
I added the 'track sugar' to my diary, and in my FIRST meal which was relatively healthy -OJ, english muffin with PB, I'm ALREADY over my sugar amount :explode: . I also think its VERY low, and would like to change it.. My diary is public, you could check it out if you want and see if im doing anything wrong. I am new here, and don't understand much yet, Any help is appreciated :heart:


  • blandwriter
    blandwriter Posts: 50 Member
    I would do some research on carbohydrates generally so you can understand distinctions between refined sugars and healthy carbs. If you drink a glass of orange juice, the refined sugar content will be high vs. eating an orange. An English muffin is also pure carbohydrate. The peanut butter has some protein but also contains sugar. Perhaps looking for a nut butter that does not contain as much sugar?

    I try to reach for an overall carbohydrate balance and carefully read labels.

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  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Unless you have a medical condition, don't get stressed over you sugar. I'm pretty much double mine every day, and its hardly hurt me! :D
  • marvinsanchez
    marvinsanchez Posts: 10 Member
    I also track sugar in my diary. But here is the thing...I always have known that I have a problem consuming sugar. I knew I was eating too much. So by tracking it, it makes me make better choices as to what I put in my body. Right now, I allow myself to have 15 grams of sugar per day. More if I exercise. I don't know if it's too low, but it works for me. I normally don't have my first gram of sugar until lunch time. I eat sugar free oatmeal with almond milk for breakfast, plus a cup of coffee with no sugar and three sugar free cookies. And I feel fine with that.

    I say you should leave it as it is and just work little by little to make that number. Once you have that as one of your goals, you will make different decisions when you go shopping for groceries and you will start looking at the content of sugar of every item you buy. It took a while for me to do this, but now that I have more sugar free things to eat at home, it's really not that difficult to meet that number.

    From a scientific or medical point of view, I don't know if it's good or bad to have it at most 15 to 24 grams of sugar per day. But what I do know is that I drop weight faster when I keep my number of sugar intake within 15 grams per day. But that could be just me.

    Good luck.
  • suzgyo
    suzgyo Posts: 29
    Orange juice has way too much sugar for us trying to lose weight. Unless it's fresh squeezed at home, l would limit it...or better yet eat a fresh orange which only 9g tor a medium one.