For cryin' out loud. I eat pasta, fast food and ice cream!



  • shivouel
    shivouel Posts: 14
    I'm with you, well except the pasta, I don't like it, we still have a once a week trip to Mickie D's we just make sure we've built up the calories.

    If I wanted to eat fruits and nuts I'd become a squirrel :smile:

    I wouldn't mind being a squirrel, they're cute and awesome! :D
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I eat pretty much the way the OP described. IMO, the best "diet" for anyone is a reasonably healthy one that they can stick with in the long run. There isn't any point to it if you're going to eat super clean, then cave and go back to the previous way of eating because it is overly restrictive. Some people love to do low carb. Others take the moderation approach. Others eat low fat. Whatever helps you get to your goals and keeps you there, that's the perfect diet for you. Let's just stop trying to make villains out of sugar or carbs or fat or (insert villain of the moment). Food is not your enemy.

    Also, I think people are completely misreading ACG's posts. If memory serves, he has a fondness for ice cream.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    This thread is funny. To each their own :) I try to eat clean 90% of the time but sometimes..I need my Chipotle rice bowl :) I have been working with a dietitian as well and was instructed to actually add more fat back my splurge has been almond butter, peanut butter, but I do eat some low fat ice cream. It's a constant balance, not a one-size fits all approach. The plan that works for me may not work for others..
    Good luck to everyone!
  • evita6983
    evita6983 Posts: 25 Member
    I totally believe in eating what you like ..... as long as you practice portion control. I don't think I could stay with my "diet" if all I ate was rice cakes and raw veggies. I have read other people say " Lifestyle Change" which I fully agree with. Life does not always allow you to eat your "diet" foods all the time. You have to learn how to eat everyday foods in moderation to fit your new healthier lifestyle.

    The problem is the word diet. "Diet" foods are actually foods that are good for your body and fuel them in a positive way. "Every day" foods are what made industries rich and the public in poor health.
  • eatathome
    eatathome Posts: 81 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    First things first.. you dont need to be nasty about it.

    Secondly, there are many people who have serious medical problems that warrant the elimination of those types of foods. I have patients who have such issues who use MFP for tracking under the physician's advice.

    Then you have people who come out and admit that they dont have control when they eat those types of foods thus they do their best not to have them.

    So yes, there are people who legitimately cant have those types of foods.

    I wasn't talking about people with health issues. If you have a realistic health issue (ie-diabetes) you are excluded from this conversation. I'm talking about normal, everyday people who are basically overall in good health who just THINK they can't have "normal" food.

    Americans need to rethink what we put into our bodies is "normal."

    I agree with the poster who said the debate is what you're looking for in this tool. My focus is on fitness and nutrition, and nutrition does not end (or begin) with counting calories.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    to the op...i think im in love with you now....and bacon:bigsmile:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Amen, sista!!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    How many of us started our "diet" by eating clean, only to fail?! I think the post is extremely encouraging to those who have "tried everything".
    Of course clean eating is the ideal way to go, but for many it just won't work. Many people, like me, will find that a slower adaptation to healthier living will last for the long term.
    I don't think her post was rude at all. And if it's wasn't PC enough for you- please! Seriously?? She's just told a lot of people that they CAN do it. Some minor changes in their lifestyle can make a world of difference.

    Great point, thanks for sharing! I too advocate making slow changes as I think this is where so many people go wrong. They think they need to change everything at once and it's just not sustainable. You're undoing YEARS of bad habits and that takes time! I would recommend making one or two small changes at a time and sticking with just those till they become GOOD habits that you can SUSTAIN. Once those are in place, add one or two more and so on. Eventually, true fitness will come without even thinking about it.
  • witless
    witless Posts: 19
    sugar is toxic to some people and as are carbs for diabetics
    glad you can eat what ever you want and have the strength to moderate
    will power of a compulsive eater can make a portion of ice cream into a empty container
    and one cookie into a empty box so better none if this is the case
    good luck to all here
    you going to find success one day at a time
  • muffinskya
    muffinskya Posts: 9 Member
    Good for you, skinny doesn't mean heathy though ... Just sayin' ...

    Agree :)
  • Jsuhr
    Jsuhr Posts: 1
    But those aren't clean foods,therefore you're destroying your health

    This is the way I feel too. I won't put anyone down for feeling otherwise, but it's not the lifestyle I choose to live. For me, it's more about WHAT I put in my body and knowing where it came from, how it was processed, etc.

