new mom

hey all i just joined this morning. i found out about the site by checking out the site from a news report thought I'd give it a go and see if i can actually try to count calories and make better food choices to keep me and my family healthier . so any advise other than what if offered is appreciated . especially how to fix up a few foods that are old favorites but healthier maybe.


  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
  • chris493
    chris493 Posts: 10 Member
    My tips for healthier cooking/eating: -

    Use the grill more but If you do need to fry, shallow fry using a vegetable or sunflower spray to lightly coat the pan, do not soak the food.

    Trim any visual fat from meat where possible or buy the leaner cuts. When fried, drain any excess fat/juice from meat before adding other ingredients.

    Substitute beef/lamb mince with chicken or turkey mince.

    Reduce full fat milk to semi-skimmed or semi-skimmed to skimmed. Within a week or two you will not notice the difference.

    Change butter for margarine, or even diet margarine (80% less fat).

    Use accurate scales and ensure you measure your potion sizes/ingredients correctly or you can use a cup measure especially for vegetables/salads.

    Look for lower fat alternative dressings/sauces and don't use half the bottle in one go. (I love BBQ sauce!!):laugh:

    Don't keep unhealthy snacks in the house if possible as they will be tempting. Low fat baked crisps, high fibre ceral bars and cracker style bread are handy substitutes.

    Generally I use a lot of stock cubes, herbs and spices to improve the taste.

    When shopping always check out the nutritional information looking for the kcal(calorie) and fat content per 100g/ml. There is usually a lower fat/calorie alternative with most products.

    And finally, if you drink fizzy drinks, make sure they are low sugar or diet. Initially they will taste funny, but after a couple of weeks you will not notice the difference. The sugar content in a lot of normal fizzy drinks is not much difference to beer/cider.

    I hope this helps, good luck and stick with it.