

  • I like working out fasted in the morning but it is a personal preference. Some people like having protein shake prior, others don't want that much liquid in their stomach and only have BCAA. Try some different things and see what works best for you.
  • Excellent response.
  • If you think you can run daily then try it. Slowly add more frequency to your workouts and carefully monitor your body. There are monks that run a marathon every single day. When I was in high school I could run every day and not really get sore. But I was a skinny stick back then. Now I'm 31 and I don't run more then 2-3…
  • When you're a beginner do big compound lifts such as Squats, Deadlift, Bench, Overhead Press, Pullups. Only do a few of these moves each workout but add weight every workout. When you can't add weight switch up your routine. This may take a beginner 6 months or more on a proper program to stall. Or many people in the gym…
  • If you don't lift weights you can only get skinny fat.
  • I wanted to do more Tuna as I even enjoy eating it straight from the can, convenient, but they say you need to be concerned about mercury poisoning so I limit myself to a can a day.…. They say salmon has negligible mercury so I’m hoping to find a cheap deal on low sodium canned salmon than stock up! I do agree eggs are…
  • Ahh I should've specified I'm targeting a 4-1 potassium to sodium ratio which basically removes all soup I think ;( Perhaps if I get better at cooking in the crock pot I can do something with beans and rice and freeze my own sodium free though! Veggies? Many of those are low calorie probably right up there with fish in…
  • My gosh can't believe some of you people think you have to go below 1200 cals a day to lose weight..... sick. Lift weights eat protein and anybody can lose weight at much higher calorie levels. Sure you could instead lay in a coffin and starve your body until your daily metabolish is below 1200 but why would you want to…
  • Eat Bacon and Eggs for breakfast, then you will be full and no carbs! Find as many dead animals as you can and eat them throughout the rest of the day.
  • Fiber and dehydration is a horrible combo! Fiber only regulates you when you are hydrated so the fibers can be full of water. Otherwise they become hard and lead to compaction or blockage, that would be worse then no fiber at all.
  • Nobody has mentioned excess skin? Google that and rapid weight loss, it’ll make you sick. Losing one pound a week is 52 lbs a year, that is tons of progress. If you stick with it, if you make it a permanent healthy lifestyle change, you will easily be able to reach whatever healthy weight you want. If you only have a…
  • I believe instead of just a daily caloric goal you first need to look at a daily macronutrient goal. Your body needs so many grams of protein and grams of fat at a minimum. If you don't hit minimum fat requirements and minimum protein requirements your body won’t retain muscle and you may lower your basic metabolic rate.…
  • Yes, protein shakes are a convenient way to hit macro targets. I aim to get my daily protein from real food, preferably fish, salmon, eggs, chicken, some red meats. I have protein shakes when I won’t be able to hit my targets with normal meals. I buy lactose free protein with no sweeteners or artificial ingredients. The…
  • Your body converts any excess calories to fat period. The human body can convert carbs to fat, it can convert protein to fat, and it can store fat as fat. If you eat 200 more calories then you burn you will gain weight regardless of the macro-nutrient ratio. Now, if you don't get sufficient protein, you will lose muscle…
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