

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    How do you mark a spot? Just by replying?
    Yes. Now this thread will come up in the list of "My Topics" when you go to Community.
  • scompton54
    Greetings All

    Another GREAT day of X country skiing. Gave cheques for the next 2 weekends. There may not be snow in southern Ontario but there's lots up north! I wish I could do this a couple of days a week, it makes me love the snow. And, I love the calories burned....1478 according to my HRM which is more than my daily goal!!

    I have met so many great people since I started going with a group. For those of you struggling on your own, I highly recommend joining a Meetup or local group who does the exercise you want to do. I have joined an outdoor club that organizes these trips but even though I am just starting out, there are people at all levels and even the fittest are so supportive and give great advice to the newbies. Many of them were like me when they started....looking for new friends and wanting to get fit. I really wish I had done this years ago. I took a lesson at the beginning of the season and hooked up with a couple of women that I now ski with regularly. The great thing about it is that a lot of the people in this particular group are, like me and you, over 50.

    Off to watch the Oscars. Have a great week. I weighed myself this morning and was really happy but I am waiting for tomorrow for my official weigh in, but it's looking good!

    For all you salad lovers, I am really a huge fan of warm salads which are protein (fish, steak, chicken slivers, lamb or whatever plus onions, peppers and mushrooms or whatever) poured hot over a mixture of salad greens and veggies. They are delicious and seem more satisfying than just a cold salad.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :flowerforyou: .We have beautiful weather here, perfect for walking. There were a few snowflakes this morning, but it was a false alarm. I fixed roast chicken with brown rice, gravy, and spinach/tomato salad. We’ll do something interesting with the leftover chicken tomorrow. I did half of my strength training before we ate and then after lunch I walked the dogs for an hour so Jake could visit with a friend undisturbed in the house and then finished the exercises when I got back....my most exciting news is that I am doing 20 sumo squats with 15 pound dumbbells held on each shoulder.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: It is feeling like spring here even with morning temperatures close to freezing. There are a few buds on trees, lots of birds, daffodils coming up, and the wonderful earlier daylight----oh, no, when daylight savings time comes I’ll lose some of the early morning daylight again. :sad:

    :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new posters. We are glad you are here and hope to see you often and get to know you.

    :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: It has been our custom to start a new thread to begin each month, so I am telling you about it now. Sometime toward the end of the day on February 29, I will start the new thread for March and put the link to it on the last post on this thread. Another way to find the link is to go to the “Motivation and Support” section of the message boards and look for it or go to my profile page where there will be a list of my recent posts and click on it. However you get there, I hope we’ll all continue to support each other for another month.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    My life today is so great today it should have background music

    February goals:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, windy, or snowy.”
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day
    *strength training two days a week (three would be better)
    *16,000 steps a day

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • dlock45
    I would like some over 50 friends to help motivate me. I am just starting and not doing so well.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    jaks - Glad you had a good time at your lunch. Isn't it so much fun getting back together with old friends?

    Welcome sue, beth, creativeone and dosmundos

    frogmama - I'd have a hard time working at the store. I'd always want to buy, buy, buy. I would probably put things away that I'd like until they went on sale, then I'd put them back on the rack...lol

    Suz - I never knew about clicking on the number to take you too your posts! thanks for telling me. I know I had to look something up once that I'd posted, and that sure would have been much more handy rather than what I did was going thru all the posts. Does it take you to all the posts you've ever made, or just the posts for that month?

    Mary - even tho the directions for quinoa call for you to cook it in water, I've found that water can be quite bland so I cook it in a bit of broth.

