

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hola, young ladies and gentlemen!

    Tiz I, Happy Duck, back to lavish you with the minutiae of my day! :glasses:

    As for the Driver's License...that is a whole new story in itself. Sandy drove me in today to get a replacement. Knowing I would have to have a picture taken, I darkened my eyebrows (they are so silver as to appear non-existent) and a some liner on my eyes. That's more than I do most of the time anymore. :laugh: I put on a pretty top with a plunging neckline :devil: , brushed my hair and called it good. Once again, head high and confidence to the fore, I swaggered (Gotta stop that swaggering. It always leads to something bad.) into the little Licensing office at the Courthouse. Great thing about living in a small town...no terrible waits at the DMV. So, I got my ID verified, signed the organ donation form and popped myself down in the little chair in front of the blue screen. The clerk said "just a second", so I'm left trying to arrange my face and posture into the most pleasing pose I can imagine when she says, "Done!" ARKGHHH?!?!?! :huh:

    Two minutes later, I'm in possession of my newly minted, laminated Kentucky Driver's License. My right eye looks straight into the camera lens, but my left eye seems to be concentrating on something on the wall a mile or so away. My hair is swinging wildly, and my mouth looks like...well, you know those vampires on TV and the Big Screen? How they sort of drop their jaw back and poke their top teeth out just before dropping the fangs? :bigsmile: Yep, that's me. If I ever get pulled over and asked for my license, it will probably scare the bejezus out of the poor cop. Or turn him into a believer...


    Your DMV / Photo story really made my day:laugh: Yep that is the dreaded photo to end all photo's and we "get to keep" those pictures for years and years showing it to everyone that wants to "verify" that we are who we say we are:wink:

    Thanks for the smile.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Welcome divamsm! What kind of music do you especially like?

    realpure - WOOHOO! WTG!

    Nancy - I don't think I'll get out of the HOA right now. They're pretty lenient. Some HOA's are like mini-Nazi's, not here. I did drop off the flash drive with the directory info. Now it's out of my hands, they can do what they want with it. Personally, if it were totally up to me, I'd print the directory as is....if people didn't give me any info I just wrote "no information available". Maybe, just maybe, if people saw this, the next time we'd ask for info they'd make sure we got it! But that's not my call. They can do whatever they want.

    Suz - that link didn't work for me. Wuold you please post the recipe for those chocolate meringues?

    sammy - EVERYONE's welcome, the more the merrier

    Boy, my hormones are surely raging. I don't know why, but I got a bit mad at Vince today. First he decided we'd be leaving for FL Sat. since he didn't have time to stop the mail, etc (well, he WOULD if he'd done it sooner), then he told me that he isn't planning on coming back until Thurs (3/1). I was thinking that we'd come home on Tuesday. I know that we've been talking about making these repairs in the condo, he remembered that there is a list of "approved" contractors, so I had to give him the phone number of the pres. of the assoc. It's a good thing that I keep track of these things. Then we got this call from "privacy director", something about how when we sync with Wells Fargo. After I'd hung up, Vince says "I would have liked to have heard that, our accounts are being synced this weekend". I just said (and this isn't me) "well, maybe you should havae answered the phone". I had to go back and redo things for traveling, like I counted out my calcium tablets. Maybe it's because I got up extra early this a.m., exercised and then went for the followup mammogram. Everything is fine with the mammo, but I think I'm a little extra tired. I may go do some bowling, come home and clean my ears, maybe take a rest.

    Welcome californiagirl and congrats on the loss!

    mimi - welcome back! You've been sorely missed.

    Maracelyn - congrats on grandbaby! Running....that's wonderful!

    Pam - feel better fast. Good vibes being sent your way

    blissfuldrake - when I went to get my driver's license, I did like you, did my makeup, put on a nice shirt, got my hair done. It was windy that day!!!! There went the newly done hair....lol

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi all...this week has been insane, and I have missed all of your posts. Will catch up as soon as I can.

    I tackled Valentine Dinner (surf & turf cooked with love by hubby) with sensibility. Then last night a business dinner at Carrabas...passed up the bread & dipping oil, pasta and dessert...felt happy with my choices. The scale didn't move either way since Tuesday morning, so I consider that success:tongue:

    Trying to get the house back together after re-doing the bathroom. Somehow the entire house seems in disarray as a result of all of the painting, flooring, etc. Will be glad to get things back in order this weekend.

