

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Oh..........Robin........DARLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you are loving every moment. Keep sharing photos:love::love: :love: :love: :love:

    Congratulations! Kackie:heart:
  • JanuaryJan
    Good morning all~

    I am SO thankful it's Friday! I have not slept well at all this week averaging between 4 and 5 hours of sleep each night (and not consecutive hours together which is probably why I'm so tired!), and I will be glad not to have to get up with the 5:30AM alarm tomorrow morning. :smile:

    It is great to read all of the posts and hear about what you all are up to. I am posting from my work computer so I don't really have the time to respond to each of you - but know I am reading and many times sitting here either smiling or shaking my head in agreement or feeling empathy and sympathy for some of the situations life has you in right now. I don't know that any of us can reach this time in our life and not be scarred somewhere along the line either by the loss of loved ones, or hurts, or difficult situations with family members. But here we are! And amazingly we find the way to be optimistic and encourage each other! :heart:

    I managed to get through Valentine's week very well thankfully! I even walked through the chocolate aisle and bought two of my hubby's favorites, and did not give in to getting anything for me. I just really need/want to succeed at this weight loss journey so much right now that I'm afraid if I give in to a temptation like that, I will once again just throw my hands up and give up on myself. Been there and done that way more times than I want to say. You know that saying "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" - there's a lot of truth to that!

    But if you give in one day - don't give up. I've wasted so much time looking backwards and beating myself up for past mistakes, instead of looking forward and just dealing with TODAY. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't here, that's why today is called the "Present". So I chose to treat it like a gift and do the best I can today. We start from where we are. :wink: :happy:

    I hope you all have a wonderful blessed weekend!! I'm so glad to have found this wonderful group of encouragers and supporters!!


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • JanuaryJan

    I agree, Janice, it’s not a “diet” it’s a lifestyle. What’s a fitbit?

    It is a tracker that I wear all day (and night) that tracks my activity levels, my steps, #of flights of stairs I've climbed, calories burned, and my sleep patterns. It interfaces with MFP so that the food I track on here is updated on my fitbit account to put the two things together for a total picture. You can see what it looks like at www.fitbit.com . It's very small and half the time I forget I'm even wearing it!
  • free2live72003
    Just turned 52 this week. Don't have much time now to post, but wanted to add this to my topics as it is often hard to find a more mature crowd on this site.

    Look forward to getting to know you all better as we journey to fitness.

    *Starting wt 325/Current wt 163/Goal 150*
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    The workshop topic is: "Teaching Sexual Health". That used to be called "Sex Ed" or "Personal Health" or whatever. Now, I was raised in a pretty conventional, scottish-presbyterian family. We did not talk about "those things".blushing I am gradually overcoming my shyness. Next week you must picture me practicing saying the "proper names" for various intimate body parts as I prepare for my classes. I think this is going to be as hard on DH and J'boy as it is on my 12 year old students!
    Back in the '60's when I taught PE at a private girls' school the headmistress came to me one day and told me I had to teach Sex Ed. I don't why they thought a PE teacher was qualified for that. I had to do a lot of reading up on it but still discovered the kids knew more than I did anyway. I was very thankful it was all girls, made it much easier.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Well I don't know WHY the recipe link didn't work :blushing: So here's the recipe:


    4 room temperature egg whites
    4 Tablespoons cocoa powder
    1 cup powdered sugar
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

    NOTE: This recipe can be easily enlarged or reduced. Just remember for every egg white you use 1/4 cup sugar and 1 Tablespoon cocoa.

    Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Wipe out bowl with vinegar and rinse to remove any traces of oil or grease.

    1. Carefully separate egg whites and allow to come to room temperature.
    2. Mix sugar and cocoa together until uniform. Set aside.
    3. Beat eggs and cream of tartar on high with electric mixer until soft peaks form.
    4. Beat in cocoa mixture 1 tablespoon at a time until all is incorporated into mix
    5. Use piping bag or 2 spoons to drop onto parchment lined baking sheets.
    6. Bake at 200 degrees for 2 hours.
    7. Turn off oven and leave door cracked 2 hours (or overnight) to allow cookies to completely dry.

    Store in an airtight container (if there are any left!)
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    So many inspirational comments and suggestions. Love coming here to restore my vigor for making this happen in 2012.

    Renny - Love your post....... I am thankful for each of you, but can't possible post to each person.

    Barbie - You really are an inspiration.

    ExerMom - Hope your mamogram checked out ok.

    My moods have really leveled out. I am amazed. I would like to encourage you to read as much as you can about healthy fats.

    I took this from Gary Taubes book - amazed how much better I feel. I've been low fat for years.

