LilRiver Member


  • Like the others have mentioned: log log log. I don't mean to be a jerk about it and jump on you/the bandwagon, but the act of logging can be both informative and inspiring. I've had days, weeks, and even months where I stopped logging for whatever reason (occasionally frustration). And, not surprisingly, I stopped seeing…
  • I started my weight loss journey with a simple pedometer. I tracked my steps & weight manually (mostly daily) on a spreadsheet. My pedometer died and I upgraded to the Fitbit One. It took less than a week to love the fact that my steps were being tracked automagically and decided it would be super handy to have my weight…
  • My absolute favorite sweet oatmeal is to cook the oatmeal with a pinch of cinnamon & nutmeg* and then dump it over a cut up peach and top with just a bit of cookie butter (it's good without the cookie butter, but the cookie butter takes it to a whole other level). Occasionally, I'll add some chopped pecans. When peaches…
  • Wow! Thanks for all the support & love :blushing: And for all of you just starting out and similar to where I was... trust me, I *know* how overwhelming it all is. And a bit scary. But you can do it. You really really can! Biggest advice (based on my September) ... Don't beat yourself up when you stumble. This isn't a…
  • Woohoo! Happy birthday! You look amazing :)
  • Dude! You just made me cry the best of ways. I can so very much relate to your feelings, the highs & lows. Congrats on rediscovering life and making your place in it. You're awesome.
  • Thanks! And, oops, must have switched my diary to friends only at some point. Public now :)
  • Thanks everyone! :) 5'3 - 5'4
  • I didn't start seeing the difference until I'd lost about 75 lbs. There are times I still struggle to see it just by looking in the mirror. I mean, logically, I *know* I've gotten smaller. I have to have... when I started I was wearing a size 24 pants and I'm wearing a pair of size 10 today. 10 (or 12 or 14) is very much…
  • I rarely ate all the calories suggested by MFP. Until the last few weeks (my appetite dropped significantly - I think it was mental and wanting to hit 100 lbs in a year), I ate about 1500-1700 calories a day when logging and probably about 1700-2000 when I wasn't ( I logged only sporadically through the fall and didn't log…
  • That isn't a small NSV in the least! In fact, I'd say it's a pretty darned huge NSV! I started walking last January... I could just manage walking around the block. And I was so self-conscious about it at first that I went when I knew others wouldn't be out and about. I was so proud of those first few walks. And then the…
  • Wow! Thanks for all the kind words & support! I'm a bit overwhelmed by the response :) I've had a load of questions in PMs and such and, while this is buried at the end of the post, maybe others with similar questions will stumble upon it... My Height: 5'3-5'4 (it seems to vary) Weight history: I was not always overweight.…
  • Yep! Well, almost... 99 lbs as of today and tomorrow is my 1 year anniversary on MFP (yay!). My "official" weigh-in is on Wednesday and, assuming all is right with the world, I should hit 100+ then. (double yay!) eta: oops. pic too big. will edit later. must head to gym now. in the mean time you can right click to open it…
  • Really! And it is totally doable! Really! I started with MFP on Feb 10, 2012. It's been almost a year now and I've lost 93 pounds as of this morning. So close to 100 that I can smell it! My trick? Dedication. There are times when I'm totally motivated and times when I'm totally not motivated, but I am *dedicated* to losing…
  • Amazing! You look absolutely amazing! You must be so very thrilled with your progress!
  • As an extremely self-conscious fat girl, who just started running... this was *exactly* what I needed to read today. To burn into my brain in order to shut up the voice telling me to go home and hide. Thank you! (ooo also, I'll share this Nike ad that is similarly amazing - )
  • Congrats! That's such great news... thanks for sharing :)
  • I understand - my paternal family relations are a bit... odd. When my grandfather died, the obituary listed me as a "loving granddaughter" under the survivors. I only know this because a friend of my mom's stalks the obit page and sent me a copy. They never even called to tell me he died, which isn't all that surprising…
  • It was my 40th birthday (last October) that started me down the path that led to MFP. Read a letter I wrote to my 40 year old self when I was 30. When I hit 41, I'll have crossed off a few of those goals including losing the 40 pounds I wanted to lose... and the 40 I added on top of that ;) Feel free to add me - could…
  • Pop culture (ish).... * Indy/Indiana. Named after George Lucas' dog, Indiana, who supposedly inspired the name for Indiana Jones and, also, Chewbacca. Not pop culture, but a bit geeky... * Laika after the first dog in space. I've always loved that name for a dog (and it comes up a surprising number of times in trivia and…
  • I don't know that I would consider cleaning an exercise - but I do believe that if I am doing something which burns significantly more calories than sitting on my butt in front of the computer that I should record it. Otherwise, my record is incomplete. So, let's say that I hadn't recorded all that cleaning and box moving.…
  • I've burned a heck of a lot more calories doing a half a day of spring cleaning than, say, a ten minute walk (which I tend to assume is folks taking their dog out). But I don't think anyone would question walking. I absolutely count it. It's not counted in my sedentary lifestyle, so if I burn em, I count em. If I don't…
  • Welcome! You've done a great thing coming here. I may have been slightly ahead of you when I found the site - I had already started moving and eating a bit better. When I found MFP it gave me the direction I needed. Coming here was the best decision I've made (since the decision to actually start doing something about the…
  • I hope this isn't exactly the opposite of what you need to hear, but it's working for me. I have a little bit of ice cream (almost) every night. A big part of my weight was put on because of my evening binges. I know that if I don't allow for that, in a managed way, that I will fail. I seriously have a freezer full of…
  • Welcome! I had a similar awakening last October when I turned 40. Took a few months, but joined in Feb. Best decision I ever did done make. It takes a bit of dedication but it's oh so worth it!
  • Wow. Now that's just about the best NSV I ever did read. CONGRATS!
  • I care about losing pounds - but I have a lot to lose! (started with 100+) So, yes, I "care" about the pounds, but that's not the focus. To me the focus has always been about fitness and I knew that with fitness the pounds would fall off. When I started, I planned to do it without even stepping on a scale. It was just a…
  • I'm 5'3 and started at 270+ (took me a few weeks to get the courage to step on a scale and I was 270 then - that was Feb 10th). Started off by walking and when I was about 260 lbs I broke into a jog for part of my walk - it freaked me out a bit, I didn't mean to. I didn't jog for long, maybe 2 minutes, but it was enough to…
  • At one point, I went through and averaged the responses here (and some from friends). I forgot to post it but just sent it off to a friend who was curious, so figured I'd post it now (note: there may have been some additional responses since. I've no idea when in the thread I did this. I also tossed out some extreme…
  • woohoo! You're doing awesome! So excited for you :)