    Take care ladies...I missed y'all.
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Just for the record, I haven't changed my opinion and still vote for keeping the thread. I like to read everything and I am afraid that it would take me more time broken into different topics in a group. Mary

    i agree mary, i love to read all the post on the thread, the group(from what i know)would break things up to much......my vote keep the thread

    Me too...keep the thread!
  • kleinbuenstorf
    Hello everyone!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'm totally out of breath reading all the posts since last I posted on Valentine's Day!!! :tongue: Where has the time gone???
    And I apologize, I can not keep up!! :wink: But I have made some really nice friends!!!:bigsmile:

    Trying to keep within my calorie count, walked 3 miles today(only) and enjoyed my yoga class!! :happy:

    Hope everyone has a relaxing evening!! :flowerforyou:
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I love my heart rate monitor……last night I was almost asleep and the cat jumped on my and scared me and I screamed and the first thing I thought was that I wished I’d been wearing my HRM so I could see if my heart rate spiked when I got scared.

    Oh Barbie...this made me LOL!
  • kriskaryl
    kriskaryl Posts: 120 Member
    Marking my spot, too. So happy to find a group my age. I'll be back to visit again :happy:
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hello All:flowerforyou: It's so nice to read all the input here. I'm not a big sharer with personal stuff so bare with me while I become more acquainted with everyone......or some.

    I joined MFP January 2012 - lost 5 lbs. Not coming off as fast as I would like. If I lose approx. 1 lb per week on average I'll be happy.

    My picture here is of my best friend. :wink: "Jane" she's the best!! No matter how her day went she's always happy to see me come home from work.

    I hope to make some new MFP friends and keep the one's I've met already. :glasses: Have a great day tomorrow....I'll try to visit again soon.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Robin- glad you are enjoying your visit with your new granddaughter
    Genelace- good to hear that your BF is making progress
    blissfuldrake- I hope the cards show up soon
    Sue- Congratulations on breaking out of the 300s
    JB- I hope you have found your "Off"switch
    MacMadame- I hope MacBoy is doing better
    Michele- glad to hear that you found a suit you liked. Have fun in Florida
    Jane- sorry to hear that your surgery was postponed. Get well quickly
    Kackie, Aren't you glad you could keep up the skiing with the 30 something group
    Barbie- I was on this thread quite some time ago but then due to other commitments, stopped checking the thread. When the thread turned over for the beginning of Feb, I found it again.I will be returning to work next week, but hope to be able to continue following.
    Nancy- exercise at home doesn't see to work for me. Actually, I need set classes at the gym. I need to follow a routine
    Pam I hope you are feeling better soon
    Laura, you are right- some people use that drivers license for ID for years and years. Here in NY state, we renew our license every 8 years, but we can use the same picture for the renewals. When I looked at my photo with the permed afro, I knew it was time to get a new picture. I work securit at the airport and sometimes it is pretty hard to identify the person when the photo is of a very young person, and the one standing in front of you is mostly bald with a little bit of gray left. LOL

    Saw my dr yesterday and he said 3 more weeks with no exercise other than walking. Doesn't he know that my butt is already starting to droop? My arms are getting to be like jello? So far this week, I have walked 1 mall 3 times, another once and the park once. The day in the park was pretty good, but the wether has generally not been cooperative. I'm hoping that that improves soon. It gets pretty expensive walking in the mall when I check out the sales after my walk. With the exercise police in my house I can't even sneak in a few squats.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: So lovely to meet so many new pals. Welcome to this thread. Just by posting you have joined.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, I missed you seriously

    :flowerforyou: Jane, my thoughts are with you. I have only known you for a very short time, and you amaze me with your positive spirit in spite of seemingly unending setbacks. Thanks for the daily motivating greetings.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, steady and reliable, motivating and wise, you provide an anchor for this thread. I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I appreciate you

    :flowerforyou: Robin, enjoy enjoy enjoy that grand baby. I am sooo in love with mine

    :flowerforyou: jb 2011, love your poem. I bet you put it to music. Do you have it on U-tube?

    :flowerforyou: blissfuldrake, you have a way of telling your stories that makes me smile; correction, that makes me grin; further correction, that makes me lol. Now I must see your DL picture or else I pout and will want chocolate :wink:

    :flowerforyou: To anyone who thinks they somehow have to read and respond to all, please do not feel obligated. This group of ladies just wants to support you in your fitness efforts, listen when you want to vent, cry with you when you go through grief and celebrate with you when you succeed.

    See, I did not respond to everyone, and heck, I suffer no speck of self-reproach :laugh: :laugh:

    Good night :heart: Renny
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    WOW!! So happy to see so many new people!! Welcome!

