linmartermarros Member


  • Yes, you will hear his voice again - over and over in the little things that he always told you. And, know that your Dad is always with you - he did wish you a happy birthday in your heart. He is so proud of you taking care of yourself. Be patient with the grief, it is difficult and your heart, mind and body need to grieve.
  • What a great story - congratulations!!
  • I'm proud of myself today because I am not beating myself up after a calorie laden lunch, because I know that even though I ate 4 of those delicious Girl Scout Thin Mints that my tricky husband opened - I will be hitting the pool soon. Even if I do go over today, tomorrow will be better (and those d*** Thin Mints better be…
  • Am interested and would like to join! Linda
  • Hi: Such a joy to read all the posts - from sea lions to saggy skin to skiing. I have had a wonderful day thanks to not listening to the weather forecast. Road my bike to the grocery store to weigh in (7 miles), came home and walked 11/2 miles and since the rain continued to hold off I jumped in the pool and swam a half…
  • Hello All: A dreary day here in Florida, so it is nice to read all the nice postings from this group. Just came back from 50 minutes on my bike - but I could only go 61/2 miles with the wind.... Had a great dinner of Filet Mignon, I think I needed the extra protein. This was my second week on the plan and I look forward to…
  • Can I join this group?? Am 58 and on my second week on mfp. Have done great with food & exercise - but blew it last night when a neighbor brought over fresh, warm zucchini bread!!! (I had never had it before & needless to say it was delicious - so much so that I had more than one slice....)
  • I have completed my first five days - exercising each day and staying under my total calories! I know five days doesn't sound like much to you veterans - but it is great for me