
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Thank you Laura!

    We only got a trace of snow here too. Just enough to cover the grass, make the roads wet, and track mud into the house. :ohwell:

    Where in CO are you located?

    Welcome Jan in NJ! You've landed in a great place here! :happy:

    Back to work! :smile:



    I'm south of the Cherry Creek Resevoir, in unincorporated Arapahoe County, in a small area surrounded by Greenwood village and Centennial. When Centennial was being formed we were given the choice of joining them or NOT, our neighborhood decided we didn't want to have the additional taxes :bigsmile: so we have an Englewood mailing address. We moved here from Oregon in 1992 and since that time boy have we seen a lot of changes:noway: places that were just fields are now full of houses, malls, schools and so much more. We used to be on the edge of the city but not anymore:grumble:

    So I commute every day from i-225 at Yosemite to 120th & Tower...about a 35 min commute on a good day (not today:sad: ) about 28miles one way.

    It's stopped snowing here, now it will just become a muddy mess:grumble:

    Have a good day.

  • Hello ladies!
    Checking in. Been having internet problems for a couple of days. =-(

    It has been great reading all the posts. It makes me realize other women struggle with similar issues.

    Does anyone know what nutrients/supplements are healing/good for kidneys? Just found out tests done in October - results were not good and am getting tested again.

    Thanks everyone.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Woohoo! I found the old people thread again :smile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Woohoo! I found the old people thread again :smile:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    Yay!! We are all in the boat together and it hasn't started sinking yet!! Let's keep lightening the load, one calorie at a time!!
  • Hi am new and looking for some real friends... meaning people that I can just let it all out with. I was invited to this group by Laura80111 and want to thank her for the invitation! I hope I can encourage all of you as much as I hope you will encouragment me! Now let's see if this 50+ lady can figure out all of this new technology!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hi !

    Laura- How encouraging that you can button those pants AND they are comfortable

    JB- congratulations on your jumping jacks. You definitely are getting stronger

    Only my third day back to work and I'm beginning to feel sleep deprived. Yesterday after work I had a dr appointment. He said two more weeks before I can go back to the gym, though I am doing well. He said to keep up the walking. Sooo, on my way home I went to the part and did a slow jog.:bigsmile:
    We are babysitting my daughter's dog so we are now sharing the bed with two labs. Needless to say, I can't move too much. The other night, all of a sudden, Autumn jumped down, started barking like crazy and ran downstairs. Of course, Kona had to follow suit. They continued barking so I got up to look outside and there were 3 deer standing in the street in front of the house. I think they could hear the dogs because they just stood there looking towards the window. It was a stalemate.! Finally, the deer moved along and we all went back to bed.
    Today I had a chiropractor appt. He asked me if I have been exercising and I said no due to dr orders. He told me to be very careful because it could affect my herniated discs if my abs are weak. I just cant keep everybody happy!
    I have been eating pretty well this week and have stayed away from the hershey kisses. The scale was down a bit this morning, but I only count it on the official weigh in days. Hopefully it will stay down until Monday.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone…
    I am feeling better (thank goodness). Having that virus really was a pain. I am glad it only lasted a few days. I still haven’t gotten to the gym but yesterday we took a nice walk after dinner and tonight I put my ipod on and danced around the kitchen for 30 minutes while the chicken was cooking. I know it looked crazy but I wanted to keep moving. I hit a new low weight today….that always makes me feel good. When I was sick my weight went up three pounds (and I wasn’t eating anything).

    Realpure…I hope you find an outfit that you feel good in. I think that is so important. Your days sounds very busy. I am a retired teacher and I have such a respect for teachers who sub---there are many times when it is combat pay!!
    AHealthierSuz…..I would love to take your second and third paragraph of your post and put it on my mirror…..just the words I need to read…Thank you. I want the numbers to change on the scale a lot faster but I have to think that I am getting smaller sizes. I am focusing on living healthier and I feel better when I have whole foods.
    Janice…Congratulations on all the wonderful family news. Wow…lots of things happening for you this coming year.
    Welcome Cdjames8, StillLonely…. This is a great board.
    Mimi…Thanks for the food scale recommendation. I keep thinking of getting one ..so I will have to put that one on my wish list.
    Frogmama….. That is so hard when you get two conflicting suggestions from the doctors. Glad that you are feeling better.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Evening all...