    All fats and oils, even butter, are allowed. Olive oil and peanut oil are especially
    healthy oils and are encouraged in cooking. Avoidmargarine and other
    hydrogenated oils that contain trans fats.
    For salad dressings, the ideal dressing is a homemade oil-and-vinegar
    dressing, with lemon juice and spices as needed. Blue-cheese, ranch, Caesar,
    and Italian are also acceptable if the label says 1 to 2 grams of carbohydrate
    per serving or less. Avoid “lite” dressings, because these commonly have
    more carbohydrates. Chopped eggs, bacon, and/or grated cheesemay also be
    included in salads.
    Fats, in general, are important to include, because they taste good and
    make you feel full. You are therefore permitted the fat or skin that is served
    with the meat or poultry that you eat, as long as there is no breading on the
    skin. Do not attempt to follow a low-fat diet!"

    I have also added a high quality fish oil tablet daily. I'm talking I was swinging all over the place with my moods. It has really helped.

    Happy Weekend all! - kids off for 3 days....... hoping we really get snow on Sunday. We haven't had any this year.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    In a rush, but wanted to pop in and say TGIF! I am really looking forward to the weekend. All is well here in my neck of the woods! Hope you can say the same! Mary
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    I still have a pile of messages to catch up on, but thought I'd post to say hello before I don't get it done for the day.

    Still chopping ice, but the weather has been in the +2 or 3 range for the last couple of days so it is easier to get rid of the ice.

    DBFmoved to the Geriatric Assessment Unit on Tuesday and is now expected to get himself up and dressed and go to the dining room for lunch. He had a physiotherapy group session just before lunch today.

    He was upset that he couldn't get me anything for Valentine, or for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. I told him that the best present he can give me is to work hard on his exercises and get the heck out of there.

    OK - back to page 3 to read the messages
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    I forgot to mention that I finally got the teal bits done in my hair - not quite as dark as I wanted but it is still a work in progress and we can try something different next time or leave it on a bit longer to get darker.

    Hope you like it.

    DBF did, and the lady on the meat counter at the supermarket liked it!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    She's baaaaaaaackkk!

    Hey gang, been a busy week and I've missed checking in with you guys. Sorry I've been least in sight - I go through periods like that between work and home. Always get on here to log from my iPhone, but you can't access the forums on the iPhone app. Hope everyone is well - I'll try to delve through the last few days' posts this evening.

    Teenage daughter hasn't been feeling well, taking her to the doctor this afternoon.

    I bought size 8 jeans!! I never thought I would ever in my life wear a single digit size - and I can only wear them in some brands, but still. Size 8!!

    Does anyone else struggle with a kind of dysmorphic view of their size? When I was at my highest I didn't see myself as large as I really was (I'm horrified when I look at pictures now - I honestly never realized I was that big) and now I'm still seeing myself as "fat" even though I'm assured that I'm not really. Kind of odd.

    Well, happy weekend! Our big plans are to drive a ways to a hat store to see about picking me up a couple more. I so loved my Glamour Shots in my fedora (no, they haven't come in yet) and I have thin hair on top (just look at my avatar - you can see it) so I have decided to cultivate hats! Work dress is casual (I'm in the office at a plant) so I can even wear them to work.

  • eyern
    eyern Posts: 9
    So happy to have found you all. I have been on MFP for a few weeks and found the tracking very educational. I am training for my very first 5k and hope to be able to complete in under 40 min.
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    Nancy, your post about training for sex-ed class reminded me about something I went through with my daughter when she was 11 or 12.

    One night, we were all eating around the dining room table (yes, I still did that back in '86), my husband, step-daughter, daughter, daughter's BFF and I. My daughter up and called me "*kitten*". I knew that was a popular phrase at the time, and disrespectful. "How to deal?" I thought to myself. I plotted for a moment. Ah, yes, total embarrassment followed by 'the birds and the bees' education. That's the ticket.

    "Sharon," I said, "do you know what you just called me?"
    "Yeah, a *kitten*!"
    "Do you know what a *kitten* IS?"
    "It is a sexual toy in the shape of a man's penis. Now, do I look like a penis to you?" She started turning all shades of red. :blushing:
    "noooo, but Mom..."
    "Do I ACT like a penis to you?" Redder, still... :embarassed:
    "nooooooo, but..."
    "Do you think it is a good idea to use words and call names when you don't even know what you're talking about?" By this time, both she and Megan were red in the face, :sick: and 16 year-old Kim and hubby Charlie were choking on their laughter. :laugh: "After supper, you and Megan (BFF) and I are going to have a long talk. That is, providing Megan's mom agrees."

    She didn't utter another word through the whole meal...lol.

