189andFalling Member


  • I'd like to try it, but don't think anywhere near me offers it (I live in the middle of nowhere).
  • I agree with this. My view is you should 'eat back' about 30% of the exercise calories because: 1) Your body will have burnt some of the calories during exercise from fat mass. 2) Your BMR still ticks over so you need to take off (assuming 1 hour workout) 1/24th of your BMR from the calories burnt. 3) Your body will…
  • http://fitnessblackbook.com/dieting_for_fat_loss/high-insulin-levels-stop-fat-loss-and-cause-weight-gain/
  • Eating before can cause an insulin spike meaning your body won't burn fat mass while exercising. Personally I don't have time anyway in the morning to eat (and I get cramps if I try) before exercising. Can run 7k or cycle 20 miles on an empty stomach with no issues.
  • If you have 150lbs to lose then your BMR is going to be much lower that the calculators suggest. Your 'fat weight' doesn't increase BMR. Stick to what worked for you before, then only change it up when it stops working for >2 weeks. 'weight' naturally fluctuates week to week, body fat is a better measure of progress.
  • This 'eat more lose more' is rubbish. One person probably said it now it's 'Internet fact'. Show me one journal/medical article that supports the theory. Starvation mode only kicks in after 48+ hours of not eating (and that's only a 20% reduction in BMR) Let's say your BMR is 2000, you eat 1000, where does your body get…
  • To eat a packet of Revels and not find a toffee one inside. It's a dream.
  • In all seriousness relationships aren't for everyone. I'm a firm believer that variety what you should aim for. Marriage is flawed institution especially with people living longer. For me personally what I want changes year on year, sometimes your partner grows with you, other times you grow apart. Sure I'm happy with my…
  • Ticket to Thailand to find a different girl every night who would 'love me long time' ;).
  • Not wanting to stereotype.. but on my holidays it seems reasonably common for our larger German friends to be donning a pair of speedos .... :). EDIT: Shame on you girls for treating us men like pieces of meat. Daniel does have emotions too you know :D.
  • I have a turbo trainer and some 'cycling' DVDs... but that's reserved for when it's too bad to head outside... otherwise I'm on the road (and if the weather holds out I've got a nice 17 mile off road route planned, time to break out the XC bike!). Training in a gym or on a static bike really isn't for me... whizzing down a…
  • Thanks :). I think I'll for the 'calories on the day' approach as that's likely the optimal time for my body to do something useful with them!
  • Well done! your physique in the first photo is about the best I've looked when I was at my cardio 'peak'. Always had a belly even if I was far quicker than the skinnier guys on the bike. In all fairness I do have a set of olympic weights & proper power rack (the type you get in 'proper' gyms). After my holiday I'll set it…
  • No worries - didn't know Australia was so expensive! Perhaps go out hunting kangaroos .... ? good cardio workout chasing those buggers & lean protein at the end. Genius!
  • So long as you are exercising, losing fat mass, and are seeing this as a long term thing then my view is do whatever works for you :). Life is for enjoying after all! Personally when I'm at my target fat mass then my exercise will allow me to enjoy a few higher calorie things!
  • Katch-McArdle formula (BMR based on lean body weight) If you have had your body composition tested and you know your lean body mass, then you can get the most accurate BMR estimate of all. This formula from Katch & McArdle takes into account lean mass and therefore is more accurate than a formula based on total body…
  • But also maybe I will try eating say 1800 a day for a week - see what happens! Just I'm on holiday in 3 weeks... :S
  • Thanks :). That's what I'm thinking! My only issue is because I have long legs it's difficult to keep my heart rate low otherwise I'm practically 'speed walking' :). What I think I'll do is limit running to 2x per week and spend the rest on my bike (where it's easier to influence heart rate!). I'll get back up to 5/6 times…
  • http://scoobysworkshop.com/does-cardio-burn-muscle/ http://scoobysworkshop.com/afterburner-effect-melts-away-fat/ His views support my personal research... and results so far! For me personally I have a very very sedentary day job. Literally on conference calls all day with no exercise. I work from home so running/cycling…
  • Hi, I'm doing it for both - I want to compete again in sportives and enter duathlons, but also to lose some fat mass (which is naturally tied into improving my power to weight ratio). I'm also doing it because I enjoy it :). Yes, my calories are low, but so is my lean body mass. It's just how I'm built. More of a marathon…
  • $40 for food: Frozen peas are very cheap - get 2 bags for 2 weeks - $3. Canned Tuna / Fish is always on special offer. Whole Chickens are usually quite cheap. Tinned 'meals' aren't always so bad - I have Chilli in my cupboard - perfect combination of carbs/protein. Brown Rice is cheap. Dried Chick Peas are also quite…
  • lose 5 lbs of bodyfat in 3 weeks then continue fat loss into my holiday (rather than reversing it as usual :))
  • Usually 2-4 weeks after starting a routine - especially with running - round week 4 your 5k will be a breeze!
  • Fat burning zone is a myth. You burn more calories from fat at higher intensities AND you reduce glycogen (that is subsequently replenished using calories in - the 'afterburner' effect). The only difference between this 'fat burning zone' and 'fitness' is the %age split between glycogen and fat - but fat calories are still…
  • Personally I dislike gyms. Working out there, especially cardio, is tedious at best! What might work for you is cycling - very low impact and gets you outside! After you've built up some muscle & stamina try running? Start on grass first to save the joints! I'd also recommend swimming (but personally I find that boring as…
  • Get some scales that measure bodyfat - for example I've stayed the same 'weight' for the past 7 days but on my deficit and exercise programme I must have lost weight. My scale confirms 2 lbs of fat lost while slightly increasing lean body mass (mainly through running up very steep hills!). The fit of my clothes confirms…
  • That's sorta what I'm thinking, maybe enter a dualthon for say 5-6 weeks after I get back! Perhaps knowing that next event is coming will keep me motivated while on holiday :).
  • Body fat going down nicely :) That's what I like about this scale - it's great to see your body 'trending' in the right direction! For me I can tell my 'weightloss' has mainly been bodyfat .... which is what I'm aiming for!