    Well, they're calling for a 70% chance of rain for the race today. Well, the Daytona has never been rained out, and, fortunately, we're under cover. I wouldn't be surprised, tho, if the race was shortened due to rain. Have a sandwich of a boca burger on a slice of rye bread to take with me and eat in the stands, asparagus which I'll probably have with dinner since there's some liquid in the bag, green beans, Health is Wealth spinach munchees, Health is Wealth pizza munchees, carrots, cauliflower, tangerine, water. Thank goodness I brought my "going to the movies" pocketbook. Really, the "security search" here is a joke. They "looked" in my pocketbook yesterday. I tell you, I didn't even open one section fully and the guy said "looks good, OK"

    I tell you, if a mountain lion walked in front of me, that would sure be an incentive for me to really up my pace....lol

    Well, I was there for an historic Daytona -- the first ever to be rained out! Yes, we'll go back up there tomorrow. I figure I'll do some yoga here at the condo (thank goodness I brought some DVD's with me!) since Vince says we probably don't need to leave until around 10. I do like the step class at the Y on Mondays and Fridays, and we won't be here Friday but that's OK, I'll survive. At least I'll get some exercise in.

    I'd bought the book "Master Your Metabolism" and I'm glad I did. At least I had something to read while waiting in the car....lol

    We had dinner tonight at Picadilly Cafeteria. Vince likes it there, it really doesn't matter that much to me since I bring a lot of my own veges. Anyway, they had what they told me was a grilled chicken breast. I got it, but I don't know if it was truly grilled. It looked much too greasy to me. Maybe they coat the meat with some oil before they grill it. I didn't see a lot of the grill marks, either. Oh well...it's not like I'll die.

    Meg - you don't have to be a foster failure. You can foster and then adopt! You'll be giving an animal a good home, that's for sure. I didn't realize that DST is only 2 weeks away. I love DST, I really hate it when we go to Standard time, so that made my day! Thanks

    Linda - I really like Publix. They have some really good things, like I got small bags of microwaveable veges. Admitted, they cost more, but at least it was only 2 servings so I could get a variety of veges. They also carry organic peaches, something that I can't get in NC. However, they don't have them this time, but they do have organic strawberries, so I know one of the things that I'll be bringing back with me.

    Going to post this, then maybe read the paper and get to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies

    I have been trying to post tonight but I keep losing my posts!! I have been MIA for the last week or so as hubby and I decided, after much soul searching to put our house up for sale. We called an agent and listed. Then had to de-clutter, then had open houses, and tons of agents and people through. Apparently our agent is not taking any offers until Mar 2 so we will not know until Friday if anyone who has been through yet is interested.

    We will be buying a condo in Toronto.

    I have missed so many posts but I have read them all and I feel re-inspired to get back on track.

    Take care Everyone. Can't be too long online here as someone is coming through shortly.

    Talk to you soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    today was a pajama day, I ate light I think, made plans for a girls weekend away in a couple of weeks to Santa Barbara. Watching the Oscars, should have exercised but it is my pajama day. Waiting for my massage girl to get back to me about a massage this week. Lots of water today which is a good thing

    Good luck Ladies
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies!

    Wow...everyone seems to have had an active weekend full of great exercise! Glad to hear how everyone is doing and to hear from our newest members! Welcome and I look forward to getting to know you!

    Desiree: Way to go on your good, healthy week and your 2.5 loss!!! That is awesome. Being focused like you were works, doesn't it?

    Sarah: The Cross-country skiing sounds like such fun and it's great you've met some people to go with...that makes it something to really look forward to!

    Mary: (Mimi/SVQ) Wow...a mountain lion......:noway: :noway: :noway: That is something to be watchful of!!! They are here in MT but usually high up in the mountains. My DH has seen one from a distance, but I have not. Don't think that I'll go looking either!

    Faye: We also have rattlesnakes, coral snakes & the occasional alligator in SC, but isn't it odd that whatever "pests" you are used to, you don't worry about? On the other hand...a mountain lion sounds very scarey to me too!!! Your garden posts are making me miss my vegetable garden a lot. It has been such a mild winter in the SE that I could easily have kept my garden going all winter. Oh, well...I will be looking for my vegetable plants when I get back since I won't have time for seeds either!