    I've had a busy week. My schedule from Monday to Wednesday is really busy. The good thing is that I teach two yoga classes during that time so I get some exercise. I usually get to the gym on Monday and Wednesday early. I seem to lose it at this time of the week....trying to fit in and catch up on the other things I need to do. I think this is another area I need to look at and try to bring some balance into the week overall. I think it would also help to do some exercise DVD's at home when things are crazy and I can't get to the gym (someone has mentioned that before..... need to remember and put it into action).

    Jane....So sorry that your surgery got postponed.

    Have a good week!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Nancy, today I went to the dentist and wished I were wearing my HRM to see if the anxiety of the procedure resulted in a raised heart rate---yes, I am loving my HRM and find that it is a tool and a toy
    I got “The New Rules of Lifting for Women” at the library and have read some of it and already learned some things that are useful with my beginning strength training program…..thanks for the recommendation.

    :bigsmile: Robin, glad you’re having a happy time with your new granddaughter----our dogs sleep with us every night…..we had to buy a king size bed to have room for all of us.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I gave up coffee a little over three years ago and have been happy with the decision.

    :bigsmile: Sammy, this is the most welcoming group on MFP….we are glad to have you join us…..keep coming back, read the posts, tell us about yourself, ask questions, share your joys and your sorrows….

    :bigsmile: Mimi, I’m so happy that you are back with us.

    :flowerforyou: Determined, does Jane like to go for walks? Dog walking has been a central part of my fitness plan.

    :flowerforyou: Frogmama, go to the mall without any cash or credit cards and walk for two hours and stay out of the stores and you’ll get some benefit all over your body even if you can’t do anything else

    :bigsmile: Renny, thank you for the kind words and the reminder that it’s OK to post without responding to everyone

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I spent the afternoon at the dentist so Jake was in charge of dog walking. They encountered the deer both times they went outside. I am loving my new strength training program so much that it’s a challenge to adhere to the days of rest. My new 10 pound for each leg ankle weights came yesterday. The box surprised me when I got it out of the mailbox because I wasn’t expecting a 20 pound box in the mail…..I tried them on and they’re great. They have the removable weights so I can start with just a little heavier than the five pound weights I’ve been using and then gradually increase the weight as I get stronger.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi All!

    Just a quick hello. Sadly, I've given in to all the Val Day goodies...dinner at Texas Roadhouse. It was yummy...but my guilt level is still very high. I'll get back on track.

    Everyone have a good Friday!

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, Dear Ladies!

    Renny: Your post was perfect...no we do not need to respond to every single person every time we post! But we are all here for each other and thankfully, when some of us are "down", many others are around to perk us up!

    Frogmama: You have done so very well on this journey and I chuckle to read about your frustration with limited exercise...it's amazing when you get used to doing more how much you miss it when you cannot!!!

    Barbie: What kind of weights are you using on your legs? I have liked all of the books you have recommended so I will have to check out your latest one! I am trying to be more consistent with my weights as well...I certainly feel "stronger" when I am doing them regularly!

    Sallycc: Good to hear from you...are you still following the 17 day diet? You are doing well, regardless!

    Robin: Hope you are enjoying every minute with your grand baby!!! How very exciting!

    jb: WONDERful poem...thank you so much for sharing with us!

    Mary: I LOVE your sign-off...oh, is it ever so true!

    Pam: FEEL better soon:=)

    Desiree: 3 miles and yoga...WTG!

    I took the day off of skiing today to drive down the mountain for groceries, errands, etc. I didn't get back up until late afternoon and had to force myself to put in an exercise DVD...am so glad that I did...I felt so much better afterwards! It was not easy to do J. Michaels 30 day shred at this altitude!!!

    Take care, All:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie
  • mimi7grands
    Barbie, another good book on strength training is Strong Women Stay Young. I've got all the weights...time to get back to it. You're inspiring me!

    Kackie, 30-day shred at altitude. You are doing great.

    I went walking with my little dog, Izzy, and my daughter's big dog, Bode, this afternoon. (It really is Bode, without the "i". It's an engineering thing.) Izzy got ten times the exercise Bode or I got, running back and forth as far as her leash allowed.

    She was ferocious in her bravery, wanting to take out every turkey and other bird that we saw. She imagined a few larger animals too. Of course, if I'd let her off the leash, her bravery would have wavered.

    Although Izzy got a great workout, it was still a good workout for me. I'm not sure whether the calorie burn increased or decreased with Bode pulling at the leash. (She's getting better but still has a way to go.)

