katevarner Member


  • I don't comment on food diaries anymore for this very reason. Not gonna preach unless someone specifically asks me for advice, but I don't ever "like" or comment on diary completion, under or over, and I don't even look at what people are eating anymore to help me resist the urge to say WTF. I'm on my own journey, still…
  • Ditto. It's up to you, but the fewer ingredients the better. Shop the outside of the grocery store, or better yet, go to the Farmer's Market or join a CSA in your area. A lot of people are afraid of dairy, so that may be why you are seeing so much Almond milk, but most cow's milk is processed less than almond milk. If you…
  • Avocado, lemon juice and celery. I often eat it with cherry tomatoes or inside a cut up large tomato.
  • This is one of the reasons I unlinked mine. Happens all the time, and it's an MFP issue, I think. I just log both places now, but I'm in maintenance, so matters less.
  • I am finding it harder to maintain since I cut back my exercise (my gym is having issues and has cancelled two classes I was regularly taking). I'm fine if I get in at least a couple of miles of extra walking each day (walking as exercise, not just from the car or up the stairs), but on these incredibly hot summer days,…
  • The original goal that BM gives you is just based on the info you put in. I would suggest wearing it for a couple of weeks to see how much you are actually burning, then you can adjust your goals based on your actual burn. Mine originally told me to eat 1950 because it thought I would burn 2450. I was only able to work out…
  • My BMF is much more accurate for calories burned--there is usually a 300-500 calorie difference for me--but Fitbit is much more accurate for steps.
  • My fitbit weekly goal is 50 miles, but I don't always reach it. My step goal is 12,500 per day, which on average I hit every day, but due to work, I sometimes only get 6,000 and other times get nearly 20,000.
  • I have had my BMF since February 2012. Lost what I wanted to lose and now using for maintenance. I don't currently have my accounts linked, but relinking June 1 for convenience this summer. Feel free to add me.
  • I believe the yoga pose is on hands, but they both work your core. I actually find it easier to hold a plank on my hands, but I think most find forearms easier. Either way, just do it. There are lots of plank challenges available online. Try one! If you are worried you are using the wrong form, switch it up. Or do the…
  • Go slowly. If you add too many, you will gain, so only add a few each week or so to see where the point is at which you start to gain. I have made the mistake in the past of thinking that I could just go back to eating the way I ate before, but I cannot if I want to maintain. Did you use a specific plan? I know Atkins adds…
  • I used mine to lose the last 23 lbs. in about 7 months last year and have continued to use it to maintain since October. I try to stay within about 100 calories of my burn every day, and while my weight has fluctuated up and down a couple of pounds, I have remained pretty steady--I weighed 111 on 10/1/12 and this morning I…
  • Billy Joel, 52nd Street Tour, 1979, Mobile, AL
  • This, and because you shouldn't have that much to lose. 20% is for people who workout hard and/or have a lot to lose. You should lose fine around 1500 calories (it won't be fast, but it will be more lasting), and you shouldn't be hungry. If you want to work out, I'd refigure TDEE instead of eating back workout calories.…
  • Just wear it for a week or so and then worry about your goals. It will have to get used to you, then the numbers will make more sense. And yes, the excess activity just gives you more calories to eat on MFP. Oh, and don't trust the estimate that BMF gives you early in the day of what you will burn the rest of the day. You…
  • I have found the calorie burn numbers to be very accurate--I lost weight at just under a pound a week with a 500-650 per day deficit until I reached and then exceeded my goal last fall. Since then I have been maintaining eating within 100 calories per day or less of my calorie burn. I wear it on my arm all day, but at…
  • Only eat below BMR if you are significantly overweight. If you are only 32 lbs. overweight, like your ticker says, then use the higher activity level. Or you can take a lower cut--try 15%?
  • One of my favorite classes. Start low with weights just until you get used to the class, then you can go as high as you want. It's high repetitions, so you can't go as high as you can in the weight room, but particularly if you haven't been lifting regularly, you will see results. And it's a lot of fun.
  • Weigh everything you can. I have found that my measuring cups measure nothing like the weights on packaged items. For instance, the rice I cook gives calories based on 1/4 cup or 45 grams. Well, my 1/4 cup measure actually holds 60 grams of rice, and that's not overflowing, just to the top. So I was actually eating 1/3…
  • Are you sure your Katch is correct? Where did you get your bodyfat? I find that the BMF is a pretty good estimate for me, but it doesn't measure everyone as well. I was able to lose just under a pound a week keeping a 500-650 calorie deficit, but I ate pretty clean during that time. I have a hard time losing unless I lower…
  • bumping for the recipes--thanks!
  • I have lost and gained many times, but I find that I gain it back when I get lazy. As long as I am mindful of what I eat and take time to fit in exercise, maintenance is easy. When I quit moving and start eating what's easy instead of what's healthy, I regain. I also have to weigh on a regular basis. Last time I regained…
  • Great job! Congratulations!
  • I am usually starving and will eat whatever. This week, my choice was Momma's Love from Momma Goldberg's. Last, it was Chipotle burrito bowl.
  • My problem is that if I eat according to these recommendations, I get too many carbs. Current weight 110, LBM about 99 lbs according to my scale and the bodpod at my gym (I'm having a DEXA scan this week, so that could change, but I imagine if it does, it will go down). I am very active and burn an average of 2300 calories…
  • I lose weight easily under 100g, and as long as I don't eat breads and pasta, can lose with even more than that. I'm currently in maintenance (and have been since October), and I still keep my eye on my carbs, but there are days that I eat 300g, and I'm not gaining, altho I don't feel good when I eat that many,…
  • TDEE includes not just exercise but what you burn just during your daily activities. BMR is what you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day.
  • I eat between 850 and 1250 above my BMR and I'm maintaining. Workout 4 days a week and walk at least a mile every day.
  • It might just be genetic. I still have a little double chin and I weigh 110. Both my parents had one, even when they were not overweight. Finally lost the roundness in my face, but I think that's as much age as weight loss.
  • Another book: The Smarter Science of Slim, or if you want the info for free, try the website: thesmarterscienceofslim.com or listen to the podcasts on iTunes or youtube.com. LowER carb, but only advocates giving up starches, not carbs.