lamerek Member


  • WOOT! Hit my goal today! And.... drum roll please ... got my first black toenail! YUCK! Gotta make sure my shoes aren't the culprit... This week's miles, 4 Tuesday, 5 Thursday, 8.5 today! WTD: 17.5 MTD: 56.5 YAY! :) kate.
  • OOH! Me! Me! My Nike+ screen name is: Pink_Monster_Kate I'd love to get some Nike+ friends! :) Also–logged 4.1 miles on the dreadmill today. WTD: 4.1 MTD: 38.6 Determined to hit 50 this month. Planning a 4 mile on Thursday, an 8 miler on Saturday, and a 4 miler on Monday to round out the month!!! Kate.
  • Been slacking on checking in. Here's the recap. Week 1: 15 Week 2: 16.25 Week 3: 3 (on vacation!) MTD: 34.25 kate.
  • Well, I used WW (the new Points Plus system) to lose 75+ pounds in about a year, and so I can tell you how it worked for me... Since using MFP for the past few weeks (I am a runner and wanted to know how my carbs/protein/fat were distributed b/c WW doesn't tell you this), my daily PP allowance (I'm on maintenance now) is…
  • First week check in: Week 1: 15 miles MTD: 15 miles Getting back on the wagon after a long weekend away from home (and from running). Kate.
  • I'd like to join if there's still room! I'm trying to ramp up my mileage! Put me down for 50 miles for July. Did 7.3 on 7/1! Kate.
  • Congrats on doing your first 10K!!! That is amazing! :) I'm a new runner (only been at it 10 months), and haven't yet started training for my first 13.1 (in April, 2013). But, I have read Hal Higdon's "Marathon" (I'd recommend it—includes info on the half, as well!), as well as other running books (Bingham's "Running for…
  • This used to happen to me on one of the machines at the gym, so I just quit using it. ;) Can't remember what type of machine it is... I started running partly because the elliptical machines were causing sciatica due to the repetitive motion. Running (I run almost 100% on a track, trail, or road so the surface varies some)…
  • I'm a new runner (started 10 months ago), but I'll echo what other folks have said. Google "half marathon training for beginner" and you'll get a good variety of plans. I say go see a doctor if you're having pain. Your primary care could probably refer you to a sports medicine doc. It might be something minor that some…
  • I'll echo what everyone has said -- running on the treadmill is easier because you're not physically propelling your body forward in space. The machine does some of the work for you. I'd suggest mixing it up so that you body doesn't get used to one thing. I *just* did my first treadmill run (7.3 miles), and I could tell it…
  • I'm 5'7" and started out at 235 in December of 2010 and have been maintaining my happy weight of 155 for about 3 months now (my original goal was 160, and I hit that 5 months ago). Feel free to add me. :) kate.
  • that stinks! Hope you are on the mend and in less pain soon... This too shall pass! ((((hugs)))) kate.
  • Couldn't agree more -- go to a running store (or VERY good athletic/sports store) and ask to get fitted. Bring along the socks you usually wear, as well as your old sneaks so the staff can take a look. They know their shiz-nit, and it's worth the money to get it done right. It will save you lots of aches and pains later!…
  • Forgot to mention, there is also the Galloway method of running/walking intervals. Lots of folks swear by it. Google "Jeff Galloway" and you'll find it. I have a friend using this method to do the Marine Corps Marathon this fall and she swears by it! :)
  • 5K Runner (another C25K app) is how I started, and I took MUCH longer than the regular schedule to complete it. Now I'm hooked on running—doing a half marathon in April 2013! Read up on running—there are some good online sources out there. There are also LOTS of people out there just like you who are just learning to run.…
  • I used 5K Runner to get started with running, and I'm totally addicted to running now! A few things—if you are having shin pain, it's likely shin splints. Google shin exercises for runners and you'll find some good stretches for your shins to do post run. Also, if you're really sucking air and having any pain, you're…
    in c25k Comment by lamerek June 2012
  • Even at my goal weight I will forever have chub rub! :) I wear lycra compression style shorts or capris—SO much more comfortable for me! You can always put lycra/compression shorts/capris under running shorts if you want a more modest look. There are also SUPER cute running skirts (with shorts built in underneath). Check…