airboy1952 Member


  • As a college instructor, my first bit of advice would be to learn the difference between "loose" and "lose." Some guidance:
  • 1. I also stayed within my calorie limit each day this week. 2. My burn goal was 4900 calories, and I burned 4901 (!) calories. 3. I'll weigh myself Tuesday morning to see what my progress has been. 4. I went faster than ever on the erg (rowing machine) this week --- held below a 2:00 pace for 1000 meters, and sustained a…
  • Really awesome work! Thank you for sharing your amazing success story.
  • Happy birthday, Heather --- but boo to your scale! There is no way on Earth you could really have gone up by 2.4 lbs in the past week, so this is almost certainly an artifact of not having run just before today's weigh-in. So go celebrate!
  • I like Heather's idea of extending the end date of the Ultra Challenge to Sunday 12/16 --- gives me a few more days to reach my weight goal! Thanks, Heather! Cheers, Roger
  • Fellow challengers, First of all, kudos to Heather for finally getting that #@%&! scale to start reading lower numbers. Welcome to the 130s, Slim! Here's the progress so far: Tuesday 9/11/2012: weight = 177.0 lb Tuesday 9/18/2012: weight = 174.2 lb, 2.8 lb lost since beginning of Ultra Challenge Tuesday 9/25/2012: weight =…
  • Fellow Challengers, During Thanksgiving week I was able to exercise only 4 of the 7 days, and consequently burned only a paltry 2174 calories. As a result I was over my calorie goal for the week. My weight has drifted up slightly over the past few weeks at my new 1700 calorie/day setting, so I'm returning to the previous…
  • I've also been remiss in posting here. As I mentioned in an earlier post, on Dr. Bob's suggestion I've decided to stay reset my goal weight to be 162.6 lb. Then I'll be able to say I lost 50 pounds since the start of the first 90-day challenge in February. Here's the progress so far: Tuesday 9/11/2012: weight = 177.0 lb…
  • So sorry to hear the latest on your sister, Mary Ellen. Thank goodness she has you to assist her!
  • Heather --- thank you for the kind words. Yes indeed, I have just one more pound to go from last week's value. But I may have drifted upward this week, since I'm trying to figure out what's required to maintain this new weight. So it's likely that I'll still have to lose 0.5 to 1 lb/wk to get to the goal. I sure hope your…
  • I worked out or hiked every day this past week and burned 5,977 calories. On Dr. Bob's suggestion, I've decided to stay close to my current weight and concentrate on the strength challenges. I'll be working to lose just a tiny bit more to reach 162.6 lb. Then I'll be able to say I lost 50 pounds since the start of the…
  • Net 1200 calories/day. My average burn from exercise is 3500 to 5000 calories/week, or 500 to 700 calories/day, so my average food consumption is 1700 to 1900 calories/day. I consistently lose 0.5-2.0 lbs/week, and my weight is 167 lb.
  • Happy birthday, M.E. ... though I'm very sorry your gallbladder decided to protest the celebration weekend! Talk about poor timing. Have you been to see your physician? Definitely want to keep that gallbladder under control! Have a restful week off and enjoy your youthful status! You can tell your husband it's like being…
  • Thanks, Heather, for starting this thread! And I sure hope you found your house key... that must have been beyond frustrating. Here's my rather less impressive report: 1. I completed my nutrition log each day, was under my allotment 5 out of 7 days, and was 369 net calories below allotment for the week. I consumed 11,845…
  • Heather, I can only imagine how frustrated you feel. You are a major rockstar in the gym and on the hiking trails, your dedication to the 110% goal is magnificent, your net calorie intake (consume minus burn) is right where it should be to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs/wk just as you have been for weeks and weeks, and yet your #$@%!…
  • I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you, Slim... You are working so hard and doing all of the right things, and yet that damnable scale just sits there and glowers at you. But the weight *is* coming off, you *are* making progress, and you *are* getting closer to your goal! So please hang in there, Slim, and…
  • Really great work, Slim! Don't worry about being under your burn target by a little bit... the key thing is the net calorie intake, and you've got that down to a science. And you get bonus points in my book for exercising while on travel!
  • M. E., so sorry to hear about your sister! Please let us know how else we can support you as you support her. Cheers, Roger
  • ¡Muy bien dicho, Maria Elena! This really is a transformative experience...
  • Great work, M.E.! Clare --- you've only got 8 to go! So cool!
  • Kudos to Heather/Slim and Lynn for their accomplishments this week! Here's my report for Week 3: * Burned 5393 calories (exceeding by the slimmest of margins my weekly target of 5390 cal/week or 770 cal/day). * Completed my food log for every day, was under my daily calorie target for 6 of the 7 days, and was under my…
  • Heather: You have so much inner strength that I *know* you can reach your goal. It will happen! Clare: Stick with it! You *will* be able to hang in there. Kim: You can help yourself, and help others to help you, by being quantitative in your accountability reports. ("Slight increase" doesn't tell us much.) You're a…
  • Thanks for the awesome report, Slim! You have your weight loss rate dialed in --- at this rate, you will lose 11 x 1.6 = 17.6 lb in the remaining 11 weeks of the Ultra Challenge, and you *will* reach your goal. Keep up the good work, my friend!
  • Thanks for the superb and detailed suggestions, Linda! I'm looking forward to trying these out... Cheers, Roger
  • M. E. and Clare --- You are both doing so awesome! You are ROCKING the Ultra Challenge and doing us all proud! Cheers, Roger
  • Wonderful, Lynn! I'm also ready, willing, and able to support you, and would love to hike with you any time! And if you need someone to gently but firmly swat your hand away from the wine glass, I can do that, too. ;-) Heather has it exactly right --- you *can* do this, and we're here as your friends and fellow Challengers…
  • Heather --- you did fantastic for (literally) your first time out of the starting gate as a runner! What an amazing effort. I doff my fedora to you! My updates: * Completed my nutrition log each day. I was under the daily calorie limits 5 days out of 7, and under the calorie limit for the week as a whole. * Unfortunately I…
  • That sounds like a great plan, Kim! Rest assured that you have our complete support. Feel free to call on the rest of us for motivation and guidance whenever you think we can be helpful!
  • Clare and M.E. --- thank you so much for your posts and for sharing your goals. Let us know how we can help --- and M.E., please keep us posted on your allergy issues!