evita6983 Member


  • You look gorgeous and I love that you are doing it the healthy way- congrats!!
  • I know it is really hard to get out of that mindset but trust me, once you do it is worth it. It's not an overnight thing but my mind feels so much more sane now. I weigh myself maybe twice a month. I have stayed about the same, around 143 but my before and after pictures clearly show a difference. I started running so my…
  • You should do what you can do to get healthy, go see him in person all sexy, and then DUMP HIS *kitten* face to face!!!!!
  • The problem is the word diet. "Diet" foods are actually foods that are good for your body and fuel them in a positive way. "Every day" foods are what made industries rich and the public in poor health.
  • Agreed. If you are eating these things on a regular basis, you are not feeding your body what it needs for good health. If you want to treat yourself to something every now and then that's one thing but a true lifestyle change is eating healthy, clean foods. Your body and taste buds will adjust to the change and you won't…
  • Hey! I'm your friend on here and I saw your post. When I started MFP I had about 20 lbs to lose. My highest was 172 and when I started here I was around 158. So far I have lost 15 lbs and have 5 more to go. The best advice I can give is that the healthy way to do it is a slow steady process. You will plateau but your body…
  • I LIVE off of my lists!! Between work, being a mom, running a business and just the regular life stuff, I get easily overwhelmed. Making lists takes all the stress out of my head and puts it into reality of what needs to get done. If I don't write it down, I'm constantly thinking that I have to do this or remember that.…
  • Thank you for responding! I know it's different for every family but it sounds like communication is a huge key to it all which we are big on as it is. I will definitely be picking up some books when the time is right. Good luck to you all in your vegan and exercise journeys! :)
  • Oops! I got ahead of myself...those are my goals for the weeks...should have left them blank, sorry!
  • evita6983/Erin: Goal weight on May 31st : 143 5/01: 148 5/07: 147 5/14: 146 5/21: 145 5/28: 144 5/31: 143
  • Congrats, what a journey you are on! Your picture looks like you hold yourself differently now, more confident and happy! Keep it up, I can't wait to see more "after" pictures down the road!!
  • Take it from someone that has done it and DON'T DO IT! I couldn't stick to the 500 calories (crazy) but did lose about 12 pounds. On top of not knowing how it is going to affect you in the future, the problem is I was so hungry when it was over that I put back 10 pounds. And then it was even HARDER to get it off. If you…
  • Thanks for all your replies! The first few weeks have been great. I have more energy than ever and I FEEL good. Megan- shopping is actually easier if you are looking to eat pretty much whole foods and i'm sure there are some awesome cookbooks out there. I know when I became a vegetarian I did it the wrong way and ate all…
  • Thanks to you both! Do you find that it is necessary to log your calories even with eating so healthy?
  • I'm not sure if you would be into this but I make smoothies on a daily basis. I throw in spinach, low fat plain greek yogurt and some sort of juice and then blend it. After I throw in some frozen berries for taste and frozen vegetables for some added nutrition and blend it all together, sometimes extra juice is needed if…
  • Good luck to you! It sounds like you have been on quite a life journey and that you are on the right track. You must be a strong person to go through so much so I have no doubt that you can lose the weight! Like you said, take it one step at a time, work hard and it will happen. I find having healthy snacks on hand is…
  • Nevermind figured out the friend thing...!
  • Thanks for responding everyone! It's great hearing everybody's stories and to know we are all in this together. It's such a struggle for so many women and having a community to go to is so helpful and motivating. I think I also need a chocoholics support group but one step at a time :) I want to add you all as friends but…
  • Hi! I have the same problems and I just joined as well. I do really well for a week or so and then stuff my face and then it's just downhill from there! Chocolate is my addiction :) If you add me as your friend (I'm not sure how to do that?) I would love to try and help you stay on track and you can keep me in check as…