

  • Thanks everyone who has posted on here. I am not past this yet, but have taken the time to refocus myself and stick with it. I love to hear that others have been successful after getting past the same points that I have been struggling with. You can all feel free to add me if you would like because I have found that a…
  • I appreciate your feedback. I actually have my own treadmill at home with the heart rate monitor and all the other fancy gadgets on it. I also enter my calories a tad lower than what the machine actually says I have burned to take into account any inaccuracies. I do interval training in order to prevent my body from…
  • I'm only doing 1200 calories a day plus exercising so it usually gets me up to about 1400-1500 calories a day. After taking into account breakfast lunch and dinner of protein and veggies as well as a snack during the day, there isn't any issue with reaching those calories. I guess I don't understand why this topic was…
  • As someone who is trying to do a low carb diet, I will tell you what has worked for people I know who do low carbs. Some people are "carb addicts". The biggest problem isn't the carbs themselves.... It's the fact that if I were to eat one piece of white bread, I don't feel "full" and can't stop eating the rest of the day.…
  • I'm 5'5... started the beginning of the year at 253, but down to 242. Had gotten down to 237, but have been struggling the past couple weeks. My first MAJOR goal is to get below 200. Then, we will go from there haha. Anyone who wants to add me, I would love the extra support system that we are all looking for :) Best of…
  • I am usually right around my calories. Sometimes I go over my calories, but if I do, I really try to at least eat the "right foods" (i.e. protein or veggies or something instead of going over by having a bag of chips or a candy bar). My jeans are fitting a little better, and I am feeling healthier, but it's still…
  • I am 5'5 and I started at 253 pounds back around New Years. My current goal weight is to get past my past "lowest" weight of 235. Ultimately, I want to be around 150-160, but that is a far off goal. I have to set smaller goals so that I continuously feel that I am reaching them, which is why I'm starting with my 235 goal.…
  • Thank you for this. I got on the message boards as a nice break from studying and was about to close this and go back to studying, but the title of your post caught my attention. I figured I would read "just one more post" and it's the best one I have read tonight. I dropped 10 pounds in the first couple weeks since I…
  • I agree with what you are saying. For me, I would like to lose about 40 pounds by June when I graduate with my Master's degree so I look/feel better as I'm applying and interviewing for jobs :) I try to set mini goals for myself like "I want to lose 10 pounds this month" and then keep working towards that. Or I'll set…
  • I got so frustrated after a couple weeks where it wasn't really showing up on the scale even though I was working out 30-45 minutes a day and sticking to my 1250 calories a day (plus whatever my exercise calories were). Drinking water is KEY! This week, I tried drinking more water and really trying to get my 8 glasses in a…
  • I have been trying different things since I can remember, but this one truly works. Adding people and being accountable for it every day truly helps because it's easy to "lie" to yourself. Anyone can add me if they want. More support is always a plus :)