Master Cleanse

Did anyone do the Lemon Cleanse diet?

If yes, how long? Any good results?


  • Riyam
    Riyam Posts: 25
    No one has tried it? :(
  • sorry...never heard of it.

    just googled it....lemon, maple syrup and laxatives....I'd rather be fat. Sorry, not for me!
  • kspoon5
    kspoon5 Posts: 239 Member
    I have family that have done the lemon water cleanse - they drink nothing but water and then a mixture of warm water, fresh lemon juice, honey and sometimes cayenne - do it for like 3 days .... but I haven't done that.
  • AMS58
    AMS58 Posts: 183 Member
    I have heard of this and a friend tried it for a few days and was tired all the time. I prefer a detox that uses real food. Your body needs fuel!
  • marvinsanchez
    marvinsanchez Posts: 10 Member
    I did it a long time ago. When I did it, I was actually at the skinniest that I had been in a long time. I was working out with weights about 4 times a week and running 2 times per week. But during that whole time, I was taking a lot of supplements including Creatine, pre workout drinks, post workout drinks, tons of amino acids and tons of whey protein...

    So I decided to actually do the cleanse for 15 days. After the cleanse, I felt good, full of energy and just a lot healthier than when I started. It was tough doing it, but I was single at the time so I had more control of what was at my home to eat...before I did it, I had my friends empty my fridge and my pantry. Did not leave anything to I didn't cheat and did it for the entire 15 days that I had set out to do it. I think I only lost about 15 lbs, most of it muscle, so I did end up leaner. And I did feel like it helped me clean my body from all the stuff that I was taking.

    I didn't do it to lose weight or as a diet....So my experience with it is different than everyone I know that did it after me. What I could never figure out is how much stuff would come out of me when I went to the bathroom (number 2) after day 15 of not eating anything. It was just incredible.
  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    I did the warm glass of water with 1/2 of a lemons juice each morning for about a week but I did not notice any kind of difference. My "eat clean" book says it has a lot of benefits though.
  • I have done this a few times, as a body cleanse not a weight loss tool. Mind you, you will drop the weight, but most comes back once you start eating normal again. The longest I have done it was 14 days. And if you drink a lot of coffee, smoke or eat a lot of junk you should get that out of your system for a few days before you start the cleanse. I felt great doing it and always had lots of energy.
  • marvinsanchez
    marvinsanchez Posts: 10 Member
    I have done this a few times, as a body cleanse not a weight loss tool. Mind you, you will drop the weight, but most comes back once you start eating normal again. The longest I have done it was 14 days. And if you drink a lot of coffee, smoke or eat a lot of junk you should get that out of your system for a few days before you start the cleanse. I felt great doing it and always had lots of energy.

    Another thing that I noticed, aside from the high energy, was an enhance sense of smell. Everywhere I went, I found myself being aware of so much that was around me just by my enhance sense of smell. I don't know if this is normal for everyone that tries it, but for me, it was. Perfumes that normally would not bother me, would bother me. I would constantly ask people if they had increase the amount of perfume that they were wearing. If I would smell food that people around me where eating, I could smell individual ingredients. Eventually my sense of smell wen back to normal. But I remember being like that for a few weeks after I was done with the cleanse.

    Oh..and I also remember the headaches at the beginning of the cleanse.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    Its basically a water fast with a laxative...
  • sloew
    sloew Posts: 106 Member
    My in-laws do it twice a year for 10 days... The min you should do it is 10 days. They are the healthiest people I know!

    If you are doing it to lose weight though, dont! You have a high chance of gaining most of it back. IF you are doing it to cleanse from junk food and nasties in your body then I think it's a good cleanse, if you can handle it. My husband was not able to do but a day or 2 b/c the cayanne coming out is hotter than going in (if you knwo what I mean) For some it burns some it doesn't.

    Like I said to lose weight , bad idea. To cleanse, it works.

    Hope that helps! :flowerforyou:
  • sloew
    sloew Posts: 106 Member
    Oh I did it for 10 days, My motives were wrong and I was trying to lose weight. I did but gained it back.
    I did like the lemon drink so I still do that in the summer. I 1/2 the maple syrup and use fresh lemons and I enjoy it. It's tasty and refreshing.
  • Guitarjon
    Guitarjon Posts: 204 Member
    I might try this for a summer drink sounds good lol.

    So warm water, maple syrup, 1/2 lemon and cayenne pepper.

    Also are you guys actually saying that you got for 10 days without any actual food?
  • jcmk87
    jcmk87 Posts: 57
    Common sense would dictate that by drinking more water and eating vitamin enriched fruit and fiber would be the best "cleanse" for your body.
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 439 Member
    I did it for 6 days about 5 years ago. Would never recommend it to anyone. I felt awful the whole time. I did continue to go to work but may as well been a walking zombie.

    I lost about 6kg which I gained back within a week..

    Just my experience. Good luck in whatever you decide to do
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Want to "cleanse"? (Something your body does every time you urinate or have a BM). Buy a big bag of dried apricots, eat lots of them, drink lots of water and spend the next 48 hrs sitting on the can - you'll be about as "cleansed" as is humanly possible.
  • jcmk87
    jcmk87 Posts: 57
    I did it for 6 days about 5 years ago. Would never recommend it to anyone. I felt awful the whole time. I did continue to go to work but may as well been a walking zombie.

    I lost about 6kg which I gained back within a week..

    Just my experience. Good luck in whatever you decide to do

    Any kind of cleanse is actually detrimental to your healthy as your body is already good at filtering and getting rid of toxins, best is to drink water and eat fiber as to aid the process.
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    Want to "cleanse"? (Something your body does every time you urinate or have a BM). Buy a big bag of dried apricots, eat lots of them, drink lots of water and spend the next 48 hrs sitting on the can - you'll be about as "cleansed" as is humanly possible.

    I did that by accident a few months ago with a BIG bag of dried apricots from a warehouse store...they were SO good...oops!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Want to "cleanse"? (Something your body does every time you urinate or have a BM). Buy a big bag of dried apricots, eat lots of them, drink lots of water and spend the next 48 hrs sitting on the can - you'll be about as "cleansed" as is humanly possible.

    I did that by accident a few months ago with a BIG bag of dried apricots from a warehouse store...they were SO good...oops!

    LMAO, they're like that ads for Lay's chips. "Bet you can't eat just one."
  • As far as cleanses go, has anyone do colonics? Since my cancer scare, I have been taking Capsicum (cayenne) daily as well as other herbs and supplements. I also have been doing colonics daily or every other day for the last 4 months or so. I feel better, have more stamina, have lost a bunch of weight, and firmly believe that what I am doing has helped a bunch. Here is a link to my blog where I write about it.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    As far as cleanses go, has anyone do colonics? Since my cancer scare, I have been taking Capsicum (cayenne) daily as well as other herbs and supplements. I also have been doing colonics daily or every other day for the last 4 months or so. I feel better, have more stamina, have lost a bunch of weight, and firmly believe that what I am doing has helped a bunch. Here is a link to my blog where I write about it.

    There is absolutely no medical evidence supporting "colon cleansing" - it does that all by itself.

    I'll take my coffee through the other end of my digestive system thank you very much.