

  • I love "Stash Tea", they have a green tea mix box that has lots of variety and the great helth benefits of blending with green tea leaves.
  • An old trick to help bloating is to take apple cider vinegar (must say with mother on package that is the yeast in it). Have a shot of it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach followed by a big glass of water. It tastes gross but definelty helps me with bloating if i do it for a week or two. You can find…
  • I love making vitanameese spring rolls. Use the large rice paper wrappers available the the grocery store, soak in water and fill with shredded veggies -lettuce, raidsh, beets, carrot, green onion, mango, mint, and basil. The dip for them is one third fish sauce, one third honey (or agave nectar) one third fresh lemon…
  • I saw a new product a soy based noodle that is basically a tofu noodle on a morning program. Thay are called Shiritaki noodles (gluten fee soy noodles) but have yet to find them at the grocery store. May need to go to a larger asian grocery. Apparently they stink out of the package and need to be rinced many times with…
  • This is a link to a pocket guide that you can print off. I says what fish to avoid that is not susstainable. Just remember to to over indulge in larger fish because they have higher mercury levels. Good question because now that i have looked it up i…
  • Thank's everyone. I think all of those suggestions will definetly help. I really do not take the time to strestch properly and it not to my benefit. It is probably contributing to my afterwork out pain. I just need to get the drug store and get some epsom salts for a nice after work out bath.
  • Hi Everyone!!! I have a fitness test to take at the gym on Monday. Yesterday I went to the gym, was so motivated and had a burst of energy i ran like the wind. Now l feel like some one beat my thighs and bum up in a gang fight. I have this fitness test on Monday and wanted some tips on how everyone deals with the post-…
  • I spend alot of time in grocery stores for my full time job so here are my tips for making healthy on the cheap easier. * Buy seasonal fruit and veggies, if it has to take a plane or a ship to get to you it will probably cost more. Many of the staples like bannanas, apples and oranges are always reasonably priced where…