

  • You need a fair bit of rowing technique to get the most out of the exercise. I can recommend it but please get a qualified rowing instructor to help you with the movement. You need to do the movement right or it can hurt your back.
  • Give it some time. You will notice change but for some it goes fast, for some it takes a little longer. Practice insanity for a minimum of 3 months, stick to your diet, eat your calories back and you will definitely see a massive change. Two weeks is nothing.
  • Hey Mubb, have taken a brief look at your foodlog. You really aren't eating a lot. A 1000 cals for a fullgrown man in an active job? I think that's not the way to go. You may loose a lot of pounds now (in fact you aren't), but what about long term? Can you keep this diet for 2-4 months? I really have my doubts about that.…
  • Also, having a whole bucket of KFC chicken isn't helping. It is fastfood, and fastfood is making you hungry. The next time you try to eat a lot of meat I'd go for healthier ways to prepare your food like grilling or cooking. Fried food isn't good for any diet whatsoever.
  • Keeps you full and helps you build muscle. Sounds great! Have you upped your protein in general or replaced other sources of protein with the powder?
  • I get your point. It is also related to your beliefs on what is good food for you, some may say that powder isn't food, but others won't see any harm in it as it is concentrated and more efficient than bulk eating eggs and meats. I don't think we'll get a concsensus on that topic on MFP today :) In general the opinion over…
  • Have you noticed any difference when you changed from protein powder to protein from your diet?
  • em9371, I'm thinking the same thing, 143 g of protein is a lot of eggs. Can't really see myself do that on a daily basis. That makes protein a real well worth investment. Also the things you have mentioned about recovery after workout makes it worth trying. heidi_1990, I am on a small deficit, only -250/-200 so having read…
  • Out of curiosity (I don't want to question your judgement), in your opnion, do you think protein powders have no effect at all? Or do you think the protein you get from natural food is better than the protein you get from shakes, because it is more natural?
  • Thanks for your comments. I really haven't got a lot to spend at the moment, so I must choose wisely.... (am a fulltime student). It is interesting that you also experience a lot of other benefits from adding the protein. Wouldn't have expected that and makes trying protein powder even more worthwile. Didn't know that you…
  • Slice a potato in wedges, and boil in water with salt, until soft. Drain the potatoes. Cover them in a little oil Then broil the wedges. They'll be crisp and have a nice color. Add spices of your preference. Buon appetite!
  • Tomatosoup is so easy to prepare! Cook it yourself, it'll taste better and you'll be sure there won't be any wheat or other crap in your food.
  • When it sounds to good to be true - it usualy is...