    Started my day with a much better attitude...the alarm went off at 5 am, I reset it to 5:30 am..:yawn: .but my inner-want-to-be-skinny & healthy-self got me up at 5:10 to do 20 minutes on the treadmill. Lunchtime walk & evening with the dog & hubby put me at an hour. The treadmill is making me push myself, and that is a good thing.

    Virginia...today I drank 3 thirty-two ounce cups of water...and as a result got extra steps going to the restroom! Does your bladder every catch up to your water intake? Thanks for that advice.:drinker:

    Nicolette...welcome...you are among friends here...and this is a pretty beautiful pasture here! :flowerforyou:

    Jane... take things slow...we all want you better!:wink:

    Frogmamma...geocacheing sounds really interesting, fun & healthy. Think I will check out the website.:happy:

    Michele...were you at the twin 125's today? This is the first year my husband hasn't gone to FL for Daytona in over 20 years. He talked to his buddy he usually goes with tonight...and they have already decided that next year they will be there. :glasses:

    Amanda...posts like yours and Virginia's about maintaining after your amazing weight loss journeys are the BEST motivation going. I plan to join you at some point...but one day at a time at this point.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Realpure...good luck with the shopping ... and keep those rose-colored glasses close at hand. Positive attitudes are the ticket to our success ... (and whining once in a while helps to:bigsmile:

    Suz... "It took me 5 decades to get comfortable in my own skin. I'm gonna stay active, choose REAL foods, find something to smile about every day and be the best me I can be... period." I love your quote, and very much feel the same way. Some ladies dread their 50's...I am embracing my 50's. I find that I am much happier with my inner self than I have ever been (other than that menopause thing). It's a shame it sometimes takes so long to find ourselves.:happy:

    Nancy...definitely need to get that book...I manage to pretty much keep my clutter in the walk-in closet...but it sometimes is hard to "walk-in":blushing:

    JB...Congratulations on your 56 pounds gone. I say gone, because when you lose something, you usually want it back. We don't want what we are losing here to be found. :flowerforyou:

    Janice...Those "traces of snow" can truly make a mess.:ohwell:

    CDJames...welcome to this great group...come join us on our journeys.:smile:

    Chargers8709...don't let that plateau get ya down...you can overcome..:drinker:

    Mimi...thank you so much for the info on the scales...I was wondering the best way to find a reliable one. I actually found my Weight Watcher Scales from circa 1970's...and decided they weren't worth messing with. I wonder if they are considered a collectible?:tongue:

    Laura...urban development...it's a necessary evil I guess...but sure know how you feel. I love our 5 acre spread in between two farms of about 100 acres each...old homesteads...so hopefully they will stay that way.:ohwell:

    Brunsda...I'd stick with "the doctor's orders" if I were you, after some not so positive results from a non-medical advisor. :sick:

    Lesle1...115 pounds...another amazing inspiration!:flowerforyou:

    BobbieLee...I like your attitude! :wink:

    StillLonely...Welcome...this is a wonderful group for moral support. :happy:

    BTW... I don't want to jinx anything...but stayed within my points again today, and the scale was kind this morning...I am just hoping they stay that way. Hubby is going fishing on Saturday morning, so I have my list of items I am going to hunt for to aid me in my journey. I ordered something called Zaggora Weight Loss Hot Pants (and no...they don't look like the hot pants of our youth) from a Groupon Promotion. They are being shipped from Europe and I am getting anxious to get them...I keep reading positive things about them. I hope they are as good as they sound...if not, it was a poor $25 investment.