    It felt good to get out in the sunshine. It's a little nerve-wracking getting so little rain this year (I live in Northern California), but it's hard not to enjoy the mild winter.

    I stayed on track with eating today. It's so nice being on my own for a change. I'm heading down to Folsom to Panera Bread for breakfast tomorrow. This calls for some strategizing. I think I'll take a look at their online menu right now. (Barbie, your advice to strategize helps!)

    Good night. :yawn: :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I'm looking forward to a good couple of hours in my gym this morning - nothing is going to stop me! I'm not answering phones or doors. This is my new effort at carving some quality 'me time'. Lately I've either been working or running around after loved ones and forgetting that I have to take care of me too.

    I have to go up to London Bridge this afternoon, which means it will be late when I get home again. Seriously, DH and I spend so much time doing things and being there for other people - we have to start making more time for just us. Last night we got home from work at about 7:00 pm, jumped straight into the car, drove to the nursing home where he dropped me off so that I could visit his mum whilst he went off to deliver a computer for somebody (he was doing it as a favour). By the time he got back to the home it was almost 9:00 pm and we then had to drive home so that I could prepare our evening meal. It was much too late for me to eat by then, so I ended up with a headache.

    This is going to sound unbelievably mean spirited of me - but I'm going to say it anyway. Mum in law has now been in the nursing home for almost 3 years (it was actually 3 years this week since she was rushed off to hospital, never to be able to go back to her own home). In those 3 years she has deteriorated dramatically. She can't walk and has to use a wheelchair, she can't even stand. She is now no longer able to feed herself and has to be fed. Her cognitive abilities are worse every day. She is unable to recall anything that happened even a few moments ago. There is still the old spark there on occasions, but very rarely.

    Since she has been in the home we have tried to make sure that she has at least one visitor each day (the only visits she gets are from myself, DH and brother-in-law). On average, I go about 5 times a week. DH goes about 4 times a week and BIL goes about 3 times a week. It is getting harder and harder to visit. I am trying to tell my DH that it may be time for us all to cut our visits down a little.

    If the home was close by it would be less of a problem, but it's at least half an hour drive each way (quite often it takes an hour because of the traffic).

    Just writing that has made me feel terribly guilty, but I'm desperate to get some time for ourselves.

    Ho hum, it goes around in my head. I'm going to stomp it out with a good workout.

    Have a good day my friends.

    Amanda x
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday. I'm a little nervous about facing the next few days since I lost control last weekend (and of course Valentine's Day) and it's taken me all week to recover. Big sigh. I'm blaming it on the trail mix bars I bought at Costco, they made me crazy and craving for more. They're just too sweet and once I get started with sweets I'm simply done for. Next week they're going with me to work, I'll cut them into bite-sized pieces and give them to my students. I could try doing that for myself, too, cutting them in 1" pieces and wrapping them indivdually. I don't think I'll bother. Just give 'em away.

    Making the Low Fat Blueberry Muffin recipe this morning using huckleberries. I have sooo many berries in the freezer from last summer! I had some with yogurt yesterday, need to keep up with that routine and use them up. Raspberry smoothies, mmm! There I go talking about sweets again, ha. But muffins and smoothies don't haunt me like candy does.

    Mimi, I loved reading about your walk with Izzy, that was funny. My terrier does the same sort of thing, he gets 3x the walk that everyone else does. I lived in northern Cal for many years too, went to college in Santa Rosa, lived up in Healdsburg and Geyserville, then over on the coast in Pt. Arena. I've heard you've been having a dry winter, too bad we can't send some of our rain down there. Portland certainly has enough to go around.

    Renny, I haven't put the poem to music but a friend of mine called yesterday and left a message, much to my surprise it was her singing the words and playing piano! So maybe it'll turn into a song, maybe we'll post it on youtube. Last summer while on a camping trip we wrote another song about dieting, absolutely dying with laughter, and again at Christmas time, putting our own words (all about food) to Twelve Days of Christmas. We laughed so hard we peed our pants lol

    I'm happy to say I managed to do 30 min of yoga, 20 squats, 25 crunch/situps, 100 counter-pushups and 10 mins of bicep curling & boxing w/ weights 4 times this week along with my regular daily walking routine. Good girl. I'd better go get dressed, the begin exercise bell rings in 15 minutes.

    Have a great day!
    :^) jb
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thankful for another Friday!