    Cathy: Good luck with your house sale. Sounds like you have gotten a lot done in a short time. Hope to hear from you & that it goes well!

    Creativeone: Your artwork sounds wonderful. I paint but your work sounds so diverse and "creative"! Tell us more when you have time!

    Better go get the grill warmed up. Then some tidying up around here. I go pick up a couple friend of ours tomorrow who will be with us this week to ski, so I may be MIA for a while. I'll track my food and try to keep up with reading posts though. It helps so much! Take care, All! Kackie:heart:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hope everyone has had a wonderful week-end
    Welcome to all of the new members
    Desiree- congratulations on your 2.5 pound loss.
    Faye & Mimi- After reading of the wild critters in your area, I guess I'll be happy with deer nibbling on our shrubs
    Meg- Thanks for the reminder about DST. I had forgotten that it will be here soon. I love the extra time in the evening. I leavefor work at 4:30 am so I won't even notice that it will be dark later in the morning. It's always dark when I go to work!

    Had a chance to get out and do some geocaching. It was pretty cold and a bit windy, but the sun was out. We found an area where there were several caches near a mall, so we walked around the parking lots and nearby neighborhood, finding 15 geocaches. We were able to get in about 21/2 hours of walking. The good thing about that is that I wasn't in the house being tempted to eat things I shouldn't..
    Weigh in day is tomorrow- hope it's a good one.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    What a good weekend -- two totally contrasted days. Yesterday I went out snowshoeing for the first time this year, during a wonderful snowstorm (long overdue), and today drove into Montreal to meet with some of the creative team I work with to see what they're up to with new technological wizardry. It was good to see them -- I am on leave for 6 months and had not seen them since December. They're a great bunch!

    I have started taking interval training more seriously and am having fun with it. Now I'm also going to organise my strength workouts into supersets to make sure to get the most out of those too. I found a program that isn't too daunting and hope it will help me move my calories into a range that doesn't make me feel deprived!

    Have a good beginning of the week. Tally ho!

  • Murfee61
    Murfee61 Posts: 4 Member
    First Day on this site, but not my first day watching what I eat and tracking it all. Glad I found this site. makes it much easier for me to keep a diary. My work has started a Biggest Improver Competition. I like the way they word it and we get different points for doing things right. My hopes are that I can do all the available points, have some fun, lose weight and gain some strength in all areas of my life. 50 was good to me. I feel like I am in better shape then in my 40's. Now I need to keep things in check. I have 26 lbs to lose. I will be a healthy weight by then, not crazy skinny. Bikinis are not my goal. Being healthy is. Hope to learn things on here from the rest of you.
  • LauraJWStevenson
    LauraJWStevenson Posts: 55 Member
    So far so good for me. But I have a problem with some of the calorie counts. When you are making a reciped that don't have the calorie count...do you just take all the ingreidents and add them sepratetly? I think I maybe getting to ticky. But I've been under my calorie intake for the past two days. And I'm trying to over figure the calories that I do eat. Because they have diffrent amounts that show up when I check them. I drink ALOT of water...so I'm really just not hungry. And when I am hungry I eat. This has never happened to me before :happy: . And I love SALADS!! So I'll be looking for some great ideas! Have a great week everyone!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hi Liselyn, good to see you here.

    My weekend was a disaster in terms of food & wine consumption. It was all very good food and fine wine, :blushing: though. I record my weight on Wednesdays, so I have a day or two to see where the pounds settle.

    DH and I had our first workout at the gym together. He likes to go to the hot-tub and steam room afterwards, so it was a two hour trip. A nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon, but way too long for me on weekdays. I think he was surprised at how strong I am! :happy:

    Busy day ahead. The principal of my school has been off for over 3 weeks with a concussion. We take turns being acting principal for her. Today's my day. The teachers in BC have been on a job action since September and today is "work to rule" so the rest of the staff will not be in until the first bell and leave as soon as the last bell rings. I'd better not be late for work! I expect that the gov't will pass legislation forcing us back to work this week, and that will set the union off.