    Happy Friday Eve ladies...really looking forward to TGIF. Off for some downtime before bedtime:yawn:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    I took what was called "cardio strength" class. Really, what it was was zumba with 2lb weights. I don't think I'll take it again. The reason? Boy does this make me seem so old. Because the music was so loud! I really didn't feel that I got a good workout, loud music just doesn't motivate me. Then I took a class they call "stretch" but it's more yoga than anything else. Tomorrow I'll take a yoga class and then some step and then an upper body workout. I really need to do more weights...but you can't get everything when you're on vacation. They have body pump-type equipment so I really want to record a workout that this gal gives back in Hickory, put it on my iPod, and then I can use it down here. If we're here next Thurs, instead of this cardio strength class, I'll do a downloadable spin workout. Won't get any exercise in this weekend since Sat. is the Nationwide and Sun. is the 500. Sat. I will get lots of walking in. Vince goes to the race, I go shopping. But they close the mall on Sun so I do go to the race.

    There was a leak over the doorway, so a few years ago Vince tore down all the plaster, it hasn't been wet so we got that fixed. Just have to paint. A rod in the master bedroom closet came down so Vince is putting it back up. Next time we come down he'll bring his drill and we'll have a decent closet. There were a few tiles in the kitchen that for some reason popped up, so Vince took them up, now he needs to get grout and regrout it. Shouldn't be that much work.

    Was almost 80 today so I laid down by the pool for a bit. Then I came up and am working on this latchhook that this lady gave me. It really is going quite fast compared to the rug that I made, I just want to get it done.

    Suz - I'm with you, I weighed myself at the Y here and I didn't lose anything. I think I might have, but if not, that's ok, I feel better. The sad part is when we go out to eat for dinner, I would want a piece of fruit for dessert and very few places have any.

    Tonight I had this chicken salad. It was iceburg (wish they'd use romaine) lettuce, chicken strips on top. Just had water to drink. Had steamed broccoli and carrots on the side.

    Did 2 loads of laundry today. Vince needed whites so I decided to also do darks. The dryer is a gas dryer so I'm hoping that this one pair of jeans will shrink some.

    Janice - congratulations on all counts!! Actually, WE'RE the lucky ones to have you with us

    Jan - what part of NJ are you in? Welcome!

    jb - congrats on the jumping jacks. Victory tastes so sweet, huh? And it doesn't even have any calories...lol

    cdjames - welcome! What kind of business do you own?

    chargers - welcome! Are you in CA possibly? Hubby loves the Chargers (yes, we're in NC, he's loved them since he was a little boy in NJ. Never lived in CA but still loves the chargers)

    stilllonely - welcome! You've come to a great place to vent and get inspiration and ideas. Thanks, Laura, for inviting her

    Meg - we didn't go to the twin 125's today, watched them on the TV. But we'll be there Sat. (I'll be shopping) and, of course, Sunday. Looking forward to it. You know, every time I hear Chubby Checker's "Twist" (and I hear it a lot at the senior bowling), I can't help but think of the 50th anniversary when he was there.

    Off to take a shower, watch some TV, then bed. Hope everyone has a great evening

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: From my morning reading:
    “The control of the palate is a valuable aid for the control of the mind”
    Mahatma Gandhi

    “No need to talk of fasting or strange diets. Just resolve to move away from foods that don’t benefit your health and begin choosing foods that do.”
    Eknath Easwaran

    :flowerforyou: I have been reading all the wonderful posts and feel blessed to have found all of you to inspire and encourage me. I started putting stickers on my calendar years ago when I had a particularly challenging job. I put a sticker on my calendar every day that I behaved well even when others didn’t and when I refrained from prattling endlessly to others about how hard my job was. Later I began putting a sticker on the calendar for walking 10,000 steps a day…..now I’ve increased the goal a little at a time until this month the goal is 16,000 steps a day.

    :flowerforyou: I need rewards and have stopped thinking of myself of childish for wanting them……..having a pedometer and a heart rate monitor are part of my reward system as is the exercise tracker on MFP. The first reward I bought myself for losing weight was a food scale and pretty measuring cups. I use them all the time.

