Success....but now frustration

David___D Posts: 76 Member
So a success of sorts, in a little over 12 months I have gone from about 94kgs to 76kgs, in fact I did this in just over 9 months had a break and jumped back on the wagon.
My introduction and how I got here is on ths post:

Wasn't sure whether to post in this forum or the general, so I went for this as I suppose it really is still a win!

Anyway where my frustration is I cannot for the life of me lose any more.

For 5 weeks now I have constantly either eaten below or on my calorie goal, yet I have floated between losing or gaining a couple of grams here or there.

My diary is open for all to see, so welcome any motivation or keep on going advice or even where am I going wrong!!

I even cut back on my alcohol this week as I thought that was the damage, and lifted my running and training. But nope stood on the scales this morn, 1 measly gram!!

Does anyone else just feel like packing in when this happens.


  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I was on a plateau for 3 months so I understand your frusteration. I tried everything to break it but nothing worked then magicially this past week I lost 3 lbs. Pants I couldn't fit into last week fit me good today. My best advice, just keeping going and try not let it discouarage you to fall off track.
  • David___D
    David___D Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for the comments, and I understand we all go through plateaus, but how annoying.

    Good luck on your journey, must be great to finally brake a plateau, but 3 months, wow, and you kept on going, well done.
  • osewcute
    osewcute Posts: 244 Member
    maybe you need to eat more for a little while. several people have said that when they hit a plateau, that is what they did because they figured out that they were not eating enough for the exercise they were doing. another change might be to alter your exercise. do an activity totally different than what you normally do for exercise. jump rope? hula hoop? rollerblading? pilates? get muscles working that you don't ordinarily get working in that particular way and maybe you will see a change. either way, remember that this isn't just about weight loss, it's also for a life style change. think of it as practicing maintenance:) keep at it. it will work.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    There are two options:

    You are either overestimating your calorie burns because you aren't using a HRM


    You BMR is lower than average and you need to drop your goal. It is pretty simple really: if you are MAINTANING your weight (consistently for weeks), then you obviously aren't eating at a deficit. My suggestion is to cut your goal by 250 (or half lb a week) and then reassess after a few weeks.

    There is absolutely NO reason to plateau if you are doing the system properly. Eating more isn't the answer, and "changing up your exercise" might help you get in different shape, but it sure as heck isn't going to significantly help you lose weight faster.

    It's ALL about cals in cals out. If you aren't losing, your cals in are more/the same as cals out.
  • David___D
    David___D Posts: 76 Member
    Hi there,

    Thanks for the reply, I actually do use a HRM, but as you say the BMR maybe wrong. On here is says I have a BMR of 1,615 calories/day.

    I thought it may have been the wrong type of calories putting in, so this week really had a change of attitude and "went for it"

    Thanks for the advice anyway, really appreciate everyone's tips on here, and think it is a fantastic motivation.

    Will keep at it.
  • David___D
    David___D Posts: 76 Member
    Oh by the way I have some before and after pics on my profile, it was too much like hard work to put on here :smile:

    One was at a family wedding at around 94kgs, the other I was around 76kgs
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    On here is says I have a BMR of 1,615 calories/day.

    Good job using a HRM!!
    The BMR's are an average. About half the people are higher than that, half are lower. Sounds like yours is lower.

    I am curious about your rate of loss before you plateaued...I am sure you understand that your BMR slows as you lose weight. However, if for example before you were "set" to lose say 2 lbs a week and were only losing 1.5, this means that your BMR is 250 cals a day slower than normal. You could use this as a guide.

    Also, I am sure you are but MAKE SURE you are measuring your food accurately and logging everything.

    I don't know what you mean by the "wrong type of calories" though.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    This is my story, pretty much spot on. Current weight similar, I have lost the same amount of weight, same BMR, Just came back from maintaining for over 6 months. I am ready to lose another 18kg but for the life of me the scale or the tape don't want to budge.
    It's so darn frustrating at the moment.

    Good luck!
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Actually, I'd say you are not eating enough. You have your goal set to 1320. This is a very low calorie diet especially for a man. We can get away with eating so little when we are overweight, but after a while our bodies simply can't handle these extreme deficits.

    You shouldn't be eating under your bmr. You bmr is the minimum your body need to function properly while at rest. If your bmr is 1600 something and you eat 300 calories under that your are not giving your body enough fuel. Add exercise to that and you are only compounding the problem. Your body needs fuel in order to burn off fat. I know it seems counterintuitive, but it is true.

    I suggest you figure out your tdee (total daily energy expenditure) subtract 15-20% from that number, and set that as your calorie goal. Eat at this level for a few weeks, and then let us know if you are still on your plateau. I'd bet dollars to donuts you break your plateau. is an excellent resource for info on healthy weight loss. They have some excellent calculators over there that can help you figure this all out.

    Congrats on your loss, and best of luck in the future!
  • David___D
    David___D Posts: 76 Member
    When I say wasted Calories, I actually mean like alcohol that have nothing nutritional in them.

    Great Tips everyone, so appreciated.

    Hopefully I will have a broken plateau success in the near future.
  • twinkle77toes
    They say that sometimes, your metabolism needs to be shocked.

    And to do this, have a super high calorie day every couple of weeks - I mean pizza, cheese the lot :) have a blow out at random times of the day (where your body does not expect it) and then jump back on the diet the following day.

    It worked for me a few years ago when I was on weight watchers.... your body is used to now you doing the exercise you do and eating the calories you eat!

    It's a win win :) you can have a 'naughty' day and then get back to the diet.

    I'd also say (although it is difficult) try not to obsess with the figures on the scales - you're exercising so your body will be more toned = muscle which we all know is heavier than fat so more about 'how you look' than 'how much you weigh'

    Good luck!
  • spamhead06
    spamhead06 Posts: 9 Member
    Looking at your diary it seems your not eating your exercise calories, do this this and you should start to lose weight again and if your near your goal, then it's going to slow down quite a lot. For example: your diary say 2000 calories to eat which is set with a deficit of maybe 1000 calories and your exercising and burning maybe 700 calories, then your net intake would be 1300 calories, which is far to low!
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