Despite the mountain of misinformation you will find on the internet claiming all sorts of ridiculous things about aspartame, it's perfectly safe. Aspartame is one of THE MOST studied food additives in the world and still no legitimate, peer reviewed study has ever found any negative health effects for the general…
Calorie/macro tracking. And then I began noticing how much terrible information was floating around the community section so I started replying to posts. I can't remember the last night I tracked something I ate lol
Yes, thank you. I too thought that was rather clear but oh well. I suspect the title nit-pickers did not actually read the article.
That's why I added "Necessarily". But I do apologize and will endeavor to get my next title just perfect. Perhaps I could email you a draft beforehand?
Actually, one of the points the article makes is that we don't know what the differences are. More information and study = good.
Consider 500 calories from 2 different sources as we currently calculate them. One source of 500 cals is from a highly processed, cooked food source. The other 500 cals is from a meal consisting of largely unprocessed, uncooked, whole foods. The article makes the point that the 500 cals will differ in their effect on the…
Nutrient timing has not been shown to be "totally insignificant" as you put it. There is plenty of evidence to support the importance of post exercise nutrition specifically. Sport and nutrition science is in it's infancy and is ever evolving. Today's "wrong" was yesterday's "right". Who know what tomorrow will bring.…
Leonardo, I agree that for most people's purposes this article doesn't change a thing. I however, enjoy as much information on a subject as possible. That's why I posted this, not to confuse or give anyone an excuse. It is about absolutes vs relatives, similar to the bathroom scale that's off by 5lbs. It will still show…
They not NOT equal in terms of how the body processes them. This really isn't hard.
Overly complicate things? It's just information, don't fear it.
Accuracy vs consistency
Welcome to internet forums! Enjoy your stay.
Can't read the link but I'm going call the title misleading anyways! lol
page 3 Carmody's findings also apply to industrial processing. In a 2010 study people who ate 600- or 800-calorie portions of whole-wheat bread with sunflower seeds, kernels of grain and cheddar cheese expended twice as much energy to digest that food as did individuals who consumed the same quantity of white bread and…
page 2 Some plant parts have evolved adaptations either to make themselves more appetizing to animals or to evade digestion altogether. Fruits and nuts first evolved in the Cretaceous (between 145 and 65 million years ago), not long after mammals were beginning to run between the legs of dinosaurs. Evolution favored fruits…
Actually it's not close at all and could be revamped to be much more accurate, though differences between people would still persist
Yes I drink the occasional diet pop because I don't want the sugar. No, aspartame is not bad for you and there are zero credible studies saying otherwise. There are hundreds of studies demonstrating it's safety. In fact, aspartame is one of the most studies food additives known to man thanks to all the fear mongering…
Eat what you like. Bread and wheat is just the latest victim of the internet fear-mongering hype machine. It's perfectly fine for the general population who do not have a sensitivity to it. Your white bread may not have as much fiber as the whole grain variety but hopefully you're eating enough vegetables that it should…
False. There is indeed information everywhere claiming GMOs are unhealthy but that is simply bad information. Joseph Mercola is a salesman, thinly disguised as a Dr. The FDA has issued him multiple warning letters about his shenanigans. There are roughly 600 studies on GMOs and not one of them show any ill effects with any…
Not true. Through you'll read this "theory" on a lot of quack health and nutrition websites.
Good luck eliminating chemicals
Your opinion is not exactly proof. I have friends with similar "proof" that the moon landing was faked.
These are not studies, they are articles from websites. is the granddaddy of internet quackery.
Slightly different but equally as nutritious (often more nutritious) and just as safe.
Hard to say. Careful of the sodium in that stuff.
I consider myself well educated on the topic of GMOs so I know the negative health claims made under No 2, Genetically engineered papaya, are completely false. That puts the rest of the article in question. Ok... I just noticed the "source" of this information at the bottom of the article... Mercola and Real Pharmacy.…
I missed this originally but it should be mentioned that anyone who thinks they are suffering from headaches, dizziness, or nausea as a result of aspartame should looking into folate (B12) deficiency. The breakdown of methanol in the body can deplete folic acid levels that may already be low in the first case. In the…
There are 2 solutions, both of which you stated in your original post.
How accurate and consistent are you with tracking your cals and macros? This is where 99% of weight gain/loss goals fail.
There are studies showing that protein timing matters little but there are other factors at work not considered there, with energy levels being the main one. Splitting up your consumption of macros throughout the day may not affect the bio mechanics of muscle building that much but it will affect your energy levels and…