    :flowerforyou: I have been reading about heart rate monitors since I started MFP and thought the chest strap would be annoying. When I read “Younger Next Year for Women”, one of the first recommendations was to get a heart rate monitor and I almost quit reading the book because I was so resistant to the idea. Fortunately I kept reading and kept thinking about the idea of a HRM until I began to understand how one could be useful to me. I researched on the internet and by reading posts by MFP members to find the one I wanted. Now it is my best friend (don’t tell my husband or my dogs or my pedometer or my mp3 player :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    :flowerforyou: When I started MFP three years ago, someone suggested that I stay open minded to new ideas and because of that, I’ve learned a lot and made many healthy changes.

    :flowerforyou: I reached my goal weight after about 18 months. Since then my weight has gone up a bit as I’ve walked more, joined the 100 squats a day challenge, and added strength training. I upped my goal weight by three pounds and feel great. Getting healthier is a lifelong goal for me and checking in with all of you is part of my plan to reach that goal.

    :bigsmile: I am retired which gives me a lot more time for exercise than someone with a full time job. My children are dogs and walking with them is a central part of my exercise. My average heart rate walking dogs is higher than when I dance. I just found out that the heavier weights I’m lifting raise my heart rate higher than dog walking or dancing. Thanks to Nancy I’m reading “The New Rules of Lifting for Women” and feeling challenged to work harder with heavier weights rather than longer with lighter ones. Right now heavier for me is six pounds on my ankles and ten pound dumbbells but I expect that to increase slowly.

    :bigsmile: Welcome to all the newcomers. I hope you’ll come back and be part of the family. Do not be discouraged and never, never, never give up.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    My life today is so great today it should have background music

    February goals:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy.”
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day
    *strength training two days a week (three would be better)
    *16,000 steps a day

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Evening everyone. I forgot to get my pad of paper and pencil before getting in bed with the computer so I won't have my notes to remember what everyone's up to. :) so.....

    Why is it the first 50 pounds seemed to come off at a steady pace for the most part, only one or two plateaus and the last 12 won't budge an inch! Gah! I am so tired of not seeing that scale go down....

    The new grandson is still cute. :) They came home from the hospital today. They actually live about 40 feet from my back door so I'm sure I'll get plenty of baby holding in the next few weeks. Until the other grandma comes from Ohio at which point I am stepping back and probably going on vacation. It's my policy that when my kids inlaws come to town I disappear so they get the grandkids all to themselves. All nice folks but hey, I get these kids all the time, let them have their undivided attention for a while.

    If I can figure out how to post a picture I will. We'll let him get past the squishy face/flat nose look first. He's a little chunk though, started out at 8 lbs. 13 oz. and eats a ton. Mama's going to be producing a lot for that little guy!

    I've been lazy about my running and only put in a few miles since my half marathon. Tomorrow morning I'm headed out, going to do three miles at least. If I go early enough the deer will run with me (we have about 8 - 15 in the neighborhood that will run alongside early morning joggers. Kind of fun.... sounds like a movie... "runs with deer."). It's supposed to be in the high 70s tomorrow with a chance of rain I think so I'd rather head out when it's cooler.

    Planted my roses today, need to get my other flowers and the tomatoes in the ground. Time to take the petunias out (my winter flowers) Yes, I know some of you have snow........

    Until tomorrow.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    A Quick Good Evening!

    Meg: So glad you are feeling more "up"! Sounds like you are moving in the right direction...we hardly ever move in a straight line...just keep moving in the right direction:heart:

    SallyCC: so glad you are feeling better and congrats on your new "low"! That's something worth celebrating!

    Barbie: I love your quotes...your posts are always inspiring and helpful! And I relate so much to your suggestion to stay "open" to others' ideas on MFP. I also love my HRM and was very resistant to the idea for a long time. You were helpful in getting me to purchase one and it is a fabulous fitness tool. With all things, however, you have to be in the right "place" for certain ideas or suggestions to work. I am appreciative of your guidance and friendship here!:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I don't know if your place in FL is something that you rent to others or only use yourselves, but in regards to flour, spices and other food staples, you could put them in your refrigerator or in glass jars so that you could have them to use when you are there. We first built a small guesthouse in SC for a few years before DH retired and we moved full time there, that we used on occasion and when I would come down it was always a challenge with food and I learned to leave flour, cereals, etc. in glass containers and certain spices in the frig. They made my trips there easier because I could cook what I wanted and the items were safe from the humidity and heat while I was away. This may not work for you, but just an idea. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

    Frogmama: Thank you for the information on geocaching...it sounds fascinating and something that I would enjoy too! I love to hike and it sounds like a great "hide and seek" adventure! Any excuse to be outside and moving around!

