marvinsanchez Member


  • I never read this book or even knew about it until today...but my doctor recommended that I consumed up to 15 grams of sugar per day. I had a major sweet tooth, so it was tough... I'm eating about 2000 calories per day, staying below 15 grams of sugar and have dropped 16 lbs since I started watching what I eat on Feb 12 of…
  • Another thing that I noticed, aside from the high energy, was an enhance sense of smell. Everywhere I went, I found myself being aware of so much that was around me just by my enhance sense of smell. I don't know if this is normal for everyone that tries it, but for me, it was. Perfumes that normally would not bother me,…
  • I did it a long time ago. When I did it, I was actually at the skinniest that I had been in a long time. I was working out with weights about 4 times a week and running 2 times per week. But during that whole time, I was taking a lot of supplements including Creatine, pre workout drinks, post workout drinks, tons of amino…
  • Feel the same way. Joined this site on Feb 12 and lost 16 lbs already. But that's how it normally goes for me. I lose weight fast the first two weeks (normally about 5-10 lbs), and then it stops. With this sight, I've seen it continue past the two week mark because I'm making better choices with what I eat. And it helps me…
  • I also track sugar in my diary. But here is the thing...I always have known that I have a problem consuming sugar. I knew I was eating too much. So by tracking it, it makes me make better choices as to what I put in my body. Right now, I allow myself to have 15 grams of sugar per day. More if I exercise. I don't know if…
  • What brand are you using?
  • I had a similar issue when I used a brand that was made up of mostly Whey Concentrate. I switched to Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex and didn't have a problem at all. Maybe you should get a small bottle of a different brand of protein...and keep a close eye on their protein blend.
  • Thanks for your reply. Time to go shopping for a Heart Rate Monitor...
  • Sorry for my ignorance, but what's an HRM? How did you come up with those number? That's what I'm trying to do. Have a basic idea so that I can stay within my calorie intake goals.
  • On the same line of questions, I have one of my own about P90x. I would like to do it, but how do I know how many calories I burned during the workout. I want to make sure that I don't put my body into starvation mode by burning too many calories and not eating enough...and I also don't want to over eat.... My treadmill…