    No time to re-read your posts and respond individually this morning.

    Have a great day, :drinker: drink your water.

    Hasta pronto,

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning,

    Decided to change my profile photo since we are on the mountain most of the time now! Friend took this the other day while out skiing. I hardly ever have photos of DH and me together, so decided to post it!

    Off to get our friends who are flying in to spend the week with us. Have made my menus and think I have some healthy, good things to prepare. Must run to grocery on the way to airport for a few things...

    Welcome, new ladies. Glad to have you here!

    LauraJW: Look back over the past few days of posts here and you will find some great salad ideas...we have a group of "salad sistas" who post their favorites, and they will give you some great ideas!

    Nancy: PRINCIPAL for the day...yikes! Sounds like lots of responsibility! Hope everyone behaves today:ohwell:

    Have a great week, everyone! Kackie:heart:
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Good Morning All -

    I had to do a speed read this morning. Copied all the great "salad sistas" ideas and beans to soak and cook. Thank you!! My healthy notebook is growing!

    Wishing everyone a great week. I've stayed on track with food the last couple of weeks and I'm going to turn my focus to more water and exercise this week. Hoping my ankle lets me get moving and shaking more. Thank you Ladies for all your ideas. I'm happily doing my squats and lunges and have added weights this past week. Feeling stronger!! :drinker:

    My other big project is an overhaul of our pantry. It's almost empty. I've stopped buying simple carbs for the kids, so I need to stock with healthy grab and go ideas for my crew. Lots on our calendar this week! Excited but a bit overwhelmed. Hoping I don't work too many days.......

    "Try to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty persons happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment."

    - Sydney Smith
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Monday, Monday. :flowerforyou:
    Favorite day of the week, getting back up on the skinny pony and riding as hard as I can towards my goal. It's probably best that I rule out weighing on Mondays altogether. It wasn't a pretty picture this morning. :grumble:

    Went out for a wonderful hike with my terrier boy yesterday, it was drizzling a bit when we took off. By the time we reached the river the rain drops were a bit bigger. Watched a huge sea lion swimming around out there, scared the holy you-know-what outta me when he surfaced about 25' from the shore. I swear he was coming up to have a look at my 22 lb pup who was playing on the water's edge. A few years ago I saw one catch a salmon and thrash it to death - I've since stopped throwing the stick out very far for the dogs. Eeegads, the thought of it! Anyway we took off hiking up the hill and by the time we were halfway done with an hour-long hike it was hailing and snowing. We were really moving fast - I was amazed at how fast I can race uphill now! I was boiling hot and tied my rain jacket around my waist, needless to say, we got soaked. It's only water. :wink:

    Time for me to get moving. It's already light out, looks like a clear sky. I think I'll head to the track and do some laps. Not going to eat anything today until I feel real hunger pains. I forgot about that over the weekend. :tongue:

    Happy Salads, Sistas! :drinker:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Look to the left where my profile photo is. Click on the number after Posts beside any entry you see from me and it will take you to a list of everything I posted. You should be able to easily scan them to find the recipe.
    Suz - I never knew about clicking on the number to take you too your posts! thanks for telling me. I know I had to look something up once that I'd posted, and that sure would have been much more handy rather than what I did was going thru all the posts. Does it take you to all the posts you've ever made, or just the posts for that month?


    Clicking on the number under anyone's profile picture takes you to ALL of their posts ever on any MFP thread, from most recent to oldest.

