

  • I ended up managing to do 30 of the 40 minutes of Insanity in my office during lunch! I put a mat down so nobody could hear my less than graceful self jumping around...AND tomorrow some gals in my office are going to join in.
  • I gain anywhere between 1 and 4 pounds the week before my period...BUT it luckily (knock on wood) always goes away. I also love salty foods so that doesn't help.
  • Thanks guys! Well I decided I am going to give it a go and see what happens...worst case scenario their initial reaction will turn into jealousy! LOL I'm fairly new at work, started 4 months ago, and we have a very open, casual 12 person office so I didn't want to "overstep" my boundaries but I can deal with a few snickers…
  • I'm so happy I read this! I've taken up running (I used to be the anti-runner and hated it) but I have been getting left shoulder pain but no stitch in my side. I get winded very easily but I always notice the shoulder pain when I get to the downhill portion of the trail. At least I know it's common! It was mildly freaking…
  • I'm 21 and looking to lose about 10lbs but mostly tone up! Hoping to start P90X followed by insanity and I am training for my first 5K. I gained about 10 lbs since I started a desk job :( Feel free to add me! :)
  • I had the same problem when I started eating healthier...more veggies etc. My face started breaking out but I just kept up with my Neutrogena Acne Kit and it has since improved. Still have the occasional breakout but make sure you drink TONS of water. That seemed to be the trick for me (knock on wood)
  • Thanks everyone. I have food allergies and celiac so most of my gluten free foods are high calorie which is what trips me up even if I'm eating a "normal" portion. I of course have days where I am hungry and so I eat (I definitely don't starve myself lol) but other days I find that I am not all that hungry. Lizard053, I…
  • Thank you so much! Very informative. I am definitely doing more maintaining my weight then loosing. I think dropping a pant size will happen once I tone up. There is so much "stuff" out there that says 1,200 calories but for my activity level it seems impossible. Thanks again for clearing this up for me :happy:
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