Nope. I feel like I'm constantly in the bathroom lately. !
I'm on day 10 today :) It's an awesome workout and I bloody love it ! Feel free to add me :) x
Nope. I like my green tea as it is :)
Me and my husband got engaged about about 6 weeks... I was 18. We got married when we had been together just over 2 years. I was 20 We've now been married just over 2 years and I'm 23 :)
I thought I was the only one that just stuck a spoon in there and ate it like that.... :)
I decided about 2 weeks ago now, that I am only going to aim for 1lb loss a week. I don't expect too much of my body, and by the end of the year, I will have lost 48lb and be only 10lb away from my goal ! Don't rush it. it will happen.
I don't usually eat McD's but for some reason, I was craving one on tuesday, so while I was in town, I got a cheeseburger and fries. It was absolutely disgusting. It didn't fill me up at all and I felt like I had everyone's beady eyes on me watching as I was eating it. I won't be going back again, that's for sure !!
Name/ real name: Dellie22/Adele Goal weight on February 29th: 186 2/01: 2/06: 2/13: 2/20: 2/27: 2/29:
I think her abs are damn impressive !!
Ahh, that'll be alot cheaper than expected then :)
ahh, I've already got some of those bars. So I'd just need the plates then?
haha, How heavy should I go ? Mine at the mo are 15lb
Thanks, i'll have a look :)
is this something I could do at home or would I need the equipment in a gym ?
I found out recently that my toes naturally curl which was putting extra strain on them . If that's not your problem, then it's more than likely just your shoes are slighty too small .
Oooh, can I join? I'm on W2 D2 :)
Yesterday, I did the fit test ! I'm also in the UK. I did Plyo Cardio Circuit today and only managed 25 mins... Please tell me it gets easier... lol
I'm from a town called Immingham near Cleethorpes if anyone knows it.. ? Spent 4 years in Doncaster, but now I'm back :D
My son's dummy (Pacifier?)
I'm leaning towards the orange and black now...
Mmmmmm..... Mashed potato :) lots of it. lol
I'm at 191 now, would like to be at 185 by xmas.
I used to when I was younger. When my parents went out, I'd find the sellotape and the scissors, and go find one of mine, open it and tape it up again.... Now, I just make my husband tell me . He gets so annoyed with me asking, he gives in ! LOL I'm so impatient ! x
Surely, because you're still moving, you should still be burning the calories... ?
er... huh ??
Ew. Has he done what I think he's done?. ....