

  • losing weight is hard business without being a comfort eater... as such you need double the strength to fight those urges... when things were going wrong I felt the need to eat (and I still do)... not only sweets but anything edible that catches my eye... after munching anything that caught my glimpse I would feel better…
  • never skip meals... it does no good to your metabolism.... eat something light... for example cut a piece of fruit in 4 tablespoons of light yoghurt and adding 1 tablespoon of bran flakes... I find it filling and not overpacked with calories... don't feel bad about cheating once in a while as long as it does not become a…
  • there are lots of reasons that a scale gets stack or goes up and down... don't worry too much... chin up... you will turn it around eventually... :) most common weight problem women face is during their cycle... for me this happens every 15 days... I learned to ignore it... another reason may be water retention due to…
  • Awsome!!!!... for sticking to it and making it happen!!! ... thats the way aha aha... and I'm sure we all like it... :)
  • 3-4 almonds and 1/2 glass of water when you have a graving should do the trick... also try some dried fruit such as apricots, cherries and figs... if you need to eat something chocky try a 2-finger Kit-Kat... I used to have one a day with the blessing of my dietician and that helped me overcome my chocaholic syndrome... :D…
    in Sweets Comment by Arrow_31 October 2012
  • Good on you!!!... keep it up and you can turn everything around... it is a long and not easy journey but have faith in your self and you will accomplish miracles... :))