spamhead06 Member


  • It's a weider multi gym with Bench press, military press, Leg press, high pully, low pully, pec dec, leg extension and assisted dip station, and have been using bodyweight for lunges and decline, incline pressups, im going to join a gym because im very restricted with what i can do and there isn't enough weight, bench…
  • Thanks to you all,i've just got to get used to my new reflection in the mirror and get used to people treating me in whole new way, some good, some bad. People are funny. Good luck to you all on your weight loss journeys :-)
  • Had a little trouble getting the images on, lol. Thanks.
  • Looks like previous days, you haven't eaten your exercise calories back, so you're still in a deficit by the looks of it!! Always good to have a burn out now and again, we're not robots, lol!! You was short about 1500 calories for the week, so not too much over after the party :-)
  • Looking at your diary it seems your not eating your exercise calories, do this this and you should start to lose weight again and if your near your goal, then it's going to slow down quite a lot. For example: your diary say 2000 calories to eat which is set with a deficit of maybe 1000 calories and your exercising and…
  • Do it all Cardio and as heavy weights as possible, to strengthen the muscle, if doing lighter weights it turns into a more cardio weight session, cardio is important for strengthening your heart which is helpful for doing your weights, as if your unfit cardiovascular wise, then you wont be able to push yourself hard at the…
  • I like to log mine as I go, and if by dinner time I see i am getting close to my limit, I can always add some space for more food by going for a jog, lol!