bearforlife0607 Member


  • I have had the bodymedia link for almost a week and since it was such an investment I did my research because I thought I was dead set on the fitbit one. I went with the link and I am enjoying it a lot. and the research is there to back up the accuracy which was important to me. I suggest going to the bodymedia website and…
  • im going to start it tonight with a cardio workout 3 times a week i would love a buddy for motivation
  • I have heard that if you are wanting to lose weight and get toned you need to add some time of cardio with the 30ds. The 30ds is good for losing inches but more weight will come off with cardio. I am going to try adding cardio 3 times a week with 30ds when I start it tommorrow. Add me and I'll let you know how its working…
  • I'm getting ready to start 30ds again and hope to be able to stick all the way through it this time. The dvd is great for toning but from the research I have done if you want to lose and tone add in some kind of cardio a few times a week along side the dvd. Such as just going for a quick jog around the block. Good luck
  • The biggest loser consents wear body bugs and those are pretty expensive. MFP is adveristing the fit bit and it is highly less expenisve. And you can go to any fitness store or even walmart to find a good HRM.
  • i agree i measure out my portion of everything, and mix it together separate from everything else. it is a hassle especially if your not the one cooking. it helps be more accurate then just guessing
  • try making your snacks smaller, especially the afternoon one. and your probably not eating enough for dinner, your body is going to get to the point where you dont eat because your hungry you eat because your body needs nutrution. keep that in mind dont skip good quality meals because your body is not telling you its…
  • Something that know that helps me is I plan my meals a head of time and input them. This way I can see how much of my daily calories my meals are taking up and how much room I have for snacking. Another thing too, take you daily calorie goal and divde it by 4. This will help you see where your meals need to be and help you…
  • Weighing in first thing in the morning right after waking up and starting your day is actually the most accurate anyway. You have yet to eat or drink or even shower so your body is essentially starting on empty. Weighing in sometime in the middle of the day you have eaten a few meals and snacks by that point which you have…