Exercising daily but still putting on weight

hey yah:flowerforyou:

im kinda feeling a bit low at the moment.

Despite the exercise and managing my food intake I am still putting on weight :sad:

I started my exercise on 21st October and I had lost almost a kilo but now I have put on almost 2 kilos.

As we had the celebration of Eid I had to do alot of cooking and had 2 days break, then went for dinner around my aunts house which she made Spagetti and then my sister in law took me out so I had a mix meat kind of curry with no rice but 1 tandoor naan.

Since then I have controlled what I have eaten and I am doing 30 minutes + exercising but again am still putting on weight.

I am so confused to why this is happening.

Does anyone have any advise in this matter


  • Dra57
    Dra57 Posts: 56 Member
    I think you need to go back to basics:
    Check your entries on profile to make sure your calorie target is accurate
    Plan meals and weigh items to make sure you are not accidentally eating more than you think
    Drink lots of water. Excess intake of salt and carbs can increase water retention and show as weight gain. Drinking water helps to flush these out of your system.
    Do do do keep exercising it is good for you full stop even if your weight loss isn't what you hoped.
    Plus remember all sorts of factors affect your show on ths scales and it may not be actual fat gain.
    Keep going!! It does work!
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    You may start to see non-scale changes... This is the case for LOTS of people. There was a recent thread about this !!
    People knowing that are looking slimmer, but the scales aren't budging!! Its cause they are losing 'fat' not necessarily 'weight'. Also, if you are working out, you would be gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat.
    Keep pushing forward through this, and you WILL see changes :)
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Also, weight loss is NOT LINEAR
    You have only started recently, so your weight loss hasn't settled yet
    My advice, is don't weight yourself for another two weeks
    Resist the scale, work hard and constantly for two weeks, THEN weigh yourself!
    Especially at the beginning of a weight loss journey, you should avoid the scale...weight loss isn't linear, remember that!
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    I looked at your diary and don't see consistent entries in the few days that I looked at. On the days you did log, there are some "quick add calories" and lots of calories left on the books. I am a fan of eating most of your allotted calories; that has been what worked for me. Additionally, kind of in conjunction with what posters before me have said, you have to be basic with this. You need to actually log what you put in your face, and you need to do that daily (if you expect success). Your quick add calories might be foods that make you retain water; high sodium, etc. If you're not giving yourself an accurate reflection of your eating activity, it won't be easy for you to determine where you're going wrong. At least 8 ounces of water daily - it may take you time to build up to that, but it can be done.

    Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    hey yah:flowerforyou:

    im kinda feeling a bit low at the moment.

    Despite the exercise and managing my food intake I am still putting on weight :sad:

    I started my exercise on 21st October and I had lost almost a kilo but now I have put on almost 2 kilos.

    As we had the celebration of Eid I had to do alot of cooking and had 2 days break, then went for dinner around my aunts house which she made Spagetti and then my sister in law took me out so I had a mix meat kind of curry with no rice but 1 tandoor naan.

    Since then I have controlled what I have eaten and I am doing 30 minutes + exercising but again am still putting on weight.

    I am so confused to why this is happening.

    Does anyone have any advise in this matter

    How have you controlled what you are eating? You have 471 calories logged for yesterday, nothing for Tuesday, 685 for Monday.

    Something else I can see is that your coffee's calories is wrong - two spoons of sugar and 2% milk and a cup comes to 13 calories? This is clearly wrong!! A spoon of sugar alone is more than that. Then on Monday you have a few items added at 122 calories (and the same thing pops up on Sunday too)? Are you having snacks for lunch or proper lunch?

    Sunday dinner is 800 calories flat - such a round number sticks out to say "I guessed - it's probably high, but I don't know".

    More 122 calories on Saturday and a Twix, but total calories don't even hit 700.

    On Friday there's mini meatballs that you logged "40g = about 10" - you realise that these must be miniscule - about 4g each? And then a few more 122 calories quick added and that dodgy cup of coffee.

    MORE 122 calories on Thursday (three packs of mysterious snacks that you eat all the time).

    For breakfast on Tuesday you have 1g of peanut butter and coffee? What did you do with that peanut butter and do you realise how little 1g is?

    Then on 21 October, you earned 2000 calories from exercise?

    And then I reached the end of your diary. Mmm...

    Can't say that there's a single thing you are doing wrong - it's just generally everything to be fair. You are way under your calorie goals most days, but you also don't log things properly (I'm still trying to guess where that 1g of peanut butter went!!).

    I found that you don't have to be perfect and eat the healthiest things when you start out, but make sure you log everything accurately. By doing this, you get to learn how many calories there are in things - from the way you logged, I wouldn't trust a guestimate of 800 calories for dinner, because I don't think you genuinely realise how many calories there are in food. If you weighed your peanut butter and used the actual brand that you used (I looked it up and it seems like you just used the first entry you could find), you might actually learn how many calories there are in these things.

    You shouldn't use MFP just to log calories blindly, but use it as a learning tool to see what's good, what's bad and what's completely ridiculous.

    I think you need to manage your food better than what you are now - because blindly putting in calories into a tool isn't using it what it's intended for.
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi Jasmine,

    don't worry. Stay within your calorie goal, exercise and you'll see results. Losing weight is a lot about being honest to yourself, being disciplined and consistent.

    If you do it on a 500kcal-100kcal deficit it's a slow but healthy process. Don't expect big weight loss jumps.

    Also. You just started 10 days ago. That's a very short period of time. And there are so many factors here.
    - you might be losing weight but your body is retaining water.
    - you had at least one cheat day already. Our body is very good at adapting to low calorie + rare binge days. Be sure that you don't cheat too often.
    - scales may not be acurate enough. Use other measures too (BF%, tape measure etc.)
    - be honest to yourself. Are you really tracking all your foods?
    - don't starve yourself. It's not maintainable. And your body might adjust (see above) or you'll yo-yo.

    You can do it!
  • there are lots of reasons that a scale gets stack or goes up and down...

    don't worry too much... chin up... you will turn it around eventually... :)

    most common weight problem women face is during their cycle... for me this happens every 15 days... I learned to ignore it...

    another reason may be water retention due to eating salty food even if its healthy...

    also building muscle due to exercise... I have two half hour powerplate workouts a week, also a 24 minute program on the treadmill twice a week but I don't seem to lose a lot of weight from the exercise... however I lose inches which means losing fat and the body shape changes slowly slowly...
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I agree what the others above have said. I just wanted to let you know that when you exercise your muscles absorb water to heal and that will show up as a wt. gain. If you watch what you eat and keep exercising your scale will go down. You can do this. Feel free to add me for support and motivation. When I started exercising I gained 3 lbs. the first couple weeks in a row and then lost over 7 lbs. the following wk. and kept losing after that.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Hi Jasmine,

    don't worry. Stay within your calorie goal, exercise and you'll see results. Losing weight is a lot about being honest to yourself, being disciplined and consistent.

    If you do it on a 500kcal-100kcal deficit it's a slow but healthy process. Don't expect big weight loss jumps.

    Also. You just started 10 days ago. That's a very short period of time. And there are so many factors here.
    - you might be losing weight but your body is retaining water.
    - you had at least one cheat day already. Our body is very good at adapting to low calorie + rare binge days. Be sure that you don't cheat too often.
    - scales may not be acurate enough. Use other measures too (BF%, tape measure etc.)
    - be honest to yourself. Are you really tracking all your foods?
    - don't starve yourself. It's not maintainable. And your body might adjust (see above) or you'll yo-yo.

    You can do it!

    I think that it's very likely she's retaining water. It's no biggie... just keep with the program soon enough you will see a positive change.