    Renny - thank you for posting that it's okay not to respond to everyone...some days are easier than others so posting a line for everyone isn't always possible:flowerforyou:

    Rita and all of you that had that "OOPS!" moment with Valentine's Day....look at today as a new day, new week and jump back on and we are here to support you:drinker:

    Amanda- yep I agree TAKE CARE OF YOU:heart: it's so important to regenerate yourself. About your MIL, I so feel for you. Hubbys Mom passed in December and she had been in a facility for about a year. She really should have been in there sooner but hubbys brother couldn't get her in there due to her stubbornness. But once she had fallen three times in one week that was what did it and then her memory was really going. Her last year she hardly knew anyone anymore, so it was a blessing when she finally passed:flowerforyou: But will be praying for your MIL and what you and your hubby should do about whether or not to cut down on the amount of visits per week.

    Well the weekend is upon us and we are starting it out with #2 son has a concert at Denver University at 2:30, then we need to go grocery shopping, get home and prepare for company at 6pm...I'm still trying to figure out what I want to serve other than the main course, Hubby promised them Turkey 'n Noodles...unfortunately that is NOT a low calorie or low fat meal. But maybe I can get it a bit lower by serving a salad (of which I will eat more of than the T'nN) and I was checking my Low Fat Cookbook for a healthy dessert...not sure what it will be.

    Sunday we are supposed to head the the north end of town to meet #3 Son and DIL at a restaurant ... it's Italian and has the best breakfast / brunch buffet....I know I can be good...but it will be hard:noway:

    My scale moved a pound this am, but since it's not my "official" weigh in day I will have to hold off on posting it on MFP....hoping I can hold it over the weekend.

    Everyone have a good day, drink your water :drinker: and let's keep moving, and if you are fortunate enough maybe even get outside and enjoy some free Vit D:glasses:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just a quick drive by to share my little mohawked rock star.:love:

    You were all right. I am totally smitten. and being here has given me some strength to maintain moderation. I am enjoying treats but only in moderation and I am proud. I need to be a happy healhty energetic grandma for Olive when she gets bigger.

    I do have to also admit I miss my Bodi and my baby Ritter soo much (oh and I miss the DH too but I will see him tomorrow:laugh: )

    Take care all of you wonderful ladies. I will catch up later.

    Robin and Olivia Jeannette!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy Friday!

    It’s a non-instructional day for me, I am going to a teaching workshop in the next town over and then heading to visit my parents. It’s a five-hour drive, so I’ll be getting a bit of quality time in the car this weekend. There are five mountain passes to cross too, I am hoping for good weather and good highway maintenance crews.

    The workshop topic is: "Teaching Sexual Health". That used to be called "Sex Ed" or "Personal Health" or whatever. Now, I was raised in a pretty conventional, scottish-presbyterian family. We did not talk about "those things".:blushing: I am gradually overcoming my shyness. Next week you must picture me practicing saying the "proper names" for various intimate body parts as I prepare for my classes. I think this is going to be as hard on DH and J'boy as it is on my 12 year old students!

    Robin, enjoy your time with that beautiful new baby, don't little tiny babies just smell so good? :heart:

    Laura and other ladies under 5’4” – I’m in an MFP group for “vertically challenged” women. We have some really good monthly fitness challenges, and you can commiserate with others who know exactly what it’s like to live on 1200 calories all the time!

    Thanks for the recipe, SuzieQ, I will try it out when I am at the parent’s this weekend. :ohwell: I will not be following the “only make what I don’t like to eat” rule, though!

    I agree, Janice, it’s not a “diet” it’s a lifestyle. What’s a fitbit?

    Blissfuldrake, thanks for the story. :bigsmile: You do have a way of sharing the humour of the moment.

    Michele, I hope you got some rest and are back to your “real” self. Take care :flowerforyou:

    Frogmama, not exercising for weeks would make me crazy too. I hope the recovery is quick, quick, quicker!

    Barbie, maybe I’ll just wear my HRM all the time and bore the heck out of everyone I know describing my pulse patterns. Or…maybe not. :wink: I’ll just share the good stuff with you.

    Amanda, you’ve got to take care of yourself in order to have the energy and heart to take care of anyone else. :flowerforyou: It sounds like you do need to slow down.

    JB, you’ve got it covered, under control, in the bag, stay with the plan! :happy:

    Have a great weekend, I'll be checking in from the big city - I plan to do some shopping for new clothes. Most of my "school clothes" were purchased 20 pounds ago and don't fit anymore. :bigsmile: !!!!

    Hasta pronto,
