Can you check out my food diary?

tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
Could you check my food diary and tell me if I should be doing something different. By 8:00 at night I am starving and have to stop myself from eating the entire pantry =/ Could you give me some suggestions to help with this. I don't keep track of my water intake but I am constantly drinking it. I have at least 4 or 5 liters while I'm at work. And at least 1 when I get home. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    add in more protein. :) If you're not a meat eater then add some protein powder.
    It will help you stay fuller longer and help with repair of muscles from working out. :)
    Good luck.
  • Kerriperkins
    Kerriperkins Posts: 35 Member
    I'm no expert but it seems to me...that you have no really solid food after lunch time. Then your body has to finish the day and night before it gets anything it can use to fuel itself. If you ever get that hungry your putting your body in starvation mode and that is not good.
  • lipt8611
    lipt8611 Posts: 60 Member
    Just my opinion....

    switch to a greek yogurt or plain yogurt. from experience and research, light and fit yogurt is not a good choice. sure, it's only 80 calories but it's loaded with sugar and not enough protein to justify eating it. it won't keep you full for more than an hour. it takes time to get used to, but if you want to make a lifestyle change and feed your body better food, switch to greek or plain yogurt. i think the best choice is either plain nonfat or plain greek with some cinnamon, stevia or a little honey and some frozen fruit. play around with it, i think they're delicious. i eat one for breakfast or lunch nearly every day. my biggest problem is that i'm hungry often, so i need food that will keep me full for as long as possible.

    make sure you're getting enough fiber in your diet- if i were you, i would track that with the rest of your stats. it also seems like you're snacking a lot on not the healthiest choices- what's more important, your health/losing the weight or those doritos? if you do snack, make sure it has some fiber- I try to make sure each snack i have is a "good" nutritional choice. Instead of processed foods like crackers, chips, etc try cucumber slices, carrots, an orange, etc
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    I agree about adding more protein. Also, are you actually measuring these servings? They seem really small. There is no way I could actually eat that little. That might be why you are hungry. You are eating small portions of calorie dense food. Try eating larger portions of less calorie dense foods. Fresh fruits, lots more veggies, lean meats ect.
  • bearforlife0607
    bearforlife0607 Posts: 9 Member
    try making your snacks smaller, especially the afternoon one. and your probably not eating enough for dinner, your body is going to get to the point where you dont eat because your hungry you eat because your body needs nutrution. keep that in mind dont skip good quality meals because your body is not telling you its hungry if all your meals and snacks are balanced you should not feel hungry. my daily goals are about the same to yours and i try to make each meal balanced and close to 400 calories as possible and i try to keep snacks under 100. so there is a cushion if i need it. remeber your body needs at least 1200 calories a day to function.
    good luck!!
  • lango6
    lango6 Posts: 15 Member
    Without even looking at your diary, I have a suggestion that may seem counterintuitive: cut down on the water intake. 2 liters a day is a good amount. I generally don't discourage water intake, but based on the comments I'm seeing regarding your diary, I'd guess you are flushing out electrolytes that your body is desperate to replace by evening. The hunger you are feeling could be your body seeking sources for those electrolytes (micronutrients) and not so much calories or macronutrients (carbs, protein, fat). If you are drinking out of pure thirst, than you might want to look at the source of that thirst as well. Not to raise an alarm, but frequency and thirst can be early signs of diabetes and judging again from the comments, you have a carbohydrate-heavy diet that can push you toward hyperinsulemia, a precursor to type 2 diabetes (which, by the way, is controllable by diet in the early stages).

    In general, don't just balance the calories across all meals, but within meals balance them across macronutrients as well. There are many schools of thought on the distribution of macronutrients within a meal, and individual experience will vary, but the idea behind the balance is to find the distribution that extends the suppression of hunger. You should get 3-4 hours of satiety from a meal (what constitutes an adequate meal can be debated, but let's say it would be at least 1/4th of your daily calories). The distribution that works for me is 40% carbs, 30% protein, and %30 fat (strive to consume the best quality available for each macronutrient).