    Very true, after being 30 lbs overweight for 20 years, I developed IBS and severe Acid reflux I have found the cure that took me off all meds and cured my acid reflux and IBS.
    Eat right and balanced diet, organic, count calories, never eat empty calories.
    The biggest single change though I lost 20lbs, a lb a week simply by pretty much eliminating gluten and soda and most dairy.
    It wasn't hard at all and the weight is still falling off with very little effort.
    I try to use Paleo as a guide, Proteins, Vegs, Fruits, nuts, berries, very little rice or potatoes. No juice, eat the fruit and drink the water.... NO EMPTY CALORIES. My blood pressure also fell right in line as the weight came off.
    Sure I cheat a few times a month, like next week I'm going to NYC and you can bet I'll have some Patsys pizza.
    Still use 3 tablespoons of HalfnHalf in my coffee
    You are what you eat though and at 56 I can tell you it is true. 10 more lbs and I'll be at my 185 weight (6'2") from 1974.
    I've found with no more loss than alb a week it really stays off. A lot of you are really too young to figure out the damage you are causing from a gluten and dairy filled diet. As you get older you really understand you reap what you sow.
  • tiffygrl12
    tiffygrl12 Posts: 40
    How many of us started our "diet" by eating clean, only to fail?! I think the post is extremely encouraging to those who have "tried everything".
    Of course clean eating is the ideal way to go, but for many it just won't work. Many people, like me, will find that a slower adaptation to healthier living will last for the long term.
    I don't think her post was rude at all. And if it's wasn't PC enough for you- please! Seriously?? She's just told a lot of people that they CAN do it. Some minor changes in their lifestyle can make a world of difference.

    This! I agree with everything you say! This is the first time I've tried to loose weight and even though I'm not eating healthy I'm getting healthier than I used to be. In just 4 more pounds I'll be at a healthy BMI. If I tried to count macros along with calories I would drive myself crazy and I know I wouldn't stick to this. So until I reach my first goal I'll be eating pasta, dinner roles, and candy bars. After that I'll make a slow transition to 'healthy'.
    To some others: People who eat like me KNOW it's not healthy or ideal but it's a start. =)
    To the OP: Thank you for bringing this up. So many people give up on diets because some people tell them they have to eat a certain way and they become discouraged.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    First things first.. you dont need to be nasty about it.

    Secondly, there are many people who have serious medical problems that warrant the elimination of those types of foods. I have patients who have such issues who use MFP for tracking under the physician's advice.

    Then you have people who come out and admit that they dont have control when they eat those types of foods thus they do their best not to have them.

    So yes, there are people who legitimately cant have those types of foods.

    I wasn't talking about people with health issues. If you have a realistic health issue (ie-diabetes) you are excluded from this conversation. I'm talking about normal, everyday people who are basically overall in good health who just THINK they can't have "normal" food.

    An estimated 20% of people in the US have insulin resistance. Most of these people are overweight. So the percentage of people on MFP that have insulin resistance is most likely higher than 20%. When you have insulin resistance, your body doesn't digest carbs the way the body of someone without insulin resistance does. It's best to follow a low carb, high protein diet when you have insulin resistance. Sooooo those people CAN'T have ice cream, pasta, pizza, etc on a normal basis and be successful at losing weight.

    So although you say you weren't talking about "those people", a lot of "those people" are on this site.

    Full fat ice cream is low GI and glycemic load, but is unclean so shouldn't be eaten anyways. And dairy is terrible for you cause Paleo man didn't eat it.

    I'm one of "those" people. And I'm doing just fine with moderation. I still eat ice cream, I drink beer, I f*ckin love cheese. Six months ago I was pre-diabetic, as of last week I no longer am. I am still insulin resistant, but I deal with it much better by balancing things out. Life's too short to deprive yourself of everything you love so there's value in experimenting and finding what works for you, and allows you to still live your life. That's why we're ultimately doing this, isn't it? To live?
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    I agree with the general premise here - don't deprive yourself. Last month I was craving wendys like hell, so I went, bought, and ate, and went to the gym and burned off over 700 calories that I ate there.

