

  • **To lose weight forever you have to forgive yourself. There will be times you will eat something you shouldn’t, or skip a workout, and indulge. Ok, you did it. Now get back on the horse and keep on going. The moment you quit, the moment you stop, is the moment you fail. Forgive yourself, learn from it, and continue on…
  • We knew each other since we were babies - our dads worked together and when his mum got pregnant with him, his dad told my dad as soon as she told him!!! I was just 20 when he proposed (he was 22) and it completely blew my socks off. had known him all my life and just had no idea when he'd fallen for me or that he even…
  • Great inspriation - and what a great outlook:-) Just a question - when you started 'eating more' did your weight loss stall for awhile? I've struggled with weight for the last 10 years and always thought eat very little to lose weight - often burning a days worth of calories at one time. Worked well during the week but on…
  • Thanks, that helps:-)
  • personall favourite is LOADS of mushrooms with sun-dried tomato's and a little low-fat cheese. Also, if you whip up the egg whites before folding in the yolk, it feels like you are having a lot bigger meal than you actually are!!!!
  • thinking outside the square - let the other guy win then immediatly intoduce a new competition. The one who has kept the weight off in six months time gets double the money. It is most likely that the person who has lost the weight slowly and HEALTHLY will win that competition!!
  • yesterday I ate 1237 calories so was about right. But also yesterday I earnt 689 calories by exercise, it sort of feels wrong to eat all that extra food - I wasn't hungry, I felt good - I just find it hard to understand how eating MORE can help me lose weight. Kind of like Doc Hudson telling Lightning McQueen to 'turn…
  • can we NOT talk about chips. Pleeeeeeeease?
  • had a major binge urge last night but bought up the topic of bingeing on here instead of going to the pantry!!! Had HEAPS of replys STRAIGHT away. So helped, by the time I got off the computer hubby had got home and the eats just COULDN"T resurface!!!! Anyway, had a reply fom a lovely member recommending a book called Why…
  • Have bought the 'Why Weight' book online this evening. I think it is emotional or boredom eating??? I don't want to remove food because then when it is there ............. will I still be able to control myself??? I need to learn to live with it:-)
  • whoops - a bit new to this!!! Thanks so much - this sounds like me. Removing the junk - that's easy to say but I imagine my two 'tweens' would have a lot to say about that!!!! Also hubby who EATS and EATS and is SLIM!!!!!
  • I've always wondered - my trainer told me to hold on, go as fast as I possably could and have at max incline. I have done this for 60 minutes (SORE ARMS!!!!!!!!!) and it said i had burnt 1000 calories!! I found it hard to believe because I sometimes run at a low incline (NOT holding on) and seem to be working a lot harder…