    Realpure: Yes, a nice outfit that makes you feel good is important and I am sure you will find it. Keep us posted! I too am a former teacher and I send you my best regards for subbing! We need all the good teachers we can get:flowerforyou:

    Skied a few runs this morning but the wind was still blowing and I was cold!!! What a wimp. I did come home and do Leslie's 4 Fast Miles. I am determined to up my stamina. It is amazing that the more you do, the more you want to do. I hope that I can remember this when I am feeling less energetic!!!:huh:

    Take care dear Ladies!:flowerforyou: kackie
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Hi everyone. 68 here today. In February! What's up with that?

    mazaron: I wasn't offended. I guess I worry talking about how scary it is to stop losing when so many are trying to lose. I'll get it figured out. And you guys all have so many tasty, healthy food ideas. I do think my variety has improved tremendously since I've been hanging out with you wonderful folks. Nice to have this group, isn't it?

    I have been known to make my cat INTO the bed. It's a game we play. If she sees me making the bed (especially changing the sheets!) she immediately jumps aboard. I continue making the bed and she ends up a lump underneath. I then laugh as she tries to find her way out.

    tiarapants: I'd love to hear what your dietician says. It's funny, but I've never learned to eat healthy with a significant amount of calories. I can eat low-cal, or high-cal junk, but a healthy medium is tough for me. All the healthy foods I choose when I'm losing are the lowest of low-cal choices. Need healthy moderate-calorie foods!

    realpure: I do eat steel cut oats. They are soooo healthy, high in fiber, they have a little protein, complex carbs to keep your blood sugar more stable. I do try to drink 100+ ounces of non-caffeinated, non-carbonated,non-caloric liquids a day. Try upping your liquids to at least 80 oz. I think you'll see a difference.

    AHealthierSuz: This: "No more beating my self up for not being a size larger than I was in my early 30's! It took me 5 decades to get comfortable in my own skin. I'm gonna stay active, choose REAL foods, find something to smile about every day and be the best me I can be... period." Is absolutely PERFECT. Go you!

    jb_2011: I love your post. So many things your body will do now that it wouldn't before. Isn't it grand? But I still hate jumping jacks!

    Barbiecat: You provide AT LEAST as much inspiration and encouragement as you get here. Thanks for posting these threads.

    OK, folks. I gotta go work hard for my money, so hard for it honey...

    Happy Friday!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Can I just say I really miss the time I had with MFP when I was unemployed. I was able to respond much more personaly to the posts. I was an exercising fool logging between 10 and 12 miles a day on the treadmill, I was lifting weights (with Chalene Xtreme) I was eating healthy, driniking around 20 glasses of water a day and dropping the excess pounds like there was no tomorrow. Now everyday is such a struggle. I have a hard time getting in any exercise, I haven't lifted weights for months. I don't drink as much water (only around 10 glasses a day) and I struggle with wine because I am not getting all those wonderful exercise endorphins. My house is a pigsty because I have not desire to clean when I get off work. I miss that version of me and I can't figure out how to get her back while working a hideous job that saps all of my life force.