    That said the OP does bother me because I am working hard at cleaning up my (and my husbands since I do most of the cooking and meal planning for us) eating. I do always feel gross after I eat crappy food - or overeat in general. It's a gradual thing and yes sometimes I opt for the lower calorie version over the "cleaner" version. (I still feel like I broke a cardinal rule by putting low calorie butter substitute in mashed potatoes instead of real butter tonight, haha. ) So I feel like something that should be a goal for a lot of us here is just being thrown out as cliche when its a very real thing a lot of people are working towards.

    Ultimately this whole thing is just about getting to you know yourself (at least it is for me) and finding out what works for you. Some people need a little treat every day, some of us have one or two cheat days or meals a week... Different styles work better for different people and all should be respected equally. :)
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    Preach it sista! ;)
  • I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    First things first.. you dont need to be nasty about it.

    Secondly, there are many people who have serious medical problems that warrant the elimination of those types of foods. I have patients who have such issues who use MFP for tracking under the physician's advice.

    Then you have people who come out and admit that they dont have control when they eat those types of foods thus they do their best not to have them.

    So yes, there are people who legitimately cant have those types of foods.

    I wasn't talking about people with health issues. If you have a realistic health issue (ie-diabetes) you are excluded from this conversation. I'm talking about normal, everyday people who are basically overall in good health who just THINK they can't have "normal" food.

    An estimated 20% of people in the US have insulin resistance. Most of these people are overweight. So the percentage of people on MFP that have insulin resistance is most likely higher than 20%. When you have insulin resistance, your body doesn't digest carbs the way the body of someone without insulin resistance does. It's best to follow a low carb, high protein diet when you have insulin resistance. Sooooo those people CAN'T have ice cream, pasta, pizza, etc on a normal basis and be successful at losing weight.

    So although you say you weren't talking about "those people", a lot of "those people" are on this site.

    Full fat ice cream is low GI and glycemic load, but is unclean so shouldn't be eaten anyways. And dairy is terrible for you cause Paleo man didn't eat it.

    Full fat ice cream is unclean?? Its alot healthier for you than the low fat or non fat kind thats nothing but chemicals and toxins. But anyway, Ill let that one slide, what I really wanted to point out is although full fat ice cream may be low GI and glycemic, it still has high carbs and carbs = insulin spike.

    It's unclean because it's processed. The fat in the ice cream lowers the insulin spike. Don't forget protein = insulin spike too

    Ummm...protein=insulin spike? On Mars?
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    FOOD DOES NOT EQUAL HAPPINESS!!!!! People on here say, well I eat those foods because I don't want to give them up. what's the point of being skinny if you are not happy..... STOP BEING IN DENIAL, YOU ARE ALREADY NOT HAPPY, THAT IS WHY YOU ARE ON THIS SITE FOR THE MOST PART. You will be happy because you will be healthy, your body will be working perfectly and you will have the energy to do other things, rather than dwelling on the candies that you are not "allowed" to eat. The whole point is to be healthy. Skinny people have heart attacks too you know. They have cellulite and digestive problems.... the list goes on. Your goal should not be to be skinny, you should aim to be healthy.

    I love this response. Food does NOT equal happiness for everyone. Some of us can happily live without ice cream, pasta, fast food and burritos. Some of us (like me) cannot have even a bite of one of those things without paying for it health wise for days and days.
  • Kirsten_Skinner
    Kirsten_Skinner Posts: 3 Member
    I eat everything and anything I want to, but I exercise and weigh my food out or make sure that portions are even. You want cake with frosting on it, make cupcakes, one box of mix is 12 cupcakes and 1 cupcake is a serving. Also eat 5 or 6 small meals. I usually try to keep my meals to about 300 calories per meal and eat 5 meals per day. I try to keep my calories between 1200 and 1500 calories. If I am gonna have pizza or something else "bad" for me, I make sure that I work out well and do a high intensity work out. There was a time when I could eat an entire large pizza in on setting, now 2 slices of a medium and I am full. It takes time, and as you make your portions smaller, your body will adjust to it. Another thing that helps is using smaller plates, at least for me it has.
  • I work at night and find that is the time when my craving for chocolate kicks in. I can have a pantry full of junk at home and I don't touch any of it. I just dont feel like eating it. But when I get to work the craving monster hits. Saying that I sometimes find that if I buy the chocolate bar and leave it on my desk, I don't eat it. I think I just get the need to buy it, but not eat it.....funny huh!