with 1 tbsp of parmesan cheese and becel topping spray…