    Sorry for the little pitty party. I am just soooo frustrated right now.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter in the PNW.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    :glasses: Its shaping up to be another sunny day so I will be out working in the yard again this morning before the wind has a chance to get up. Blowing dirt is the norm for West Texas in the Springtime. Some days all I have to do to get a free micro-derm abrasion is step outdoors. :tongue:

    YESTERDAY was a busy, but productive day:
    * While I was gone hubby came home on his lunch hour and filled another of my raised beds with soil.
    * The new tires make my car drive like it did when when it was new.
    * I found a hardback YOUNGER NEXT YEAR (in large print) at the thrift shop for $1 and I thought , why not!
    * Discovered a Sprouts nearby and got lots of good-for-me produce and clean baking supplies for about the same or LESS than our local grocery store sells the artificially laden stuff for. I also found a new kind of dried bean we haven't tried. This is a BIG deal since we pretty much eat SOME kind of beans every day! Loving the new coconut products for sweetening and baking! I am trying out a new coconut pineapple muffin recipe for the weekend. You really CAN have good things to eat without all the refined sugars and flours.

    You know the old adage, "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper." Easier said than done.... IF hubby gets to come home for lunch, we have our big meal then and just do soup and/or salad for our evening meal. But on work days, a big breakfast is hard to do. He's never been a breakfast eater. So I send him out the door with boiled eggs, oatmeal muffins and a piece of fruit. One thing we've stuck to since reading MASTER YOUR METABOLISM is no starches of any kind for supper.


    :flowerforyou: No more beating my self up for being a size larger than I was in my early 30's! It took me 5 decades to get comfortable in my own skin. I'm gonna stay active, choose REAL foods, find something to smile about every day and be the best me I can be... period. :love:
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Hi, all! I jumped in here, then jumped out. I am really facing my own excuses and hope to hang out with this wonderful, positive group of women. I'm down 1 lb. this week, after deciding to eat clean, measure and log everything, and stop kidding myself. Also upped my water intake, which feels great.

    Nancy, I LOVE "My Happiness Project"! I intended to start in January but wasn't organized enough, so I started in February (enhance my energy), prepared a pink spread sheet for the month with 8 goals to focus on, and am amazed to find out how helpful it is. It's particularly useful to spread out my goals over the course of the year, so when I start beating myself up because my finances aren't in order, I think "oh, I'm going to focus on that in August." It really helps me to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Gretchen Rubin, the author, has a website with lots of good information on it.

    barbie, I also loved "Younger Next Year for Women." I was already using a heart rate monitor so I was with them on that, but the biggest message I took from that book is that we need to exercise every day for the rest of our lives. I'm getting over the shock of that and starting to accept it. Even if it's just a 30 minute walk, we need to move every day.

    Realpure, I am in a similar place as you, having hovered in my low to mid 150's most of last year while trying to lose, then jumping to 165 after my trip to Italy and broken ankle, which kept me pretty inactive through the end of the year. What keeps me motivated is your labeling these the "wrong direction" pounds! It seems discouraging to have to lose the "wrong direction" pounds before we can start losing the "real" pounds, but I think if we can get on a roll with losing the wrong direction pounds, we can keep on barreling past the roadblock where we hovered before and make some serious progress this time. I'm with you!

    jb, I love your description of your budding plants and hope you'll keep us posted as your garden grows. I used to enoy growing plants from seedlings -- that first hint of green as the plant pushes through the soil, the first two leaves, then the rest as a tomato distinguishes itself from a pepper or a cucumber, just through the size and shape of their leaves. I gave up gardening a few years ago when the deer decimated everything and a farmer's market opened just around the corner that sold everything I wanted. I think as my energy returns I may consider fencing an area and getting back into it. If you keep sharing your stories I'll keep lusting after my abandoned passion!

    katie, thanks for your great list of what HAS changed in your life, even when the scale may not have moved. I've been doing a lot of reading about positivity, and I think focusing on the positive (I am learning, I am changing, I am better off now than I was a month ago) rather than the negatives really can change your life.

    My current challenge to myself is to live my weekends as healtufhully as I'm learning to live my weekdays.

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Lost the thread in all lifes chaos. Jumped in to try and catch up. Onward and upward, Alice
  • linmartermarros
    linmartermarros Posts: 8 Member
    Can I join this group?? Am 58 and on my second week on mfp. Have done great with food & exercise - but blew it last night when a neighbor brought over fresh, warm zucchini bread!!! (I had never had it before & needless to say it was delicious - so much so that I had more than one slice....)