    So, after supper, I called Pat and told her my plan to have "THE TALK" with my daughter and how I was going about it. I asked if Megan could join us. She was so relieved not to have to do it herself! LOL

    I took the girls back to the master bedroom and pulled out my edition of
    Our Bodies, Ourselves by Boston Women's Health Book Collective and Judy Norsigian
    (it's still available, updated, and probably the BEST book/guide for women and their own sexuality)

    We went through a good portion of the book, lingering over the anatomy pictures, and pictures of babies being born, etc. We talked about STDs (AIDS was just raising its ugly head. I don't remember it being mentioned in the book at all at that time, being considered a gay man's disease in America.) I showed them a pic of a *kitten*. Sharon had to agree I didn't look at all like that! LOL I left the girls with the book and enjoyed the rest of the evening.

    She never called me a *kitten* again.

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    OK, I've caught up, couple of comments

    I vote for keeping a thread like this - it is fun because you are never sure what is going to crop up. Who'd have thought that in a group for 50+'s that there would be messages on Sex-Ed. Would you have to open a new group for that if we had a group?

    Amanda - I like the thought of you being Audrey Hepburn - but when I read first (before I read Hepburn), I thought of Audrey from Corrie Street because I know you are in UK.

    Welcome to all the newcomers. If you have posted but then have trouble finding us again - just click on My Topics and you'll find all the places where you have posted listed.

    Now I'm off to visit DBF - visiting hours are a lot less where he is now as he is expected to participate in various programs.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hey, Mini-Mac survived her tonsillectomy! I was a bit worried about the anesthesia. They took her adenoids too and did something else. I think basically lasered her passages. Mr. Mac is with her now and I'll be home from work on Monday. I have a feeling she's going to be chomping at the bit to get out of the house by then. She's not a very good patient!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    1) Don't eat until you feel hungry - true, physical hunger, not to be confused with mental or emotional hunger. Smaller meals!
    This is something I have to think about every day! Read something that I should adopt as my mantra:

    "If hunger is not the problems, food is not the solution!"

  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi y'all. I'm 51 and I'm from Texas. I'm trying to lose about 50 lbs and have lost 7 so far. I've been using MFP off and on for a few years, but just re-started my umpteenth attempt to do this. lol. Glad I found you all. Feel free to friend me if you want.
    Hi divamsm! What part of Texas? I've lived in Texas all my life -- currently live in Ft Worth. Glad you found us too! Welcome!!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Just for the record, I haven't changed my opinion and still vote for keeping the thread. I like to read everything and I am afraid that it would take me more time broken into different topics in a group. Mary

    i agree mary, i love to read all the post on the thread, the group(from what i know)would break things up to much......my vote keep the thread

    Me too...keep the thread!
    New people joining at the beginning of the year always make the thread much longer for the first couple of months or so. The thread I post on at the SouthBeach site had over 9000 posts in Jan, but is only up to about 4500 right now, with just a little over a week left in Feb.

    This thread got well into its 3rd page in Jan, but we may not get to that 3rd page this month. It's common for the threads to taper off after many of the people who were so gung ho about losing weight lose their focus and drop out (just make sure that isn't any of YOU!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ) 3 or 4 people that I friended from this site haven't logged on in several weeks, so the thread will likely become more manageable in another month or 2. Hang in there!!

  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Does anyone else struggle with a kind of dysmorphic view of their size? When I was at my highest I didn't see myself as large as I really was (I'm horrified when I look at pictures now - I honestly never realized I was that big) and now I'm still seeing myself as "fat" even though I'm assured that I'm not really. Kind of odd.

    I do!! When I look at myself in the mirror, I see that I'm overweight. But not to the extent that I see when I see myself in pictures!!

    I wouldn't know about the opposite perspective -- seeing yourself as heavy when your actually much thinner -- haven't been thin enough in recent memory to tell :happy: But I have read that part of the reason people develop eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia is because they are not able to see how thin they're getting.

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member

    Does anyone else struggle with a kind of dysmorphic view of their size? When I was at my highest I didn't see myself as large as I really was (I'm horrified when I look at pictures now - I honestly never realized I was that big) and now I'm still seeing myself as "fat" even though I'm assured that I'm not really. Kind of odd.

    This is me. I'm now in a size 8/10 (depending on brand) and I'm about 15 pounds from my goal weight and I probably feel fatter than I've ever felt before. I do have to be careful that I don't get obsessive although not eating and becoming anorexic is simply not an option. I like food too much. lol

    Went to the gym at six this morning. Really nice to be there when very few people are there. I really miss my trainer but just can't handle the three hours it takes out of my day to drive down to him (45 minutes each way in commuter traffic... ugh). I'm looking into some option closer to me but you know when you've worked with someone for over two years and seen amazing progress and good stuff happen it's hard to just move on to someone else. When I told him I couldn't do the drive anymore I felt like I was firing my son. lol

    Sewed nursery stuff for my daughter today, watched two grandkids this afternoon and have sat and watched the rain. That's about it for my day. :)