chris493 Member


  • I posted this 14 months ago and thought I would update how my weight maintaince has gone. When hitting my goal weight 152lbs down from 203 lbs, the motivation to continually update my diary to maintain my weight worked for a couple of months, but dwindled over time. After a summer of eating out and drinking, getting…
  • Eating the un-healthier foods is not cheating but it can be a very slippery slope. If you compromise one day, it can lead to old bad habits which we are all aware of, or we wouldn't be on this site. Saying that, I burn't 2500 calories extra one day digging up the garden for 8 hours. Only having healthy foods in the…
  • Since being on a mfp diet I have yet to eat out. A friends birthday is coming up shortly which involves going out to a restaurant. I plan to burn 600-800 calories (about an hour of circuit training) which should off set the extra calories from eating out. I think it will be a matter of steering clear of the beer, starters…
  • Nice positive attitude. Just ensure you keep reminding yourself "PERMANENT weight loss". I would set some mini goals and rewards to help motivate. Welcome and good luck.
  • Clearly a huge difference when you reflect on starting photo, looking good. Well done.
  • My tips for healthier cooking/eating: - Use the grill more but If you do need to fry, shallow fry using a vegetable or sunflower spray to lightly coat the pan, do not soak the food. Trim any visual fat from meat where possible or buy the leaner cuts. When fried, drain any excess fat/juice from meat before adding other…
    in new mom Comment by chris493 August 2010
  • The App is an excellent tool. I just started with the Android version. I can see the benefits straight away of updating the diaryt as and when, although I'm not sure what it may do to my battery life. Good luck with your diet.
    in New Boy Comment by chris493 August 2010