inside_lap Member


  • Hmm... I think they are pretty tasty but I HATE toasted bread so Quiznos stinks in my opinion. But then again, I've found the right combo of ingrediants that suits my taste buds at Subway. Not everyone has necessarily. Not tried Jimmy John's... might need to now... lol.
  • Hard to tell since your phone covers most of your face. I'm going to guess 34 with a rocking body.
  • That's awesome. You obviously have a smart cookie on your hands ;)
  • Consistency between parents may help but consistency within your own parenting helps more. Get her on a good night time routine, exercise good sleep hygiene, and be consistent. She will learn the house rules. You cave and the process starts again.
  • They had been together since she was 2 years old. Even after they split she thought of him as her father. I dont think it was territorial as more and act of defiance that she still could do it and there was nothing he could do about it because her mother let her. No matter how many times it was addressed the mother still…
  • At 13, it's not likely to be about habits anymore. It's much more likely to do with marking of territory. Completely different set of problems he was dealing with then that of a 2 year old.
  • I repectfully completely disagree with you. This has nothing to do with mom and EVERYTHING to do with dad being inconsistent within his own home.
  • I second this. That being said, if Dad doesn't want his daughter to co-sleep with him (as someone else has pointed out) he needs to put his big boy pants on and suck up the crying fit until she learns that co-sleeping doesn't fly at dad's house. Good sleep hygiene and bedtime routine will help with the transition but kids…
  • Go in what's comfortable to you. Unless your gym has rules on attire (some do) then you should be good unless your naked... lol. I wear whatever I'm in the mood to wear: Shorts/tshirt shorts/tank pants/tank pants/tshirt and if I'm feeling snazzy I wear tank/tshirt with running skirt (yes they exist). Haven't felt the need…
  • Yep, Alexis hit the nail on the head. Good luck on your journey. I hate that fat looks like it accumulates above my scar as well (they had to do an emergency c-section so I wasn't mentally prepared for the scar and associated affects). Though the scar is completely worth the happy healthy daughter I have. Ahh... the…
  • i'm in... waiting on pins and needles... lol!
  • If you are considering psychopharmological interventions, please consider working with a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practionier and NOT just with you primary care provider. See specialist. They can tell you the pros and cons of a lot of different medications (yes, there are WAY more then just one med out there and…
  • Hypothyroidism causes symptoms similar to depression. If you are not on medications for this, you may want to speak with you provider. Zoloft is a pretty common treatment for people with low mood. Have you considered therapy? Research shows that psychotherapy does the same kind of chemical changes in the brain as…
  • Good intent. Medically wrong. Eating disorders are not defined by calories. In fact the new version of the DSM has just started to mention that energy intake should be considered in the equation for anorexia and even then it needs first to lead to significantly low body weight. Old DSM (prior to May of this year) defined…
  • Starvation mode is actually NOT a myth it's just grossly, grossly misunderstood. MFP "experts" that spout off about starvation mode have obviously not read the original research studies. Metabolic Adaptation relates to starvation mode but encompasses more then just extreme deficit that was associated with the original…
  • Standard deviation for height is roughly 3 inches which may explain why some "taller" or "shorter" people feel "average." Statistics is fun... Lol...
  • Lol, I'm on the other end of the spectrum then you at 4'10"/4'11". Yes, people really do walk right into me and not see me... lol. Gives me a total complex about making sure people don't accidently step on my toddler. I know that it really does happen and is not just a joke... lol! I make my 6' husband hold her hand or…
  • Haha... I get mistaken for a child all the time. Makes it all the more creapy when "old men" hit on you (you know the ones I'm talking about). Once got asked if I had a hall pass at an elementry school when I was doing research on children (I was in college at the time). Of course when the person stopped and really looked…
  • Ok, average American male is 5'10" and average American female is 5'4" (when ethnicity is taken out of the equation) How is one defining short and tall? One, two standard deviations from the mean? Because I think some people who say it's not too bad being short or tall may be average in height and only short or tall…
  • Drawbacks of Being Short: People walking into you because they didn't see you (ie, looked over your head vs blind spot... lol). People thinking your a child... Not to say that our tall counterparts don't have issues they struggle with as well :).
  • Too funny Jon! I don't surf the forums a lot but sometimes I do as a distractor ;). OP, good luck at ur appointment next week. Remember the depression didn't develop overnight and won't go away overnight. Be ur own best advocate. It gets harder b4 it gets easier but if ur wth the right therapist and are ready for change,…
  • Same thing happened to me last week when I had pizza for the first time in a while. I usually keep my sodium pretty low so I chalked it up to that. The weight went away by the next time I weighed myself about two or three days later. No buggy and don't sweat it if your usually on your weekly caloric target. Besides, weight…
    in Pizza Comment by inside_lap January 2014
  • I'm glad things weren't worse and you didn't panic (well other then initially). I know a few people who have which resulted in more damage (no loss off life of major injury thank goodness!). Hope you arm, hand, and heart heals quickly. I'm sure that was quite a scare!
  • Yes, unfortunately addiction has some genetic loading. The expression of addiction just varies (drugs, food, gaming, work, etc). Silver lining, genetic predisposition does not equal futility. Good for you in seeking help. I hope you found a great counselor you can connect with. Best of luck!
  • Have you tried a good therapist? Either in conjunction w/ or in place of the medications? Also, have an open discussion w/ your psychiatrist (and yes, you should consider a psychiatrist in place of your family practitioner in these cases) about tolerable vs intolerable side effects for you. There are lots of medication…