    We had a very productive weekend working on our kitchen garden spot. We got a fence up to keep Sophie out of the melons. (Last year she got them all before they had even had a chance to ripen and played with them... Guess she thought they were balls) All of the raised beds are framed and 3 of the 4 have dirt in them that we dug and wheel barrowed in. I will be shoveling gravel onto pathways for days or even weeks to come, but it is all coming together nicely. Working outdoors on a mild sunny day is such a pleasant way to melt fat walls. :love:

    Today it is cloudy and cold, perfect for catching up on things indoors. It always amazes me when I wear my pedometer to do housework just how many steps I take. Been still long enough; time to get busy :drinker:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I am back and hopefully for good. WARNING: This post may be long. I have to confess and re-committ. You dont have to read but I have to post. For those of you who know me Vickim hello and I hope you are all doing well. I am not even going to try to catch up. I dont even know the last time I posted. I know 5-6 months ago. Thanks Fitness Pal and Barbie for writing to remind me of FP. For those who dont know me my name is Vicki and I live in Louisiana. I am 56 years old and am married for 37 years this past January. I have 4 children and 7 grandchildren. I am a retired pre-school teacher. I joined Fitness Pal in Feb of 2008 or 9 will have to check that. I lost 50 pounds by that November and kept it off for several years. I stopped posting this past oct or so and have gained a lot of weight back. I avoid the scale and that is my downfall. I decided late last night while watching 2 episodes of 6oo pounds that I needed to do something. I sit there watch and wonder how they got that big and then I look at myself and my weight that has crept up and I know the answer. So this morning I got on the scale. I weighed 239.7 pounds. I dont even remember ever weighing that much. Of course I probably did not get on scale when I did. I know I weighed that much cause I have pictures when I was much bigger and I wore much bigger clothes. So anyway after weighing and measuring I made a new committment to myself to do this. I am miserable. I am unactive, and cant do what I was doing. Luckily I am very healthy but I can feel the difference. I want to remain healthy and enjoy my life so ladies with your help and encouragement again I will do this. I think I have to do like Barbie and go cold turkey on a lot of things. At least for a while and maybe some things forever. I apologize for not being there for all of you in the past months and I will try hard to do better. If any of you want to message me to catch me up on your lives I would love to hear from you. I am going to post my stats now and post my meals so ladies have a good and active and healthy day.
    Vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    Look to the left where my profile photo is. Click on the number after Posts beside any entry you see from me and it will take you to a list of everything I posted. You should be able to easily scan them to find the recipe.
    Suz - I never knew about clicking on the number to take you too your posts! thanks for telling me. I know I had to look something up once that I'd posted, and that sure would have been much more handy rather than what I did was going thru all the posts. Does it take you to all the posts you've ever made, or just the posts for that month?


    Clicking on the number under anyone's profile picture takes you to ALL of their posts ever on any MFP thread, from most recent to oldest.


    I don't want to open up the group vs thread debate again, but I think this is a good time to point out that when you click on the number under a person's profile photo you get to see all the posts they've made on "threads" but not on "groups" so if you click on the number under my picture you won't see anything I've posted on the groups I belong to (Senior Golden Sneakers, 100 Squats for 100 Days, and Vertical Challengers)

    :bigsmile: with that in mind, at bedtime on February 29, I'll be starting a new thread for March, not a group :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Busy day today. I've browsed through the comments since yesterday, but you'll forgive me if I don't reply to them all.

    Gorgeous day here today; find myself looking longingly out my office window. But not for me a walk today - will have to settle for a workout this evening. I can't wait until Spring hits for real. It has been warm many days during the week here, but colder on weekends. I'm not a cold weather activity person and since I've lost the weight I seem to be more cold-natured than ever. But I do love to bike and hike in the spring/summer.

    I've been looking for shorts and I believe it might be a lost cause. I have become a shar-pei, with loose skin everywhere, but my legs are the worst. The loose skin from my upper legs sags down and when I stand up I have little pooches everywhere on and above my knees. I have found one style of Bermuda shorts, 13" inseam, which comes down onto the knee and seems to work. But those of you who have a lot to lose, prepare yourself: our skin is not as resilient as it once was!

    That's all I got. Catch ya later!