For cryin' out loud. I eat pasta, fast food and ice cream!



  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    How do you control yourself with portions? The more I exercise, the more I can't control myself because my cravings get intensified. Example, I burn 200 calories, I was going to eat one cookie, but then I end up eating 1,000 calories worth of food in addition to that one cookie. :(

    Portion control is THE ABSOLUTE KEY. I have a food scale and I weigh every single thing I eat. I was using measuring cups/spoons only to find out I was grossly over or under estimating. With the scale, there's no lying.
  • Larimar0989
    Good for you, skinny doesn't mean heathy though ... Just sayin' ...

    I agree!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I try not to eat the food that I know made me fat in the first place. I've lost my sweet cravings and don't want them to return. I know if I start eating sweets again I won't be able to stop and I want to improve my health.
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    But those aren't clean foods,therefore you're destroying your health

    This is the way I feel too. I won't put anyone down for feeling otherwise, but it's not the lifestyle I choose to live. For me, it's more about WHAT I put in my body and knowing where it came from, how it was processed, etc.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Some people actually can't do the whole in moderation thing when it comes to certain foods for reasons of control. So, I don't know who this is directed towards, comes off as being directed towards advocates of clean eating, those who say they have to limit carbs or they don't lose weight, those who identify "bad" foods, etc, but there are some people who have the need to limit some things because of the emotional addiction to them - they cannot have it in moderation.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    First things first.. you dont need to be nasty about it.

    Secondly, there are many people who have serious medical problems that warrant the elimination of those types of foods. I have patients who have such issues who use MFP for tracking under the physician's advice.

    Then you have people who come out and admit that they dont have control when they eat those types of foods thus they do their best not to have them.

    So yes, there are people who legitimately cant have those types of foods.

    I wasn't talking about people with health issues. If you have a realistic health issue (ie-diabetes) you are excluded from this conversation. I'm talking about normal, everyday people who are basically overall in good health who just THINK they can't have "normal" food.
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    First things first.. you dont need to be nasty about it.

    Secondly, there are many people who have serious medical problems that warrant the elimination of those types of foods. I have patients who have such issues who use MFP for tracking under the physician's advice.

    Then you have people who come out and admit that they dont have control when they eat those types of foods thus they do their best not to have them.

    So yes, there are people who legitimately cant have those types of foods.

    and 80% of people have the common sense to moderate, but then there are 20% who think Dr. Oz is gospel. if the doc says you can't, then don't, other than that, common sense will prevail
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I agree, I still eat all those things. In fact I plan on having some ice cream tonight. Just not as much of them as I used to.
  • Brunchstress
    But those aren't clean foods,therefore you're destroying your health

    Exactly. Its not about just being within your calorie range. It's about being healthy, too. At least for me it is!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Think I'll have some ice cream now.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I won't give up pasta either, I have for the most part given up fast foods and soda. I do have some ice cream now and then. Point is when I want something I have it. I don't believe in deprivation. moderation is key. However I am slowly learning to eat cleaner.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I eat 1,000+ calorie burritos at chipotle too! AMAZING!

    This is not about deprivation. It's about moderation. This is about sustainability for life, not about restrictions for a little while to lose the weight. LIFESTYLE change. If it's not sustainable, it's not for life.
  • Brunchstress
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    First things first.. you dont need to be nasty about it.

    Secondly, there are many people who have serious medical problems that warrant the elimination of those types of foods. I have patients who have such issues who use MFP for tracking under the physician's advice.

    Then you have people who come out and admit that they dont have control when they eat those types of foods thus they do their best not to have them.

    So yes, there are people who legitimately cant have those types of foods.

    I wasn't talking about people with health issues. If you have a realistic health issue (ie-diabetes) you are excluded from this conversation. I'm talking about normal, everyday people who are basically overall in good health who just THINK they can't have "normal" food.

    But a Skinny Cow Ice Cream is not a "normal food". There are tons of chemicals in those! You're better off with a nice full fat 1/2 cup of breyers if you can fit it into your allotment.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Yep! Although I'm a pretty clean eater, I'm also a pretty BIG eater. Thus I'm a big fan of exercise too, LOL
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    First things first.. you dont need to be nasty about it.

    Secondly, there are many people who have serious medical problems that warrant the elimination of those types of foods. I have patients who have such issues who use MFP for tracking under the physician's advice.

    Then you have people who come out and admit that they dont have control when they eat those types of foods thus they do their best not to have them.

    So yes, there are people who legitimately cant have those types of foods.

    I wasn't talking about people with health issues. If you have a realistic health issue (ie-diabetes) you are excluded from this conversation. I'm talking about normal, everyday people who are basically overall in good health who just THINK they can't have "normal" food.

    Your original post fails to address any specific group therefore you are generalizing everyone. It would be beneficial if you considered that fact... you made no exceptions whatsoever in your original post. Its downright rude...
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    Hmmm, should I worry that this bottle of Bogle Merlot suddenly looks rather empty?
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    But those aren't clean foods,therefore you're destroying your health

    Exactly. Its not about just being within your calorie range. It's about being healthy, too. At least for me it is!

    I'm pretty sure he was being facetious.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    But those aren't clean foods,therefore you're destroying your health

    Exactly. Its not about just being within your calorie range. It's about being healthy, too. At least for me it is!

    But if I only eat 100% healthy foods, I can't meet my calorie goals. So I gotta eat a mixture of healthy and not-so-healthy-but-okay-in-moderation foods. >.<
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    What goes in bust be "burn " off!
    I've learned that too.
    I always ask myself are the calories worth
    what I am going to have to do to burn it off.
    It keeps me aware of what I need to do to control my weight!
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    First things first.. you dont need to be nasty about it.

    Secondly, there are many people who have serious medical problems that warrant the elimination of those types of foods. I have patients who have such issues who use MFP for tracking under the physician's advice.

    Then you have people who come out and admit that they dont have control when they eat those types of foods thus they do their best not to have them.

    So yes, there are people who legitimately cant have those types of foods.

    I wasn't talking about people with health issues. If you have a realistic health issue (ie-diabetes) you are excluded from this conversation. I'm talking about normal, everyday people who are basically overall in good health who just THINK they can't have "normal" food.

    Your original post fails to address any specific group therefore you are generalizing everyone. It would be beneficial if you considered that fact... you made no exceptions whatsoever in your original post. Its downright rude...

    A Little PC there? People who are not in the general population generally handle themselves smartly. Its the masses that need the education (usually)